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Subfields of $\mathbb{C}$ isomorphic to $\mathbb{R}$ that have Baire property, without Choice

While sitting through my complex analysis class, beginning with a very low level introduction, the teacher mentioned the obvious subfield of $\mathbb{C}$ isomorphic to $\mathbb{R}$, and I then ...
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What algebraic properties are preserved by $\mathbb{N}\leadsto\beta\mathbb{N}$?

Given a binary operation $\star$ on $\mathbb{N}$, we can naturally extend $\star$ to a semicontinuous operation $\widehat{\star}$ on the set $\beta\mathbb{N}$ of ultrafilters on $\mathbb{N}$ as ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
19 votes
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The cofinality of $(\mathbb{N}^\kappa,\le)$ for uncountable $\kappa$?

For a partially ordered set $P$, a set $A\subseteq P$ is cofinal if for each element of $P$ there is a larger element in $A$. The cofinality of $P$, ${\rm cof}(P)$, is the minimal cardinality of a ...
Boaz Tsaban's user avatar
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Čech functions and the axiom of choice

A Čech closure function on $\omega$ is a function $\varphi:\mathcal P(\omega)\to\mathcal P(\omega)$ such that (i) $X\subseteq\varphi(X)$ for all $X\subseteq\omega$, (ii) $\varphi(\emptyset)=\emptyset$,...
bof's user avatar
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16 votes
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On projectively countable sets in the Hilbert cube

A subset $A$ of a topological space $X$ is called projectively countable if for any continuous map $f:X\to\mathbb R$ the image $f(A)$ is countable. It is easy to see that each projectively countable ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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14 votes
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Cardinality of the set of continuous functions

Suppose $(X,\tau)$ and $(Y,\sigma)$ are topological spaces. Let $F(X,Y)$ be the set of continuous functions $X\rightarrow Y$. I want to compute the cardinality of $F(X,Y)$. It depends not only on ...
Bugs Bunny's user avatar
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Small cardinals related to topological convergence

Recall that a topological space is called sequential if a set is closed if and only if it contains all limits of convergent sequences lying inside of it. A space $X$ is called Frechet if for every non-...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
13 votes
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A meager subgroup of the real line, which cannot be covered by countably many closed subsets of measure zero?

Is there a ZFC-example of a subgroup $H$ of the real line $\mathbb R$ such $H$ is meager, has zero Lebesgue measure, but cannot be covered by countably many closed subsets of measure zero in $\mathbb ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Is there a characterization of the class of first-order formulas that are closed in every compact Hausdorff structure?

Fix a relational language $\mathcal{L}$. (I don't think relational really matters that much but I don't want to worry about it.) A topological $\mathcal{L}$-structure is an $\mathcal{L}$-structure $M$ ...
James E Hanson's user avatar
12 votes
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L-spaces without convergent sequences

An L-space is a regular hereditarily Lindelof space which is not hereditarily separable. Consistent examples of L-spaces are relatively easy to come by (for example, Suslin Lines), but the first ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
12 votes
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Do the Laver tables converge to the Sierpinski triangle with a line segment sticking out in the hyperspace topology?

Let $(\{1,...,2^{n}\},*_{n})$ denote the $n$-th Laver table. Let $$C_{n}=\{(\frac{x}{2^{n}},\frac{x*_{n}y}{2^{n}})|x,y\in\{1,2,3,...,2^{n}\}\}$$ for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$. Then since $C_{n}$ is a ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
11 votes
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Can the nowhere dense sets be more complicated than the meager sets?

Suppose $X$ is a completely metrizable space with no isolated points. Let $\mathcal{ND}_X$ denote the ideal of nowhere dense subsets of $X$, and let $\mathcal{M}_X$ denote the ideal of meager subsets ...
Will Brian's user avatar
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Does any real function have a Lipschitzian restriction on $D$?

Does any real function have a Lipschitzian restriction on $D$, where $D$ is an infinite subset of $\Bbb R$ with an accumulation point?
Dattier's user avatar
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A ZFC-example of a countably compact paratopological group which is not a topological group

Problem. Does there exist a ZFC-example of a countably compact Hausdorff paratopological group which is not a topological group? (The problem posed 27 May 2015 by Alexander Ravsky on page 9 of Volume ...
Lviv Scottish Book's user avatar
10 votes
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Arhangel'skii's problem revisited

One of the most well-known problems in set-theoretic topology is Arhangel'skii's question of whether there exists a Lindelöf Hausdorff space with "points $G_\delta$" (meaning, every point is ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
10 votes
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Determinacy coincidence at $\omega_1$: is CH needed?

This is a follow-up to the last part of an old MSE answer of mine. Briefly, an analogue at $\omega_1$ of Steel's equivalence between clopen and open determinacy can be proved assuming $\mathsf{CH}$, ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Extending models of topological set theory

$\mathsf{GPK_\infty^+}$ is an alternative set theory in which we have comprehension for formulas which are positive in a certain sense; see the SEP article for more detail (or this MO post, which ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Undetermined Banach-Mazur games: beyond DC

This question is a follow-up to this one; see that question for the definition of Banach-Mazur games. There James Hanson showed that ZF+DC proves that there is an undetermined Banach-Mazur game; ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Is there a model of set theory in which $\mathfrak p< \mathfrak b < \mathfrak q$?

Is there a model of set theory in which $\mathfrak p< \mathfrak b < \mathfrak q$? Here $\mathfrak p$, $\mathfrak b$, $\mathfrak q$ are small uncountable cardinals: $\mathfrak p$ is the ...
Alexander Osipov's user avatar
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Cellular-Lindelöf: a common generalization of the Lindelöf property and the CCC

All spaces are assumed to be Hausdorff. Recall that a cellular family in the space $X$ is a family of pairwise disjoint non-empty open subspaces of $X$. The cellularity of $X$ ($c(X)$) is defined as ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
10 votes
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How much do idempotent ultrafilters generate in terms of semigroups?

It is known that the set of ultrafilters on, say, the natural numbers $\mathbb{N}$, can naturally be endowed with the structure of a compact topological left semigroup (which fails to be anything ...
Jakub Konieczny's user avatar
9 votes
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A $\mathsf{ZF}$ example of two Baire spaces whose product is not Baire?

Motivated by this question I'm looking for a pair of Baire topological spaces whose product is not Baire and whose construction does not need the axiom of choice. The example of such spaces I'm ...
Alessandro Codenotti's user avatar
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Two questions about universally measurable sets

I have two questions about universally measurable sets: (1) Is there a universally measurable set of reals which does not have the Baire property? (2) Is there a universally measurable set of reals ...
Ashutosh's user avatar
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Well-founded families of sets and topological convergence

Background/Motivation A space is scattered if every non-empty subset has an isolated point. A space is pseudoradial if every non-closed set contains a transfinite sequence (a well-ordered net) ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
8 votes
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Topological applications of $\mathfrak{p}=\mathfrak{t}$

I'm working on the Malliaris-Shelah's recent result of $\mathfrak{p}=\mathfrak{t}$, but I'm more interested in what possible topological applications can derivate from this equality. Searching in ...
Alexei0709's user avatar
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Universally meager spaces and large cardinals

Definition: (Todorcevic) A subset $A$ of a topological space $X$ is called universally meager if for every Baire space $Y$ and every continuous $f : Y \to X$ which is nowhere constant (not constant on ...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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When can we force two frames to be homeomorphic?

Recall that if $M,N$ are two structures of the same type, then $M$ is $\mathcal{L}_{\infty,\omega}$ elementarily equivalent to $N$ precisely when $M$ and $N$ are isomorphic in some forcing extension. ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
7 votes
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An open set which is not the union of a closed set and a countable set

The following fact is probably a known result: Fact. Let $X$ be an uncountable Polish space. Then there exists an open subset of $X$ which is not the union of a closed set and a countable set. Proof:...
Paolo Leonetti's user avatar
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The smallest cardinality of a cover of a group by algebraic sets

$\DeclareMathOperator\cov{cov}$A subset $A$ of a semigroup $X$ is called algebraic if $$A=\{x\in X: a_0xa_1x...xa_n=b\}$$ for some $b\in X$ and $a_0,a_1,...,a_n \in X^1=X\cup \{1\}$. The smallest ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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adding one point from the Stone-Cech compactification

Let $X$ be any non-compact Tychonoff space and $\beta X$ be its Stone-Čech compactification. The following fact is known: any point $p$ from the reminder $\beta X \setminus X$ is not a $G_{\delta}$-...
Arkady's user avatar
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Baire category of tall ideals

Problem. Is it consistent with ZFC that $\mathfrak t=\omega_1$ and each $\omega_1$-generated tall $P$-ideal is of the second Baire category? (Asked 01.10.2016 by David Chodounsky at page 20 of Volume ...
Lviv Scottish Book's user avatar
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Are there always large discrete families of normal measures?

Let $\kappa$ be a measurable cardinal. We give the Stone space of all ultrafilters on $\kappa$ the usual topology, where each $x\subseteq\kappa$ determines a basic open $[x]=\{U;x\in U\}$. The ...
Miha Habič's user avatar
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Remote points in $\beta X$

It is known that in general convergence by sequences is not enough to account for all points in $\beta X \setminus X$, where $\beta X$ refers to the Stone-Cech compactification of a topological space $...
noname's user avatar
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Closure properties of familes of $G_\delta$ sets.

Given a family of sets $G\subset P(X)$, can one characterize by "closure properties" alone whether or not $G$ arises as the family of all $G_\delta$ for some topology on $X$? some Polish space ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Every Polish space is the image of the Baire space by a continuous and closed map, reference

The following result was originally proven by Engelking in his 1969 paper On closed images of the space of irrationals (AMS, JSTOR, MR239571, Zbl 0177.25501) Every Polish space (i.e. every separable ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Failure of Baire's grand theorem when the hypothesis is weakened to separable metric space

The statement of Baire grand theorem gives a characterization of Baire class 1 functions between a completely metrizable separable space (aka Polish space) and a separable metrizable space. The ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Free sequences and the cardinality of a topological space

One way of formulating Arhangel'skii's celebrated theorem about the cardinality of Lindelof first-countable spaces is the following (due to Arhangel'skii and Shapirovskii). For every Hausdorff space $...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
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On the cellularity of the $G_\delta$-topology

Given a topological space $X$, let $X_\delta$ be the topology on $X$ generated by the $G_\delta$ subsets of $X$. Let $c(X)$ be the cellularity of $X$, that is, the supremum of cardinalities of ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
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Spaces where the Banach-Mazur game is undetermined

Let $X$ be a non-empty topological space. The Banach-Mazur game on $X$, $\textsf{BM}(X)$, is played as follows: Players I and II play an inning per positive integer. In the $n$-th inning Player I ...
Gabriel Medina's user avatar
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Is there a Lindelof $P$-space which is not discretely generated?

A space $X$ is: Lindelof if every open cover for $X$ has a countable subcover. A $P$-space if every $G_\delta$ subset of $X$ is open. Discretely generated if for every non-closed set $A \subset X$ ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
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Countably compact non-compact perfect spaces

Recall that a space is countably compact if every infinite set has an accumulation point. A space is perfect if every closed set is a countable intersection of open sets. One of the classical ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
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The Fubini property of the $\sigma$-ideal generated by closed subsets of measure zero

Question. Can a Borel subset $B\subset\mathbb R\times \mathbb R$ be covered by countably many closed sets of measure zero in the plane if for every $(a,b)\in\mathbb R\times\mathbb R$ the horisontal ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Large discrete subspaces in spaces of separately continuous functions

For topological spaces $X,Y,Z$ let $SC_p(X\times Y,Z)$ be the space of separately continuous functions $f:X\times Y\to Z$ endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence. It is easy to see that ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Continuous images of Cantor cubes

The original title of this question was "Is there only one (up to homeomorphism) zero-dimensional homogeneous dyadic space of weight $\mathfrak{c}$?". I changed it with the hope of getting a bit more ...
Ramiro de la Vega's user avatar
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Is the opposite of the category of $\kappa$-Lindelöf Hausdorff spaces locally presentable?

Gelfand duality tells us that the category of compact Hausdorff spaces (with continuous maps as morphisms) is contravariantly equivalent to the category of commutative, unital $C^\ast$-algebras (with $...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Do closed subsets of the generalised Cantor space have an analogue of the perfect set property?

For a regular uncountable cardinal $\kappa$, consider $2^\kappa$ with the "less than box topology" (tree topology? Easton/Bounded support topology?) in which basic open sets are of the form $...
Calliope Ryan-Smith's user avatar
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Does Tychonov's theorem directly imply Zorn's lemma?

This question was formerly posted on MSE without getting an answer. I know that Tychonov's theorem, Zorn's lemma, the axiom of choice, the well-...
Jochen Wengenroth's user avatar
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Can maximal filters of nowhere meager subsets of Cantor space be countably complete?

Let $X$ denote Cantor space. A subset $A\subseteq X$ is nowhere meager if for every non-empty open $U\subseteq X$, we have $A\cap U$ non-meager. We call $\mathcal{F}\subseteq \mathcal{P}(X)$ a maximal ...
Andy's user avatar
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Two cardinal characteristics of the continuum, related to the Bohr topology on integers

For a subset $A\subseteq\mathbb T$ of the unit circle $\mathbb T=\{z\in\mathbb C:|z|=1\}$, let $\tau_A$ be the smallest topology on the additive group of integers $\mathbb Z$ such that for every $z\in ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Who should be attributed for the definition of almost disjoint families of true cardinality $\mathfrak{c}$?

A family $\mathcal{A}$ of infinite subsets of $\omega$ is called almost disjoint if for any two distinct sets $a, b \in \mathcal{A}$, the intersection $a\cap b$ is finite. An almost disjoint family $\...
Sergio Garcia's user avatar