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Questions tagged [rational-homotopy-theory]

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11 votes
1 answer

rational homotopy of a manifold

Given a finite dim rational homotopy type satisfying Poincaré duality, what is the best reference to when it is the rational homotopy type of a fin dim manifold?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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38 votes
2 answers

Finite complexes whose homotopy groups are not "finitely generated"

I'll say $K$ has "finitely generated" homotopy groups if there is a finite wedge of spheres $W = \bigvee S^{n_i}$ and a map $f: W\to K$ which induces a surjection on $\pi_*$. It seems likely that ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

rationalization of classifying spaces

This question is probably trivial for anyone who is more familiar with rational homotopy theory than me, but anyway: Let $G$ be a simply-connected topological group. In particular, it is an $H$-...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Rational homotopy groups of a projective hypersurface

Let $X$ be a smooth projective hypersurface in $\mathbb{P}^n$. Has anyone computed the rational homotopy groups $\pi_i(X)\otimes \mathbb{Q}$ of $X$? I tried Google, but did not find anything. One ...
H. Tzyn's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Rational parameterized spectra

Consider the homotopical category of rational dg-modules. I suppose this ought to present the rationalization of the homotopy theory of parameterized spectra. Has such "rational parameterized stable ...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Equivariant cohomology of finite group actions and invariant cohomology classes

Let $W$ be a finite group acting on a space $X$. In what generality is it true that $H^*_W(X) = H^* (X)^W$? We always have a map $H^*_W(X) \rightarrow H^* (X)^W$, but it is certainly not an ...
Edgar's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is there a proof of the formality of configuration spaces of Euclidean spaces that do not involve operads?

By "configuration spaces of $\mathbb{R}^n$" I mean ordered configuration spaces:$$\operatorname{Conf}_k(\mathbb{R}^n) = \{ (x_1,\dots,x_k) \in (\mathbb{R}^n)^k \mid x_i \neq x_j, \, \forall i \neq j \}...
Najib Idrissi's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Rational homotopy type of rational mapping spaces

I was interested in the question of figuring out the rational homotopy type of mapping spaces (regular or rational) between two algebraic varieties over $\mathbb{C}$. I encountered the following paper ...
user127776's user avatar
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