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Eigenvalues of Witten Laplacian induced by log-concave probability measure on manifold

Let $M$ be a closed $n$-dimensional Riemannian manifold and let $\mu=e^{-V}d\mathrm{vol}_M$ be a log-concave probability measure on $M$, such that the pair $(M,\mu)$ verifies the so-called Bakry-Emery ...
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Concentration of sample covariance for dependent data

Let $X_1, \ldots, X_T$ are sub-Gaussian random vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$ coming from a common distribution with population covariance $\Sigma$. If they are independent, it is known that the sample ...
De vinci's user avatar
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Spectral approximation of $(XX^\top/d)\circ(X\Sigma_dX^\top/d)$ where $X$ is an $n \times d$ random matrix with iid rows from $N(0,\Sigma_d)$

Let $X \in \mathbb R^{n \times d}$ be a random matrix with iid rows from $N(0,\Sigma_d)$ where $\Sigma_d$ is a $d \times d$ psd matrix verifying w.h.p, $\mbox{trace}(\Sigma_d/d)= 1$. $\|\Sigma_d\|_{...
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Asymptotic lower and upper bounds for the eigenvalues of hadamard product $W \circ W$, where $W$ is a large Wishart matrix

Let $n$ and $d$ be large positive integers with $n,d \to \infty$ such that $n/d \to \gamma \in (0,\infty)$. Let $X$ be a random $n \times d$ random matrix with iid copies of log-concave isotropic ...
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High-probability lower bound for norm of least squares solution when both design matrix $X$ and response vector $y$ are random (and independent)

Let $n,d \to \infty$ with $n/d \to \gamma \in (0,\infty)$. Let $X$ be a random $n \times d$ matrix independent rows uniformly distributed on the the unit-sphere in $\mathbb R^d$ and let $y$ be a ...
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Concentration inequalities for sets

Assume that we have a random set $B$ which is constructed by selecting elements from $U = \{ X_1, \dots, X_n \}$ where $X_i$ are independent samples from Gaussians with means $\mu_i$ and variances $\...
bolzano's user avatar
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Approximate any point of the interval $[-1/2,1/2]$ by the sum of $n$ iid uniform random variables from $[-1,1]$

Let $x \in [-1/2,1/2]$ and $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ be drawn iid from the uniform distribution on $[-1,1]$. Question. Given $\varepsilon \ge 0$ an integer $k \in [1,n]$, what is a good lower-bound on the ...
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An upper bound on $\mathbb{E}\bigg[\bigg(\sum_{i=1}^{k}(X^{\top}A_{i}X)^{2}\bigg)^{q}\bigg]$

Let $X\in\mathbb{R}^{d}$ have independent, mean zero subgaussian entries, and $A_{1},\ldots,A_{k}$ be fixed $d\times d$ matrices that have zeros on the diagonal. I would like to upper bound the ...
nemo's user avatar
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Concentration inequalities for beta random variables

Let $X$ be a random variable having a beta distribution $$f(x)=\frac{\Gamma(\alpha)\Gamma(\beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta)}x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}$$with mean $\mu=\frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\beta}$, and ...
Juan Jacobs's user avatar
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McDiarmid's Inequality bounding deviation with multiplicative error?

Fix $m$ arbitrary values $x_1, x_2, ..., x_m$ in $[0,1]$, and an integer $n$. Obtain $n$-set $S$ by drawing $n \le m$ times randomly without replacement from $\{1,2,..,m\}$. Define r.v. $X = \sum_{i ...
Neal Young's user avatar
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Mean width of intersection of two elipsoid

My question is regarding mean widths. For a set $\mathcal{T}$ define the mean width \begin{align*} \omega(T)=\mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{g}\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\mathbf{I})}\bigg[\underset{\mathbf{u}\in\mathcal{...
Anahita's user avatar
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Matrices with i.i.d. Heavy tail Columns

I'm wondering if there are any known results about minimum eigenvalue of matrices with i.i.d. heavy tailed columns. In particular, Theorem 5.62 of Roman Vershynin's notes (http://www-personal.umich....
mohi's user avatar
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Intuitive (?) inequality extremal inequality

Consider $N$ pairs of random variables $(X_i, Y_i)$. $X_i$ are iid, with $EX_i=0$ and $EX_i^2=1$. The same conditions hold for $Y_i$. Moreover all $X_i$ are independent of all $Y_j$. It seems very ...
gappy3000's user avatar
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Convergence rate of Pearson correlation matrix

I am interested in (rather sharp if not the finest) tail/concentration bounds for the Pearson correlation matrix: let $X_1,\ldots,X_N \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$ be correlated random variables; let $\rho(...
mic's user avatar
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Tail bounds for suprema of random processes

Classical results concerning concentration of Gaussian random variables due to Cirelson, Ibragimov and Sudakov say that if $V_1,\cdots,V_n$ are jointly Gaussian with variance bounded by $1$, then (...
Roy Han's user avatar
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What is the concentration of measure for Gaussian random variables which are independent, but are transformed?

This might be a too easy question for Mathoverflow, but Googling led to similar questions and answers here (though not the one I was looking for). The question is split into two: I have a matrix $X \...
kloop's user avatar
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Concentration bound in high min entropy distribution

Let $(X_{1},\dots,X_{m})$ be joint distribution on $\{0,1\}^{m}$ with that $H_{\infty}(X_{1},\cdots,X_{m})\geq m-r$, where $H_{\infty}$ means min-entropy. Let $P_{1},...,P_{n}\subseteq [m]$ be sets ...
Jiapeng's user avatar
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Beating the $1/\sqrt n$ rate of uniform-convergence over a linear function class

Let $P$ be a probability distribution on $\mathbb R^d \times \mathbb R$, and let $(x_1,y_1), \ldots, (x_n,y_n)$ be an iid sample of size $n$ from $P$. Fix $\epsilon,t\gt 0$. For any unit-vector $w \in ...
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For $x_1,...,x_n$ iid random on sphere of radius $\sqrt{d}$ in $R^d$, what is a good upper-bound on min distance of $x_{n}$ from the other $x_i$'s?

Let $n$ and $d$ be large positive integers with $n \le d^\gamma$, for some absolute constant $\gamma>0$; i.e., $n$ is at most polynomial in $d$. Let $x_1,\ldots,x_n,x_{n+1}$ be drawn iid from the ...
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Concentration inequality for the supremum of $L_2$ norm of a vector-valued Gaussian process with iid components

Let $\Omega$ be a compact subset of $\mathbb R^p$ and let $f_1,\ldots,f_k$ be zero mean identically distrubuted Gaussian processes on $\Omega$ such that $f_1(x),\ldots,f_k(x)$ are independent $x \in \...
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Finite-sample deviation bound of empirical distribution from true distribution

Let $P=(p_1,\ldots,p_k) \in \Delta_k$ be distribution supported on set of size $k$ and let $\hat{P}_n$ be an empirical version of $P$ based on an iid sample of size $n$. Question What's a good non-...
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How does Chernoff-Hoeffding bound with limited independence reduce to the usual generic CH bound with complete independence

As the title might suggest, I am referring to this paper , titled : Chernoff-Hoeffding Bounds for Application with Limited Independence. The theorem in ...
some1fromhell's user avatar
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Anti-concentration of gaussian variable

Let $X$ be $\mathcal{N}(\mu,\sigma^2)$ gaussian. Its expectation $\mu$ is positive. Can we derive a lower bound on $$\mathbb{P}(X\geq\epsilon)\geq g(\epsilon,\mu,\sigma) \text{ where } \epsilon\leq\mu$...
tony's user avatar
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Bound error in approximating $E_x [H(f(x))]$ with random $(1/n) \sum_{i=1}^n \Phi(f(x_i)/h)$ where $H$ is Heaviside function and $\Phi$ is normal CDF

Let $f:\mathbb R^d \to \mathbb R$ be a "sufficiently smooth" function. For simplicity, we may consider $f$ to be an affine function, i.e $f(x) \equiv b-x^\top w$, for some $(w,b) \in \mathbb ...
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Approximate $\log \mathbb E_P[\exp(th(x)]$ for a function $h$ which is lipschitz and has finite moments of order 1 and 2 w.r.t $P$

Let $P$ be a probability measure on a space $\mathcal X$ and $h: \mathcal X \rightarrow \mathbb R$ is measurable function with finite moments of order 1 and 2. I'm interested in approximating the ...
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Use covering number to get uniform concentration from pointwise concentration

Let $\Theta$ be a subset of a metric space. Suppose $(X_\theta)_{\theta \in \Theta}$ is a random process on $\Theta$ which is $L$-Lipschitz and with the property that there exists constants $A, B>0$...
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Hypothesis to guarantee Lindeberg's condition

Imagine to have a set of random variables $\{ X_i \}_{i=1}^{n}$ independent (Non identically distributed). In these scenario, if the Lindeberg's condition hold we can extend the result of the CLT, i.e....
user1172131's user avatar
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Gaussian width of intersection of cube and ball in high-dimensional euclidean space

Let $d$ be a large positive integer and fix $r \ge 0$. Set $S := B_2^n \cap [-r,r]^d$, where $B_2^d$ is the euclidean unit-ball in $\mathbb R^d$. Finally, let $\omega(S)$ be the Gaussian width of $S$, ...
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Concentration bound for sum of indicators of maximum value of k combinations

Let $X_1, \dots, X_n$ be i.i.d. random variables distributed as $\mathrm{Exp}(\lambda)$ for some $\lambda > 0$ and let $t > 0$. For every combination $J$ of $k$ of these variables, we define $...
bolzano's user avatar
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Tail bound on the RKHS norm of a zero-mean Gaussian process

Let $f \sim \mathcal{GP}(0, K)$ be a zero-mean Gaussian process defined on a compact set $\mathcal{D} \subset \mathbb{R}^d$, where $K \colon \mathcal{D} \times \mathcal{D} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ is ...
Steve's user avatar
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Convergence of quadratic form $y^T Q y$ where $y$ is a random iid sequence of length $n$ and $Q$ is an $n \times n$ random matrix independent of $y$

For each positive integer, let $Q_n=(q_{i,j})_{i,j \in [n]}$ be a random $n \times n$ psd matrix. In the limit $n \to \infty$, suppose the eigenvalues of this sequence of matrices are uniformly ...
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Tail bound regime for Binomial distribution in concentration paper

In paper 'Concentration Inequalities and Martingale Inequalities:A Survey' gives the following inequality: My question is whether the inequality holds in regime $\lambda$ being $o(\sqrt n)$ (say $\...
VS.'s user avatar
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Lower-bound probability of non-centered quadratic form

Let $X\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2I)\in \mathbb{R}^n$ be a non-centered ($\mu\neq 0$) Gaussian vector with independent coordinates. I'm wondering if there is any sharp lower bound of the following probability: ...
neverevernever's user avatar
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Sharp tail bounds for the maximum of an iid sample of a random variable supported on $[0, 1]$

Let $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ be an iid sample from a distribution supported on $[0, 1]$. Question What are some sharp concentration inequalities (i.e tail bounds) empirical statistic defined by $Z_n := \max(...
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On concentration of a sum random variable

Take a random variable defined as $$r=u_{11}v_{1}v_{1}+u_{12}v_{1}v_{2}+\dots+u_{n,n-1}v_{n}v_{n-1}+u_{nn}v_{n}v_{n}$$ where $v_{i}$ are independent uniform random variables from $\{0,\dots,b\}$, $u_{...
Turbo's user avatar
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Concentration inequality for square roots

Given a sequence of (not-necessarily-iid) real-valued random variables $X_n$ that converge to $a\in\mathbb{R}$ in probability, suppose we have an exponential concentration inequality of the form $$ P(|...
tim523's user avatar
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Anti-concentration inequality for the eigenvalue of Gaussian matrix

Let $f(x) = f(x_1, . . . , x_n)$ be a polynomial of degree $d$ and $\text{Var}[f] = 1$. One result by Carbery and Wright shows that for any $t\in\mathbb{R}$ and $ε > 0$, $$ \text{Pr}_{x\sim N^n}[|f(...
qmww987's user avatar
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$L_1$ norm concentration of an empirical distribution

Suppose we have one random variable $X$, whose sample space is $\mathbb{X}=\{x_1,x_2,\dots,x_m\}$, and the size of the sample space is $m$. We have $N$ i.i.d. samples from this distribution, and $x_i$ ...
white's user avatar
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Concentration of a certain simple / well-structured random multilinear polynomial with growing degree

Let $k$ and $N_1$ be positive integers and set $N=kN_1$. Partition $[N] := \{1,2,\ldots,N\}$ $k$ disjoint from $G_1,\ldots,G_k$ of each of size $N_1$, and let $\mathcal T(k,N_1)$ be a transversal of ...
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Rademacher complexity of function class $(x,y) \mapsto 1[|yf(x)-\alpha| \ge \beta]$ in terms of $\alpha$, $\beta$, and Rademacher complexity of $F$

Let $X$ be a measurable space and let $P$ be a probability distribution on $X \times \{\pm 1\}$. Let $F$ be a function class on $X$, i.e., a collection of (measurable) functions from $X$ to $\mathbb R$...
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Limiting value of $\dfrac{1_n^\top B^{-1} A B^{-1} 1_n}{d}$, where $A=WW^\top + a I_n$, $B = WW^\top + b I_n$, and $W \sim N(0,\Sigma_d)$

Let $n$ and $d$ be positive integers with $$ n,d \to \infty, \quad n/d \to \rho \in (0,\infty). $$ Let $\Sigma_d$ be a psd matrix such that $\mbox{trace}(\Sigma_d) = 1$. $\|\Sigma_d\|_{op} = \mathcal ...
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Lower-bound for $\mathbb E[e^{-b(v^\top X - c)^2}]$, when $X$ is log-concave in high-dimensions

Let $d$ be a large positive integer. Fix a unit-vector $v \in \mathbb R^d$, and scalars $b,c \in \mathbb R$ with $b > 0$. Let $X$ be a log-concave random vector in $\mathbb R^d$ normalized so that ...
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Anti-concentration of inner product of a uniform unit norm vector with another vector

I have a question, which is necessary at one step of my research. Suppose that $X$ is a uniform random vector on the unit sphere $$S^{d-1} := \{x \in \mathbb{R}^d: \|x\|_2 = 1\}~.$$ Is there any ...
Probabilist's user avatar
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Bounds for the extreme singular-values of random matrix with thresholded entries

Let $n,d,k$ be large positive integers such that $\max(n/d,k/d) =: \lambda < 1$. Let $X$ be a random $n \times d$ matrix with entries drawn iid from $N(0,1/d)$ and let $W$ be a $k \times d$ random ...
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Central limit theorem for chi-squared random field on $\mathbb R^p$

Let $X:x \mapsto X(x)$ be a centered stationary Gaussian process on the $\Omega:=\mathbb R^p$, such that $X(x) \overset{d}{=}X(x')$ for all $x,x' \in \Omega$. Set $\sigma^2 := \mbox{Var}(X(0)) = \...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Characterization of random variables whose tensor powers have subexponential "small-ball" probabilities

Is there a succinct characterization of all random variables $\zeta$ on $\mathbb R$ with the following properties 1. Symmetry: $\zeta \overset{d}{=} - \zeta$. 2. Small-ball probability: there exists ...
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Upper bound for $\mathbb P(|f(A+XX^T)-f(A)| > \epsilon)$, where $A$ is a fixed pd matrix and $X$ has random iid entries

Let $A$ be a fixed $n$ by $n$ real symmetric positive definite matrix with eigenvalues $\lambda_1 \ge \lambda_2 \ge \ldots \ge \lambda_n > 0$, and let $f(A):=\sum_{i=1}^n\log\lambda_i$, and let $X$ ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Use $\mathbb{P}(\vert \hat{s}_n-s\vert > x)\leq a(n,x)$ and $\mathbb{P}(\vert \hat{s}_n-s_n\vert > x)\leq b(n,x)$ to bound $\vert s_n - s\vert$

Let $s, s_n\in\mathbb{R}$ and $\hat{s}_n$ be a random variable. I have two concentration inequalities: $$\mathbb{P}(\vert \hat{s}_n-s\vert > x)\leq a(n,x)$$ for all $n\geq1$ and $x>0$; and $$\...
C. Trudon's user avatar
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Sketching Frobenius norm of a tensor with a rank-1 random tensor

Let $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n^k}$ be a $k$-dimensional tensor with $n$ elements along each dimension. Moreover suppose $u_1,u_2,\dots,u_k\sim\text{Unif}(\pm1)^n$ are $n$ dimensional vectors with each of ...
kvphxga's user avatar
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Bounds on difference between "logsumexp" and variance?

Let $Z$ be a random variable with finite moment-generating function $M_Z(\theta):=E[e^{\frac{1}{\theta}Z}]<\infty$ for all $\theta > 0$, and for $\delta \in (0,1]$, define $C_Z^\delta := \inf_{\...
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