$\newcommand\ep\epsilon\newcommand\si\sigma\newcommand\vpi\varphi$By shifting and rescaling, without loss of generality $\mu=0$ and $\sigma=1$. Then many lower bounds on $P(X\ge t)$ are available in the form of algebraic expressions in terms of $t$ and $\vpi(t)$, where $\vpi$ is the standard normal density. E.g., one has
$$P(X\ge t)>p(t):=\frac{t\vpi(t)}{1+t^2}$$
for $t>0$; see e.g. the Laplace continued fraction (16) for $R(t):=P(X\ge t)/\vpi(t)$. Note that $p(t)$ is decreasing in $t\ge t_*:=\sqrt{\sqrt2-1}=0.643\ldots$.
For $t\in(0,t_*]$, one can use the following:
$$P(X\ge t)=\frac12-\int_0^t du\,\vpi(u)
=\frac12-\vpi(0)\int_0^t du\,\sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{(-u^2/2)^k}{k!} \\
=\frac12-\vpi(0)\sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{(-1)^k t^{2k+1}}{k!(2k+1)2^k}>l_{2m}(t)
:=\frac12-\vpi(0)\sum_{k=0}^{2m}\frac{(-1)^k t^{2k+1}}{k!(2k+1)2^k}$$
for any $m=0,1,\dots$; actually, the inequality $P(X\ge t)>l_{2m}(t)$ holds for all real $t>0$. In particular, $l_0(t)=\frac12-\vpi(0)t$ and $l_2(t)=\frac12-\vpi(0)(t-t^3/6+t^5/40)$.
Alternatively, for $t\in[0,t_*]$ one can use formula (7) from the linked paper.
As an illustration, below are graphs
- $\{(t,P(X\ge t))\colon 0<t<2\}$ (black);
- $\{(t,\max[l_0(t),p(t)])\colon 0<t<2\}$ (green);
- $\{(t,p(t))\colon 0<t<2\}$ (dotted blue and then green);
- $\{(t,l_0(t))\colon 0<t<2\}$ (green and then dotted red);
- $\Big\{\Big(t,\dfrac{1-\sqrt{2e}\,t}2\Big)\colon 0<t<t_0\Big\}$ for some $t_0\in(1,2)$ (orange), regarding the lower bound $1-\sqrt{2e}\,t$ on $P(|X|\ge t)=2P(X\ge t)$ at the end of the other answer;
- $\Big\{\Big(t,\dfrac{\max[l_2(t),p(t)]}{P(X\ge t)}\Big)\colon 0<t<6\Big\}$ (magenta).
We see that the lower bound $\max[l_2(t),p(t)]$ on $P(X\ge t)$ is close to $P(X\ge t)$ for all real $t>0$ and very close to $P(X\ge t)$ for $t\in(0,1]$ and for large $t$.
Using mentioned results, we can get however close (even though somewhat more complicated) lower (and upper bounds) on $P(X\ge t)$.
To get lower bounds on $P(X\ge t)$ for real $t<0$, simply write $P(X\ge t)=1-P(X\le t)=1-P(X\ge|t|)$ and then use upper bounds on $1-P(X\ge|t|)$ from the cited paper and/or the inequality $P(X\ge|t|)<l_{2m+1}(|t|)$ for $m=0,1,\dots$. This way, you e.g. get
$$P(X\ge t)>1-\min\Big(\frac{\vpi(t)}{|t|},l_{2m+1}(|t|)\Big)$$
for real $t<0$.