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An unnatural martingale

What is an example of a real valued stochastic process $X$, and a filtration $\mathcal F_t$ such that $X$ is a martingale with respect to $\mathcal F_t$ but not it’s natural filtration? Either ...
Nate River's user avatar
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When is every Levy martingale of a process a continuous martingale?

Let $X_t$ be a real valued stochastic process, and $\mathcal H_t$ the the natural filtration of $X_t$. Under what conditions on $X$ does the following statement hold? For every $\mathcal H_\infty$-...
Nate River's user avatar
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UMD constant of finite dimensional spaces

For a Banach space $B$, its one-sided Unconditional Martingale Difference (UMD) constant $C^-_p$ (for $p \in (1,\infty)$) is the smallest value such that for all $B$-valued martingale difference ...
Marco's user avatar
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$\exists c \in\mathbb{R}_+^*,\forall p,r\in \mathbb{R}_+,E[|X_{p+r}-X_r||\mathcal{F}_r] \leq c$ implies the optional stopping theorem

Consider a integrable submartingale $(X_r)_{r \in \mathbb{R}_+}$ relative to $(\mathcal{F}_{r})_{r \in \mathbb{R}_+}$ and such that $$\exists c \in \mathbb{R}_+^*,\forall k \in \mathbb{N},E[|X_{k+1}-...
Kurt.W.X's user avatar
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$L^p$-convergence of submartingale

Let $p\geq1.$ Consider a $\mathcal{F}_k$-submartingale $(X_k)_k$ in $L^p.$ We can prove easily that $(X_k)_k$ converges in $L^p$ if and only if $(|X_k|^p)_k$ is uniformly integrable. If $(X_k)_k$ was ...
Kurt.W.X's user avatar
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Does there exist an almost surely differentiable martingale?

Does there exist a continuous time martingale $X_t$ not a.s. constant in $t$ that is almost surely everywhere differentiable?
Nate River's user avatar
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A semimartingale interpolation problem

This question is a direct extension of this one. Let $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_t)_{t\geq 0},\mathbb{P})$ be a stochastic basis and let $N\in\mathbb{Z}^+$, $T>0$, $\{t_n\}_{n=1}^{N}$ be a ...
Joe_Affine's user avatar
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Does a sequence that verifies the assumptions of a square integrable martingale on some event need to be convergent on this event?

I came across this claim by reading some literature on stochastic approximation. Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{A}, \mathbb{P}$) be a probability space, $(\mathcal{F}_n)$ a filtration on it. Let $(\epsilon_{n}...
J. Doe's user avatar
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If a process is periodic on average with mutually incommensurable periods, is the process a martingale?

Motivation: If a continuous function on the real line is periodic with periods $p_1, p_2 > 0$ such that $\frac{p_1}{p_2}$ is irrational, then the function is constant. Is there a probabilistic ...
Nate River's user avatar
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If the moving average of a process is a martingale, is the process a martingale?

Problem set up: Let $\mathcal F_t$ be a filtration satisfying the usual conditions. Let $T > 0$ be a fixed real number, and define the filtration $\mathcal H_t := \mathcal F_{T + t}$. Suppose a ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Weaker than martingale condition

Let $\mathcal{F}_n$ be a filtration and $S_n$ be a sequence such that $\mathbb{E}[S_n-S_{n-1}|\mathcal{F}_{n-2}]=0$ for all $n$. This condition is similar to the martingale condition but the ...
legon's user avatar
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Decomposition of reversed processes

Consider a reversed filtration $(\mathcal{F}_k)_{k \geq 0} $ $(\mathcal{F}_{k+1} \subset\mathcal{F}_k),$ $(X_k)_{k \geq0}$ is a processes in $L^1,\mathcal{F}_k$-adapted. Is it possible to decompose $...
Kurt.W.X's user avatar
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Almost supermartingale and a.s convergence

After reading a paper on the convergence of almost supermartingale, the following result appeared: If $(X_k)_k,(Y_k)_k,(W_k)_k$ are three $(\mathcal{F}_k)$-adapted processes taking values in $\mathbb{...
Kurt.W.X's user avatar
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Moment generating function of a stopped process from Wald's identity

In an exercise I am asked to prove the following Wald's identities: let $S_n$ be a simple random walk and $T$ a stopping time. Then for all $\lambda \in \mathbb R,$ $$ \mathbb E(e^{\lambda S_1}) = 1 \...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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How can we use Martingales to identify an unknown particle?

Suppose there is a particle in a box. We are interested in identifying what type of particle it is, but are not allowed look inside the box. All we can do is observe the particles that are entering ...
Daron's user avatar
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Martingales associated with heat equation

I am trying to learn the connection between Brownian motion and heat equation (in the spirit of Feynman-Kac, for example, here). I read (Michael E. Taylor's PDE book, Volume II, Chapter 11, ...
SMS's user avatar
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Is a stopped Ito-integral integrable if the Ito integrand is only square-integrable on an open interval?

Assume a filtered probability space $(\Omega,\{\mathcal F_t\}_{t\in[0;T)}, \mathbb P)$ with an $\mathbb R^n$-valued Brownian motion $\{W_t\}_{t\in[0;T)}$ and the filtration $\{\mathcal F_t\}_{t\in[0;T)...
Kolodez's user avatar
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Conditions for existence of a semi-martingale representing a system of probability measures

Let $(\nu_t)_{t \in [0,1]}$ be Borel probability measures on a stochastic basis $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_{t \in [0,1]})_t,\mathbb{P})$. Does there exist a semi-martingale $(X_t)_{t\in[0,1]}$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Local martingale but not martingale

For a 3-dimensional Brownian motion $B = (B_t, t ≥ 0)$ and $x ∈ \mathbb{R}^3 \backslash \{0\}$ define the process $Y = (Y_t, t ≥ 0)$ via $Y_t =\frac{1}{|B_t+x|}$ how come this is a continuous local ...
Martin Weizenguss's user avatar
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Understanding the space of parameters in a covariance matrix of conditional expectations

Let $\{(Y_n, Z_n)\}_{n=-\infty}^{n=\infty}$ be a zero-mean jointly stationary Gaussian process where $Z$ takes values in $\mathbb{R}$ and $Y$ takes values in $\mathbb{R}^k$. Here, $n$ runs over the ...
Hedonist's user avatar
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The min of the mean of iid exponential variables

Let $X_1, \ldots, X_n, \ldots$ be iid exponential random variables with mean 1. It is well-known that $\min_{1\le j < \infty} \frac{X_1 + \cdots + X_j}{j}$ follows the uniform distribution U(0,1). ...
John Wong's user avatar
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Semimartingale decomposition and filtrations

In short: I am trying to understand how the decomposition of a semimartingale into its local martingale and finite variation components depends on the filtration we are using. So, taking a toy example,...
Tartrate's user avatar
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Exponential inequality for the sum of martingale differences $X_1, \dots, X_n$ when $\sum_{i=1}^{n} \operatorname{Var}(X_i) \leq B^2$

Let $X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n$ be a martingale difference sequence such that $$ X_i \leq y \quad \text{and} \quad \sum_{i=1}^{n} \operatorname{Var}(X_i) \leq B^2. $$ Question 1: Does the following hold? $$...
Siam's user avatar
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Martingale derivation by direct calculation

I'm reading the proof of a theorem and stumbled across the following derivation which I cannot replicate myself. Let $W(t)$ be a $Q$-martingale and be given by $W(t) = B(t) + \mu t$ with $B(t)$ a ...
James's user avatar
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Identity involving the probability that a random walk stays below a curve

I'm looking for a direct proof of the following identity: Let $W_n$ be a simple random walk with $W_0=0$. For all $x>0$ we have $$ \lim _{N\to \infty} \sqrt{N} \cdot \mathbb P \Big( \forall n \le ...
Dor's user avatar
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English translation of "Une inégalité pour martingales à indices multiples et ses applications"

Does anyone know of a English translation of "Une inégalité pour martingales à indices multiples et ses applications" by Renzo Cairoli. Or could translate the statement of the martingale ...
user123124's user avatar
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On the speed of divergence of the converse of the Strong law of large numbers

By the converse of the strong law of large numbers, we know that, given a sequence of i.i.d random variables $X_1,X_2,\dots$ such that $\mathbb{P}(X_1 \ge 0)=1$ and $\mathbb{E}X_1= \infty$, then I ...
Kernel's user avatar
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Probability in Chromatic number upper bound of induced subgraph

Let $G=(V, E)$ be a graph with chromatic number $\chi(G)=1000 .$ Let $U \subset V$ be a random subset of $V$ chosen uniformly from among all $2^{|V|}$ subsets of $V$. Let $H=G[U]$ be the induced ...
Ever Garden's user avatar
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Martingale convergence theorem in Polya's urn

I want to get checked if my attempt is okay. First off, let me shortly describe what Polya's urn is: A certain urn initially contains a red and a blue ball. We now repeatedly do the following : we ...
Math is like Friday's user avatar
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Proof of extended supermartingale convergence theorem

There is a supermartingale convergence theorem which is often cited in texts which use Stochastic Approximation Theory and Reinforcement Learning, in particular the famous book "Neuro-dynamic ...
FourierFlux's user avatar
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Is there an i.i.d sequence in the unit cube $[-1,1]^d$ with $\mathbb E \left[ \Big \| \sum_{i=1}^N X_N \Big \|_\infty\right] = \sqrt {dN}$?

There are loads of concentration results for sums of scalar-valued independent sums $X_1,X_2,\ldots, X_N$ with $\mathbb E[X_n]=0$. For example Hoeffding's Inequality says if all $|X_1|\le 1$ then $\...
Daron's user avatar
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Martingale optional stopping before a stopping time

Here’s an easy one, I hope: Suppose $\tau$ is a stopping time and $(M_t)$ is a martingale which together satisfy the hypotheses of the optional stopping theorem so that $\mathbb{E}[M_\tau]= \mathbb{E}...
John's user avatar
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Delayed Pólya's urn process

The standard Pólya's urn process can be stated as follows: You have an urn with red and green balls. At any time unit you choose one ball at random, note the colour, and give the ball back. At the ...
Matjaž Krnc's user avatar
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Length of longest subsequence as a martingale

Consider a sequence of continuous random variables $(X_n)_{n \geq 1}$. Let $Y_n$ denote the longest increasing subsequence in the tuple $(X_1,\dots,X_n)$. Does $Y_n$ form a martingale? If not, can I ...
Clement Yung's user avatar
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Expected number of games for three-player gambler's ruin

Three gamblers each start with $a$, $b$ and $c$ chips, respectively. In each round of the game, a gambler is selected uniformly at random to give up one chip, and one of the remaining two gamblers is ...
Clement Yung's user avatar
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Expected supremum of normalised random walk

Let $X^i\in \mathbb R^d$ be iid. random variables for $i=1$ to $n$. Assume $\mathbb E[X^i]=0$ and the covariance matrix $\mathbb C[X^i] = \mathbb E[X^iX^{iT}] = I$ is the identity matrix. Define $S^k=...
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle's user avatar
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Embedding a continuous-time martingale in Brownian motion

Using the Skorohod embedding, we can embed any square-integrable discrete time martingale $(M_n)$ into a Brownian motion, obtaining times $(T_n)$ such that $(B(T_n))_{n\ge 0}$ is a version of $(M_n)$. ...
Eric Foxall's user avatar
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Wiener isometry for semimartingales

Suppose that $Y_t$ is a special square-integrable $\mathbb{R}$-valued semi-martingale and let $\mathcal{L}^2(Y)$ denote the set of $Y$-predictable processes satisfying $$ \mathbb{E}\left[ \int_0^{\...
ABIM's user avatar
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Martingales and intersection of random walks

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a graph with $n$ vertices. Consider a pair of independent simple random walks $(X,Y)$ on the graph, each of length $L$ starting from a node $v \in V$. We denote a length-$L$ random ...
Kcafe's user avatar
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Bernstein Inequality for continous local martingale

I'm looking for a simple proof of the following fact, which is somehow Bernstein inequality in continuous time. Let $(M_t)_{t\geq 0}$ be a continuous local martingale. Then : $$P\left(\sup_{t\in [0,...
Gericault's user avatar
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For a martingale $f_0,f_1,\ldots $ how can we bound $P(\frac{1}{n} \|f_n\| \le 1$ for all $ n \ge N)$?

Suppose $f_0,f_1, \ldots$ is a martingale (or i.i.d sequence) in $\mathbb R^d$ with $f_0=0$ and all $\|f_n - f_{n-1}\| \le L$ say. There are many concentration results for the initial segment of the ...
Daron's user avatar
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Do i.i.d. sums concentrate any faster than martingales?

Suppose $X_1,X_2, \ldots, X_N \in \mathbb R^d$ are random variables with each $\|X_n\|_2 \le 1/2$ (this choice of the constant simplifies later formulae). The simplest concentration inequality I know ...
Daron's user avatar
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Concavity, martingales and stopping time

Suppose $(x_t)_t$ is a bounded $\mathbb F_t$ martingale and $f(t,x)$ is continuous, bounded, and concave in $x$. So, for any $s \ge t$, $$\mathbb E_t f(s,x_s) \le f(s,\mathbb E(x_s)) = f(s,x).$$ Does ...
avk255's user avatar
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Conditioning on an irrelevant variable in a martingale control problem

Suppose I have two independent Brownian motions $B^1_t, B^2_t$ and $\mathbb F_t$ be the natural filtration generated by them. Let $T > 0$ be a fixed finite number. Let $q_t$ be a $[-1,1]$ valued $\...
avk255's user avatar
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Can we do better than Azuma-Hoeffding when the variance is small?

The Azuma-Hoeffding Inequality says that if $X_1,X_2, \ldots$ is a martingale and the differences are bounded by constants, $\|X_i - X_{i-1}\| \le 1$ say, then we should not expect the difference $\|...
Daron's user avatar
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Martingales limit theorems (reference)

I have a sequence of processes $\{X^N(t)\}_{t\in [0,T]}$, $N\in\mathbb N$ such that $X^N(t)=x+M^N(t)$, where $M^N(t)$ is a martingale with expectation $0$ and with quadratic variation $<M^N>(t)$ ...
user268193's user avatar
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p-Variation distance defines semi-martingales

Question When, does the process $\tilde{X}_t$, defined path-wise by $$ \tilde{X}_t(\omega)\triangleq \rho_{\frac1{2}}\left((y_t,\mathbb{Y}_t),(x_t(\omega),\mathbb{X}_t(\omega))\right), $$ define a ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Expectation of the exitpoint distance for the symmetric random walk

Let $\nu(x)$ be a symmetric probability measure with respect to the origin on $x\in[-1,1]$ such that $\nu(\{0\})\neq 1$. Consider a random walk started at $S_0=0$, denoted $S_n=X_1+\dotsb+X_n$, ...
lang zou's user avatar
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Concentration of a modified random walk

Let $\varepsilon$ be a number in $(0, 1)$, consider the following random walk on the real line $X^{(0)}, X^{(1)}, \dots$, where $X^{(0)}=0$ If $X^{(t)} > 0$, then with probability $.5$, $X^{(t+1)...
Xi Wu's user avatar
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Convergence of SDEs

Suppose that $\{a_n(x)\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ is a sequence of real-valued Lipschitz functions with domain $\mathbb{R}^d$, which converges $m$-a.e. to a Lipschitz function $a$. Suppose that $b$ is a ...
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