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3 votes
1 answer

Probability that a randomly filled Go board has a set of white stones connected through their von Neumann neighborhoods

I have an $N$ by $M$ grid (a Go board for example), where for every square in the grid, I place a white stone with probability $p$ and a black stone with probability $(1-p)$. We call two white stones ...
Roger S.'s user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Calculating or estimating a combinatorial multivariate sum

Dear all, I'm currently looking at a problem in which the following combinatorial product emerges: $c(m_1,\dots,m_\lambda;n_1,\dots,n_\lambda)=\frac{m_1 !}{(m_1-n_1)!}\frac{(m_1+m_2-n_1)!}{(m_1+m_2-...
Ed Wolf's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes
1 answer

A probability question about removing stones from piles

I have run across a question that seems like it should have a well known answer, but I can't find one, so I thought I would ask this hive mind: Suppose we start with t piles of s rocks each. In a ...
user4535's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

Probability of zero in a random matrix

Let $M(n,k)$ be the set of $n\times n$ matrices of nonnegative integers such that every row and every column sums to $k$. Let $P(n,k)$ be the fraction of such matrices which have no zero entries, ...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Partitioning the vertices of an n-cube with random hyperplane cuts

An evolutionary biologist asked me a question which boils down, at least in part, to what seems to me an interesting question of combinatorial/probabilistic geometry. It is an old chestnut of a ...
JSE's user avatar
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How should one generate a random set of mappings?

My motivation for this question comes from the study of synchronizing automata. There is a general consensus that random automata are synchronizing and have short synchronizing words. I am hoping ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What is the tropical Robinson-Schensted-Knuth correspondence?

And what are it's applications? A conceptual explanation would be great! Is there an expository note about this somewhere? Some references have already appeared in the answers and comments below. To ...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Random permutations from Brownian motion

Let $B(t)$ be a Brownian motion. The ordering of $(0, B(1), ..., B(n-1)) $ is a random permutation in $S_n$. This is not uniform for $n>2$ since the probabilities of the identity permutation $[123.....
Douglas Zare's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Generating a group by randomly sampling generators

Let $G$ be a finite abelian group, $n$ a positive integer and let $G^n$ denote the direct product of $n$ copies of $G$. We say an element of $G^n$ is full if it acts as a nonidentity element of $G$ in ...
Steve Flammia's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Van Den Berg-Kesten-Reimer inequality

Van Den Berg-Kesten-Reimer inequality Let $n$ be a positive integer. For $i\in[n]$, let $\Omega_i$ be a finite set and $\mu_i$ a probability measure on it. Set $\Omega=\Omega_1\!\times\!\ldots\!\...
Al-Alimi's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Probabilty of two permutations having common elements?

What is the probability of two permutations on set X of size m (i.e. |X|=m) having at least n points of intersection? By this I mean that if two permutations, which I'll call g(x) and h(x), map a ...
jgonagle's user avatar
6 votes
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Number of connected components in a graph from G(n,m)

Hello, $G(n,m)$ is the family of all graphs with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges (I consider $m < n$). Each graph in $G(n,m)$ is selected with uniform probability. What is the probability that the ...
Marina's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

probability theory for combinatorialists

More than one combinator(ial?)ist has asked me to recommend a good book to learn probability from, and I never know what to say; the probability theory that I use in my research up was mostly learned ...
0 votes
0 answers

A problem about partial sum of random number composition

Consider the strong random number composition, $x_1 + x_2 + \cdots + x_n = m$, with $x_i > 0$ and all possible compositions have the same probability. Let random variable $S_i = \sum_{j=1}^i x_j$...
Fan Zhang's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Probability to be the winner in a tournament

In a project in Game Theory we (Ayala Arad and Ariel Rubinstein) are stuck with the following "simple" question. We are sure of the conjecture but we failed to find a (hopefully simple) proof: Let $...
Ariel Rubinstein's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Colored arrangements of circles on the two sphere

Let me define a degree $n$ colored arrangement of circles on $S^2$ to be a collection $\mathcal{C}$ of $n$ disjoint, smoothly embedded circles $C_1,\dotsc, C_n\subset S^2$ together with a ...
Liviu Nicolaescu's user avatar
3 votes
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finding rank-3 tensors compatible with a rank-2 tensor projection

I am interested in the following problem: Consider a rank-3 symmetric tensor $\boldsymbol{\sigma}$ with $\sigma_{ijk}$ where $\sigma_{ijk}$ can be 0 or 1, and the symmetry is with respect to any ...
Ed Wolf's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

A property of unimodal sequences

It is well-known that $(-1)^j \sum_{i=0}^j (-1)^i\binom{n}{i} \geq 0$. This inequality can be used to prove Bonferroni's inequalities for example. Recently I noticed that a similar inequality applies ...
Jose A Rodriguez's user avatar
4 votes
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Mean occurrences of letters in complete strings given by a Bernoulli scheme

Suppose one has an alphabet of $K$ letters, from which we draw sequentially letters; assume that the $n$-th letter occurs with a fixed probability $p_n$ independently of the others and of the previous ...
alezok's user avatar
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6 votes
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geometric construction of uniform measure on plane partitions in a box

If one picks $a+b$ points uniformly at random (and independently) in $[0,1]$, coloring $a$ of them Red and $b$ of them Blue, then reading the points from left to right one gets a uniform random ...
James Propp's user avatar
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5 votes
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root system generalizations of Sekiguchi-Debiard (aka Laplace-Beltrami) operators

For the root system $A_n$, taking the limit $q = t^\alpha$ and $t \to 1$, and letting $Y = (t-1) X -1$ one obtains from the Macdonald operator the so-called Sekiguchi-Debiard operator: $$D_\alpha(X) =...
John Jiang's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Hamming distance distribution induced by binary hypercube

The following problem arises in a particular machine learning problem: Assume that we have $n$ independent Bernoulli random variables with parameters $p_i$, e.g. $n=5$ and the $p$ vector is $(0.2, 0....
Stephan D.'s user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Combinatorial proof for the number of lattice paths that return to the axis only at times that are a multiple of 4

Consider lattice paths consisting of $2n$ steps, each of which is either $(1,1)$ or $(1,-1)$. The number of such lattice paths that return to the horizontal axis only at times that are a multiple of $...
Mike Spivey's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Random Unfoldings of the Cube

Motivated by unfoldings of the dodecahedron in How To Fold It -- How many (labeled or unlabeled) unfoldings of the 1 x 1 x n stack of unit cubes are there? JORourke (4Nov16): John's original image is ...
john mangual's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

Combinatorial Morse functions and random permutations

This question has its origin in combinatorial topology. In the 90s R. Forman proposed a discrete counterpart of Morse theory. In his case, a Morse function on a triangulated space is a function ...
Liviu Nicolaescu's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Number of integer combinations $x_1 < \cdots < x_n$?

I asked this question earlier on but didn't get an answer: Let $0 < a_1 < \cdots < a_n$ be integers. Is there a closed formula (or some other result) for the number $N(...
Ralph's user avatar
  • 16.2k
8 votes
3 answers

A Variance-Tail Description for Continuous Probability Distributions

Start with a continuous probability distribution given by a density function f(x). Let X be a real random variable whose distribution is given by the probability distribution. I would like to ask ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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symmetric difference of temperate zone and inscribed disk

For random domino tilings of the Aztec diamond of order $n$ or random lozenge tilings of the regular hexagon of order $n$, what's the typical order of magnitude of the area of the symmetric difference ...
James Propp's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

A trick or a general technique? (Probabilistic Method)

Suppose we have some positive quantites $P$ and $Q$ which depend on some choices that we make, and we want to show that some choice makes the quotient $P/Q$ fall below some cool bound. One idea is to ...
Sean Eberhard's user avatar
9 votes
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shape of random q-weighted lattice path

Where can I find a detailed write-up of the asymptotic shape of a $q$-weighted Young diagram inside an $a$-by-$b$ box, especially one that uses a variational approach? Equivalently, we can look at ...
James Propp's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Problem about expectation of maximum partial sum

Given a number $m$, a random composition (strong) of this number into $n$ positive parts so that we can get $n$ random variable $X_1, X_2,\dots, X_n$ with $$X_1+X_2+\cdots+X_n=m$$ Note that all ...
Fan Zhang's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Distribution of big component of set partitions

Consider the set $S_n = \{1, \dotsc, n\},$ and consider the set $P(n, k)$ of partitions of $S_n$ into $k$ parts (the cardinality of $P(n, k)$ is the Stirling number of the second kind $S(n, k).$ ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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4 votes
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Maximum vertical distance for a lattice path when NSEW steps are allowed

Suppose we have a lattice path in 2D starting at the origin, in which north, south, east, and west steps are allowed. For a given path $L$, let $\max(L)$ be the maximum value of the $y$ coordinate ...
Mike Spivey's user avatar
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9 votes
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computing average height-functions for lozenge tilings

Can anyone suggest a simple and efficient way (preferably embodied in computer code) to compute the average height function for lozenge tilings of an $a,b,c,a,b,c$ semiregular hexagon? I prefer to ...
James Propp's user avatar
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What is 'arch' in Vershik-Kerov's 1984 paper?

In their 1984 paper Asymptotic of the Largest and the Typical Dimensions of Irreducible Representations of a Symmetric Group, Vershik and Kerov use the notation $\DeclareMathOperator{\arch}{arch}\arch ...
Zatrapilla's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Designing a tree to match a distribution

I want to design a tree to approximate a given sequence of numbers, in the following sense. Let $X=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ be $n$ numbers, with $0 < x_i \le 1$ and $\sum_i x_1 = 1$. For a rooted tree $T$,...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
51 votes
3 answers

What is the sandpile torsor?

Let G be a finite undirected connected graph. A divisor on G is an element of the free abelian group Div(G) on the vertices of G (or an integer-valued function on the vertices.) Summing over all ...
JSE's user avatar
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13 votes
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Comparing two measures on trees on $n$ vertices

A standard measure on trees on $n$ vertices is the Uniform Spanning Tree (UST) on the complete graph. This is the measure where every tree has equal probability, $1 / n^{n-2}$ by Cayley's formula. ...
Matthew Kahle's user avatar
24 votes
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Permutations, stopping times, Bessel functions, hook formula and Robinson-Schensted

For given counting number $n$, consider all permutations $\pi$ of {$1,\ldots,n$}, generate for every $\pi$ its Robinson-Schensted pair of standard tableaux $(P_\pi,Q_\pi)$ and average together all the ...
David Feldman's user avatar
2 votes
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How to calculate/approximate expectation of function of a binomial random variable?

Hi, I am stuck at following problem in my research. Suppose that $M=m$ is a random variable with binomial distribution with parameters $n,p$. The constants $r$ and $\gamma$ are greater than zero. $\...
Navneet M's user avatar
5 votes
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An optimization problem involving sum of binomial coefficients upto some value

I would like to minimize $f(s, n, \epsilon)$ with respect to $s$ where $$f(s,n,\epsilon) = \left( 1 + \frac{n}{2^s} \right)\frac{1}{s} \sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor s\epsilon \rfloor} {s \choose k}~.$$ Note ...
Norouzi's user avatar
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A simple stopping time problem.

This should be rather standard so I hope somebody with a good background in probability theory would give me a quick solution or a reference. We are given a threshold positive integer $T>0$. Let $...
Nick B.'s user avatar
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1 vote
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Randomized algorithm?

The problem is as follows. Given a set $S$ of natural numbers of size $n$ where each $x_i \in S$ is from the set $[n^2]$. Elements of $S$ are not necessarily pairwise different, i.e., there can be ...
Joe's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Some questions concerning a random number process

Consider the following Markov process: Start with an integer $N = N_0$. Now repeatedly choose an $N_i$ uniformly at random in the range $[1...N_{i-1}]$ until $N_i = 1$ at which point one terminates ...
ARupinski's user avatar
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Distribution of a maximum

I am reposting a question on math.stackexchange which did not recieve good questions. The orginal questio is at Randomly ...
Fan Zhang's user avatar
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10 votes
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For what range of edge probability does the following property hold for random graphs?

Let $G(n,p)$ denote the Erdős–Rényi model of random graph. For a given function $p = p(n)$ we say that $G \in G(n,p)$ asymptotically almost surely has property $\mathcal{P}$ if $$\mbox{Pr}[G \mbox{ ...
Matthew Kahle's user avatar
3 votes
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Bounding the success time of a coupon collector like problem

Consider the complete graph on $n$ vertices. Each step, one chooses one of the $\binom{n}{2}$ edges iid uniformly at random. Say a sequence of choice is successful if there is some permutation of the ...
John Jiang's user avatar
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Lower bounds for partial sums of multiplicative functions

The motivation for this enquiry is to understand something about the impact of multiplicativity for $f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ on the conditional convergence of Dirichlet series $$F(s)=\...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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Distribution of the biggest gap

Randomly select $n$ numbers from the universe $\{1,2\dots,m\}$ without replacement, and sort the numbers in ascending order. We can get a list of number $\{(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n\)}$, and then we can ...
Fan Zhang's user avatar
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Number of times lead changes in a multi-candidate election (reference-request)

In a two candidate election where votes are distributed uniformly at random between the candidates, the probability that the lead changes when tallying the $i$-th vote is the same as the probability ...
Kev's user avatar
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