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Questions tagged [picard-group]

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When does isomorphism on singular cohomology imply isomorphism on Picard and Brauer groups?

Assume that $f:X\to Y$ is a morphism of complex varieties, and the homomorphisms $H^i_\text{sing}(f)$ are bijective for $0\le i\le 3$ (though possibly $3$ is too much here:)). Under which ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Center Picard group non-commutative algebra

I am wondering if there is a way to describe the center of the Picard group of a non-commutative algebra. Namely, let $A$ be a finitely generated algebra over a field $k$. Denote by $\mathrm{Pic}(A)$...
Libli's user avatar
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Injectivity under flat base change of the Picard group on smooth projective curves

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $0$, $X_K$ a smooth projective curve over $K$. Denote by $\bar{K}$ the algebraic closure of $K$. The base change morphism $X_{\bar{K}} \to X_K$, induces via the ...
Kali's user avatar
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Picard group of connected linear algebraic group

Here's a statement: Suppose $G$ is a connected linear algebraic group over a field $k$, then $Pic(G)$ is a finite group. I know this is true when $k=\mathbb{C}$. My question is does this true for ...
Kim's user avatar
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Picard group of symplectic group modulo orthogonal group

Let $Sp(2n)$ be the group of complex symplectic $2n\times 2n$ matrices, and $O(2n)$ the group of complex orthogonal $2n\times 2n$ matrices. Consider $Sp(2n)\cap O(2n)\subset Sp(2n)$ and the quotient $...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Cohomological interpretation of G-equivariant line bundles

In the theory of reductive algebraic groups, there is the following map (notation: $G$ reductive over an algebraically closed field, $T$ a maximal torus, $B$ a Borel, $X(T)$ the characters of $T$, $...
Jakob's user avatar
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What is the Picard group of a Schubert variety in the affine Grassmannian?

I'm not sure I have a lot more to say than the title. Let $G$ be your favorite simple algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$, and let $$\overline {\mathrm{Gr}}_\lambda= \overline{G(\mathbb{C}[[t]])\cdot t^...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Picard group of almost module category

I am very new to the world of almost mathematics and I am curious about the following: Fix an almost mathematics situation $(R,I)$ throughout. Very generally, the almost module category comes with a ...
QYB's user avatar
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Picard group of a normal crossing scheme

I would like to know if someone has an explicit example for the rank of the Neron-Severi group of a normal crossing scheme (proper over a field) being different from the rank of the kernel of $\...
Thomas Geisser's user avatar
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Picard group of normalization

Let $X$ be a projective variety with at worst (analytic) normal crossings singularities and $\pi:\tilde{X} \to X$ be the normalisation. Is there a "nice" description relating the picard group of $X$ ...
Ron's user avatar
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On generators of the Picard group of a projective smooth surface over a finite field

Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface over a finite field $k=\mathbb{F}_q$. Let us first review the proof of the finite generation of $Pic(X)$ (notice that the proof is valid for any smooth ...
Fei's user avatar
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What is ample generator of a Picard group?

First a note of caution: I am a physicist with a rudimentary knowledge of algebraic geometry picked up here and there. So don't assume I know anything besides basic properties of sheaves and try to ...
Marek's user avatar
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p-torsion in the Picard group of a regular projective curve

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p>0$ and $C$ a regular projective geometrically integral curve over $K$. If $C$ is smooth, then the connected component ${\rm Pic}^0_C$ of the Picard scheme of ...
Arno Fehm's user avatar
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When $R $ is a cusp then $K_0(R) \ncong K_0(R[s])$

Quillen's classical result shows that if $R$ is a regular ring then $K_0(R) \cong K_0(R[t_1,...,t_m])$ for all $m \in \mathbb{N}$. So I wanted to construct some elementary examples where $K_0(R)$ ...
user443060's user avatar
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For a line bundle L on a smooth projective variety X, what is meant by Pic^L(X)

Hi everyone, Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a field $k$ and let $L$ be a line bundle on $X$. I'm reading the article Heights for line bundles on arithmetic varieties and there one ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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Characterizing principal polarizations of abelian surfaces

Suppose $X$ is a complex abelian variety of dimension 2. Then I believe the ring of endomorphisms $\mathrm{End}(X)$, tensored with $\mathbb{C}$, is isomorphic to a subalgebra $M_2(\mathbb{C})$ of $2 \...
John Baez's user avatar
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Examples of smooth projective varieties with "nice" Picard group

I am looking for examples of smooth projective varieties $(X,H)$ with $H$ a polarization on $X$, $\dim \mbox{Pic}^0(X)=0$, $\mbox{Pic}(X) \not= \mathbb{Z}$ satisfying the property: for any two line ...
Chen's user avatar
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Picard groups of Fano varieties in positive characteristic

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p \geq 0$. Let $X$ be a smooth Fano variety over $k$ and let $\ell \neq p$ be a prime. Is the natural morphism $\mathrm{Pic}(X) \otimes \...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Is the class (resp. Picard) group of a $G$-variety generated by invariant divisors?

Let's work over the complex numbers. Let $S$ be a normal surface, $\mathrm{A}^1(S)$ the class group of divisors on $S$ and $\mathrm{Pic}(S)$ its Picard group. Let $G$ be a reductive group acting on $S$...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Picard groups, ample cones, and proper birational maps

Let $f:Y\to X$ be a proper birational map of normal varieties over an algebraically closed field which is an isomorphism over the regular locus. Q1: Is it the case that the pullback $f^*\...
Nicholas Proudfoot's user avatar
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Jacobian of a semistable curve

My question is about the proof of Example 8 in section 9.2 of the book "Neron models." There we have a semistable curve $X$ over an algebraically closed field $K$ and we let $\pi\colon \widetilde{X} \...
Question Mark's user avatar
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The importance of the Balmer spectrum

Why are Balmer spectra important? Can someone give examples of reconstruction a category by its spectrum (in some sense)? It would also be interesting to see applications of Balmer spectra to the ...
user156965's user avatar
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A map between Brauer groups

Let $R$ be a henselian dvr over $\mathbb{C}$ and $A$ be a flat $R$-algebra of finite type. Suppose $\hat{R}$ is the completion of $R$ and $\hat{A}:=A\otimes_R \hat{R}$. For an ideal $I\subseteq A$, ...
nariri's user avatar
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Is $Pic^0(X)$ of a curve of genus $\geq 1$ over a non-algebraically closed field still non-finitely generated?

Qing Liu's "Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves" page 299 COrollary 7.4.41 gives the following result. Let $X$ be a smooth, connected, projective curve over an algebraically closed field $k$, of ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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A question on "Ample subvarieties of algebraic varieties"

Corollary 3.3 in Chapter IV of "Ample subvarieties of algebraic varieties" by R. Hartshorne asserts the following: Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety and $Y\subset X$ a smooth subvariety ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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Extension of line bundle defined over an open subscheme

Let $X$ be a normal projective (or, quasi-projective) variety over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $U \subset X$ be an open subscheme whose complement $Z = X \setminus U$ has codimension at least $2$ in $X$. Let $L$...
user124771's user avatar
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Galois stable elements of the Picard group of a curve and the rational divisors

Let $C$ be a (smooth,proper) curve over a field $k$. Let $\operatorname{Div}_C(k)$ be the free abelian group generated by the closed points of $C/k$ and $k(C)^\times$ be the group of rational ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Why is it useful for the (relative) Picard functor to be representable?

I have been studying Chapter 8 of Neron models by Bosch et al. The first part deals with the relative Picard functor. A lot of work is done to make it representable. My question would be why this work ...
user8329099's user avatar
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Fiberwise vanishing of $H^2$ and formal smoothness of the Picard functor

My question is about the proof of 8.4/2 in "Neron models." The claim is that if $f\colon X \rightarrow S$ is a proper flat morphism of finite presentation such that $H^2(X_s, \mathscr{O}_{X_s}) = 0$ ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Line bundles on a pointless curve

Let $X$ be a smooth projective curve over a field $k$. In chapter 8 of the book Neron Models by Bosch et al., there is a general result (namely Proposition 4) which implies that if $X$ admits a ...
Justin Campbell's user avatar
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$Pic(X)/l=0$ in terms of $H^*_{et}(X,\mu_{l^n})$?

I would like to calculate Picard groups of certain schemes over fields; I'm mostly interested in the question whether $Pic(X)$ is infinitely $l$-divisible, i.e. whether $Pic(X)/l=0$, $l$ is a prime ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Do Neron-Severi groups of smooth projective unirational varieties contain $\ell$-torsion?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective unirational variety over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$, and $\ell\neq p$ a prime. My question: can the Neron-Severi group of $X$ contain (non-...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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$\psi$ class in $\overline{M}_{0,n}$

Basic question, but I found no reference. Is the $\psi$ class the only one which is not a boundary class in the PIcard group of the Deligne-Mumford compactification of $\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$? Or can it ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Invertible bimodules which are isomorphic in the stable module category

I'm in the following situation. I have a self-injective finite-dimensional basic algebra $\Lambda$ (hence Frobenius) over a perfect field and two finite-dimensional invertible $\Lambda$-bimodules $M$ ...
Fernando Muro's user avatar
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Picard group of $(SL(n)\times SL(m))$-orbits

Let $\mathbb{P}^N$ be the projective space of $n\times m$ matrices with complex entries modulo scalar. Consider the $(SL(n)\times SL(m))$-action on $\mathbb{P}^N$ given by $((A,B),Z)\mapsto AZB^{T}$. ...
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Proper pushforward of algebraic cycles

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a finite surjective morphism of smooth integral projective varieties over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic 0. Denote by $CH_i(W):=Z_i(W)/\sim$ the Chow group of $i$...
Jamie's user avatar
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Specializing p-torsion in a family of elliptic surfaces

Let $R$ be a DVR of mixed characteristic, with algebraically closed residue field of characteristic $p$ and fraction field $K$. Let $Y\longrightarrow \operatorname{Spec} R$ be a smooth projective ...
pozio's user avatar
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Nice blowups are universal algebraic fiber spaces?

We say that a proper (maybe projective) morphism $f:X \to Y$ is a universal algebraic fiber space if $f_* O_X = O_Y$ holds universally. (This means: for any morphism $Y' \to Y$, if $X' = Y' \times_Y X$...
iteo's user avatar
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Computing basis of $\mathrm{Pic}(\bar{X})$ for a Del Pezzo surface

Say we are given a degree 2 del Pezzo $X$ given by $w^2=Q(x,y,z)$ where $Q(x,y,z)$ is degree 4. We can compute the exceptional lines by computing the 28 bitangent lines of $Q$ and look at the ...
spiderchips's user avatar
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Automorphisms of matrix algebras and Picard group

This is a repost of (asked on MSE). Notation. In what follows, $R$ is a commutative ring with $1$, $n\...
GreginGre's user avatar
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Picard group of a cusp [duplicate]

$\DeclareMathOperator\Pic{Pic}$For a commutative ring with unity $R$, if $R_{\mathrm{red}}$ is semi-normal then we have an equivalent criterion which states that $\Pic(R) \cong \Pic(R[t])$. Here $\Pic(...
user443060's user avatar
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Relation between $\mathrm{Pic}^\natural_{X/S}$ and two notions of rigidification

Let $X/S$ be a relative curve (perhaps with more adjectives). I have come across a few instances of rigidifying and rigidificators, which I would like to understand better. In Liu-Lorenzini-Raynaud (...
Somatic Custard's user avatar
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Detecting non-principal Weil divisors on normal varieties using curves

Let $X$ be a normal projective variety over an algebraically closed field $k$. Given any morphism $f:Y\to X$, there is a pullback homomorphism $f^*:\text{Cl}(X)\to\text{Cl}(Y)$, where $\text{Cl}(X)$ ...
Jonathan Love's user avatar
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Finite Picard group

Does there exist a connected scheme, smooth, proper, and positive-dimensional over $\mathbb{C}$ with finite Picard group? Note that Picard group has cardinality$>1$. Also note that this can not ...
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Explicit algebraic cycles

Fix a smooth sextic curve curve $C = \{f_6(x,y,z) = 0\}$ in $\mathbb{P}^2$, and consider the double cover $X_{f_6}$ defined by $z^2 = f_6$ in the appropriate weighted projective space. This is known ...
Freja's user avatar
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Given an embedding of $X$ into $\mathbb{P}^n_K$, do you get an induced embedding of any twist of it into $\mathbb{P}^n_K$?

Let $X$ be a projective algebraic curve over some number field $K$, and let $\varphi:X\hookrightarrow \mathbb{P}^n_K$ be an embedding of it (defined over $K$) into some projective space. Now let $X'$ ...
Quinlan Aktaş's user avatar
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How can one check that two line bundles on $\overline{M}_{0,n}$ coincide?

Let $X$ be the Deligne-Mumford compactification of $\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$. Suppose I have two (big) line bundles $L$ and $L'$ on $X$ and that I want to show that they are the same element of $Pic(X)$. Of ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Picard group of infinite direct product of DVRs trivial

Let $R = \prod_{n\in\mathbf{N}}R_n$ be an infinite direct product of discrete valuation rings $R_n$. Why is $\mathrm{Pic}(R) = 0$?
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Very general quartic hypersurface in $\mathbb{P}^3$ has Picard group $\mathbb{Z}$

I am looking for a reference from which I can cite the following statement: The Picard group of a very general quartic hypersurface $X\subset\mathbb{P}^3$ is generated by the class of a hyperplane ...
Hans's user avatar
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Picard group of a cone over the elliptic curve

Let E be an smooth elliptic curve in a projective plane. Suppose that X is the projective cone over E in a projective space of dimension three. What is the Picard group of X ?
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