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Picard Groups of Moduli Problems

First, yes, I've seen Mumford's paper of this title. I'm actually interested in specific ones, and looking for really the most elementary/elegant proof possible. I'm told that for $g\geq 2$ it is ...
Charles Siegel's user avatar
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$Pic$ of the stack of elliptic curves vs. $Pic$ of the coarse space

There's a natural map $f:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}\to \overline{M}_{1,1}\cong \mathbb{P}^1$ from the stack of elliptic curves to the coarse space. Both spaces have $Pic=\mathbb{Z}$ hence $f^*:\...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Picard group of $\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$

Let $\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$ be the complement of the boundary of the Mumford-Knudsen compactification of the moduli space of genus zero, n-pointed curves. Is $Pic(\mathcal{M}_{0,n})$ trivial?
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$\psi$ class in $\overline{M}_{0,n}$

Basic question, but I found no reference. Is the $\psi$ class the only one which is not a boundary class in the PIcard group of the Deligne-Mumford compactification of $\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$? Or can it ...
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How can one check that two line bundles on $\overline{M}_{0,n}$ coincide?

Let $X$ be the Deligne-Mumford compactification of $\mathcal{M}_{0,n}$. Suppose I have two (big) line bundles $L$ and $L'$ on $X$ and that I want to show that they are the same element of $Pic(X)$. Of ...
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Picard group of moduli of principal bundles

I am looking for the Picard group of the moduli space of principal $G$-bundles for a connected reductive complex algebraic group $G$. Is it isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}$? If not, what can we say when $G=\...
yors's user avatar
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divisors on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ that are trivial on certain $F$-curves

Inside the moduli space of curves $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ one can distinguish two classes of $F$-curves isomorphic to $\mathbb{P}^1$: those of type $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,4}$, and those of ...
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