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Is the group of rational points of an anisotropic absolutely quasi-simple algebraic group over a non-archimedean local field known to be perfect?

Suppose that $G$ is an algebraic group defined over a non-archimedean local field $k$ which is absolutely quasi-simple and anisotropic over $k$. Is it known whether the group $G(k)$ is necessarily ...
Rupert's user avatar
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Fermat surface known to have very few rational integer solutions

The motivation for this question is the Selmer curve, given by $$\displaystyle 3x^3 + 4y^3 + 5z^3 = 0.$$ One can show that this curve has no rational integer solutions, despite having a solution ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
8 votes
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Hasse principle and Brauer-Manin obstruction for forms of large degree

The Hasse principle is perhaps an at-first naive generalization of the Chinese remainder theorem; that if a linear equation can be solved modulo $p$ for any prime $p$, then it can be solved in the ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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degree of isogenies between Jacobians and Abelian Varieties

Let $K$ be a local field of characteristic zero and positive residual characteristic. Let $A$ be a simple abelian variety and assume we have an isogeny $f:Jac_C\rightarrow A$ with $C$ a smooth curve ...
meffi's user avatar
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Existence of local sections

I would like to know when the property of "having a section" for a morphism of varieties in characteristic $0$ can be detected by spreading out to characteristic $p$. Take a number field $K$, and let ...
user49221's user avatar
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Arithmetic property of a surface of general type

In my previous post I asked about the hyperbolicity of the affine surface $S'=\{zw \neq o\}$ in the projective surface $z^2 = P(x) Q(y)$ in $\mathbb{P}^3$, where $P$ and $Q$ are two general ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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Kernel of a 3-isogeny between two elliptic curves

Suppose $E_1$ and $E_2$ are two elliptic curves defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ and there exists a 3-isogeny $\varphi$: $E_1 \longrightarrow E_2$. If $E_1$ has no $\mathbb{Q}$-rational point of order 3, ...
Andrew's user avatar
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What is the relation between KC and height of rational number?

Roughly speaking,Kolmogorov Complexity of a bits string or a description is the minimal length of programs outputing a bits string,and height of rational number is logarithm of the largest numerator ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Curves of high genus with many rational points

The seminal theorem of Faltings confirms Mordell's conjecture: that is, curves of genus at least 2 have at most finitely many rational points. The proof of Faltings' theorem is not effective, meaning ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Question related to the number of rational curves on a hypersurface

The following is from a PhD thesis "Algebraic Circle Method" by Thibaut Pugin, which I am currently reading. Let $k$ be a finite field of order $q$. Let $\mathfrak{X} \subseteq \mathbb{P}^n_k$ be ...
SJY's user avatar
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Continuity of the Hilbert pairing

I would like to know if the Kummer pairing (or the analogue of the Hilbert Symbol) for a one dimensional group defined over the ring of integers of a higher-dimensional local field is continuous (with ...
George's user avatar
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Number of rational curves on varieties over finite fields

Let $k$ be a finite field. Let $P_r$ be set of degree $r$ binary forms over $k$. We define $$ \mathcal{M}_r = \{ (x_0, ..., x_n) \in P_r^{n+1} : x_0^d + ... + x_n^d = 0 \text{ and the }x_i \text{'s ...
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10 votes
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Main conjecture for elliptic curves

Suppose $E$ is an elliptic curve defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ with good ordinary reduction at a prime $p$. Then one can define nonnegative integers $ \lambda_{E}^{alg} $, $ \mu_{E}^{alg} $, $ \lambda_{E}^...
Suman's user avatar
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Consistency of the u-invariant under field extension

A algebraic field extension L/k induces of homomorphism between the Wittrings. We get $\phi: W(k) -> W(L)$. If every anisotropic isometry class of $W(k)$ stays anisotropic, the kernel of $\phi$ ...
Jason Pioneer's user avatar
8 votes
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Forms of algebraic varieties

Let $X$ be an algebraic variety (say, projective, irreducible and smooth), defined over a field $K$, and let $L$ be a Galois extension. I am interested in algebraic varieties $Y$, defined over $K$, ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
11 votes
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Degeneration of the Hodge spectral sequence for scheme over truncated Witt ring?

Let $f:X\to S$ be a smooth proper morphism of schemes. If $S$ is of characteristic zero (i.e., $S$ is a $\mathbb{Q}$-scheme), then Deligne has shown: The Hodge-De Rham spectral sequence $E^{a,b}_1=...
Lan's user avatar
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16 votes
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Examples of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$

I need examples of two non-isogenous elliptic curves $E_{1}, E_{2}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ having the following 2 properties - 1) $E_{1}, E_{2}$ have no rational torsion points. 2) $E_1[9] \cong E_2[9]$ ...
Suman's user avatar
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What is the interpretation of this galois cohomology set?

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic zero. Let $G_K:=Gal(\bar{K}/K)$ The nontrivial elements of the set $H^1(G_K,PGL_2)$ correspond to $\bar{K}/K$-forms of $\mathbb{P}^1$; i.e. curves that are ...
Lloyd Yu-West's user avatar
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Unbranched cover of a curve of CM type

Let $C$ be a curve of genus $g\geq 2$ over complex number. Assume that $C$ has complex multiplication (CM). Does there exist such a curve $C$ such that $C'$ is also of CM type for any unbranched ...
Pyramid's user avatar
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On Universal Abelian surfaces over a Shimura curve.

Let ${\cal O}, {\cal O}'$ be two order in ${\mathrm M}_2({\Bbb R})$ that are sets of all $2 \times 2$ matrices over real number ${\Bbb R}$. Assume that we have the relation ${\cal O}' = a{\cal O}a^{-1}...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
7 votes
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Looking for a paper of Hartshorne

In a famous paper Hartshorne - Varieties of small codimension, Hartshorne formulates a conjecture, which roughly says that varieties of small codimension in projective space are complete ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Conductor CM abelian variety

This is probably well known but I am not an expert in the subject. Given an abelian variety $A$ of dimension $g$ with CM by $O_K$ where $K$ is a CM field of degree $2g$, let $N_A$ be the norm of the ...
user42721's user avatar
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Zariski density of Q-bar points

Let $X \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ be an affine variety which is defined over $\mathbb{Q}$ (i.e. the zero set of some finite collection of polynomials with coefficients in $\mathbb{Q}$). Define $X'$ to be ...
Brian's user avatar
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How to obtain the Period matrix from the Igusa Invariants of a genus two curve?

I am looking for an algorithm to obtain the period matrix tau= (tau1 & tau12\ tau12 & tau2) from the Igusa invariants of a genus two curve. More precisely: I consider a family of genus two ...
Maximilian's user avatar
7 votes
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Basics on anabelian geometry and Grothendieck's section conjecture

Even I can find similar questions and some answers on that questions, most of them are not quite unsatisfactory to me. Maybe this is a very stupid question, but there is no other place that I can ask ...
Kevin.lijh's user avatar
7 votes
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Is there a largest prime p such that J_0(p) completely splits into elliptic curves

The question in the title is related to a more general question. Namely does there exist an integer $N$ such that for all curves $C/\mathbb C$ of genus $> N$ one has that not all simple isogeny ...
Maarten Derickx's user avatar
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how to see CM types as functions on the Galois group?

Let $K$ be a CM field, that is, an imaginary quadratic extension of a totally real number field. Its degree $[K: \mathbb{Q}]$ is a en even number $2n$. (1) For me a CM type is a subset $\Phi \subset ...
totto's user avatar
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another question on the Manin-Drinfeld theorem

A few days ago I asked a question about possible higher dimensional generalizations of the Manin-Drinfeld theorem. Let me come back to the classical statement. It says that a divisor on the modular ...
johny23's user avatar
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A problem in intersection theorem

I'm reading the paper: SGA 7 II, Intersections sur les surfaces regulieres. In Papge 6 , I cannot understand why there is sign $-1$ in the formula (1.10.4): Let $S$ be a trait, for any $\mathcal O_S$...
ely's user avatar
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Torsors and the fpqc topology

Fix a scheme $S$, a group scheme $G/S$ (let us say smooth, maybe even affine with some finiteness conditions if you like), and suppose I have some other $S$-scheme $P$ with a right $G$-action. We want ...
Tom Lovering's user avatar
15 votes
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Why study CM abelian varieties?

I know that abelian varieties of CM type have central importance in algebraic geomtry and number theory. There are many conjectures and concepts related to them like Andre-Oort, Coleman conjecture, ...
Darius Math's user avatar
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Pencil with desired Jet in Algebraic geometry(new!)

Let $k$ be an algebraic closed field. Let $n$ be a positive integer. Let $X$ be an irreducible, proper and smooth scheme over $k$ with an immersion $i:X\hookrightarrow E:=\mathbb P^N_k$ with $N$ ...
Enlin Yang's user avatar
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Weierstrass points on modular curves

What is knowns about Weierstrass points on modular curves? Are there any explicit formulas of them, or any information about Weierstrass gaps? I am interested in (compactifications of) the quotients ...
Lev Borisov's user avatar
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A problem on Jets in algebraic geometry

Let $k$ be a perfect field, let $n$ and $m$ be two positive integers. Consider $X=\mathbb P_k^n\times \mathbb P_k^m$. Let $x_0=(1,0,\cdots,0;1,0,\cdots,0)\in X$ be fixed. For any pair of integers $(...
Enlin Yang's user avatar
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Curves on hypersurfaces generated by diagonal sums

This is related to an earlier question of mine ((Non-)Existence of curves of low degree on affine and projective varieties). It seems that the question is too difficult for specific surfaces, although ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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L-functions and algebraic geometry

Robert Langlands commented in a letter to Deligne that perhaps some of the deepest problems of algebraic geometry lie in L-functions. I want to understand the general philosophy and the connection ...
Koushik's user avatar
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(Non-)Existence of curves of low degree on affine and projective varieties

I am interested in papers that investigates the existence or non-existence of curves of low degree (relative to the degree of the ambient variety). The starting example is that of surfaces and ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
17 votes
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Katz--Mazur for abelian varieties

Over $\mathbb Z$, there is a smooth DM stack $A_g$ classifying abelian varieties. Over $\mathbb Z[\frac 1N]$, there is finite etale cover $A_g(N)_{\mathbb Z[\frac 1N]}\to A_g\otimes\mathbb Z[\frac 1N]...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Automorphisms of complete discrete valuation ring

Let ${\Bbb F}_2[[T]]$ be a c.d.v.r over ${\Bbb F}_2$. We consider the automorphism $\sigma$ of ${\Bbb F}_2[[T]]$ such that $\sigma \colon T \mapsto T + c_2T^2 + c_3T^3 + \cdots$ with $c_i \in {\Bbb F}...
Pierre's user avatar
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A neat monodromy group of a family of Kaehler manifolds

Let $X\rightarrow B$ be a family of Kaehler manifolds with possibly singular fibers. Let $G$ be the monodromy group on $H^n(X_b,\mathbb{Z})$, where $n=\dim X_b$ with the smooth fiber $X_b$ over some $...
Ariel's user avatar
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What is the motivation for defining the conductor of an abelian variety?

Let $K$ be a $p$-adic field, and let $A$ be an abelian variety over $K$. The conductor of the abelian variety is often defined as $2u+t+\delta$, where $u$, $t$ and $\delta$ are invariants related to ...
James D. Taylor's user avatar
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Mordell-Weil and finiteness of rational points

Let $E$ be a CM elliptic curve defined over a quadratic imaginary field $K$ with maximal order, that is, $\mathrm{End}_K(E)\cong \mathcal{O}_K$. Suppose the class number of $K$ is equal to $1$. Let $\...
Kevin.lijh's user avatar
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Is Mazur's deformation ring R integral?

Consider the absolutely irreducible Galois representation $\overline{\rho} \colon G_{\Bbb Q} \to {\mathrm{GL}}_2({\Bbb F}_p)$. We apply the Mazur's deformation theory on the lift ${\rho} \colon G_{\...
user44230's user avatar
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Iwasawa theory for Mazur's deformation ring R

The ideal class group $\mathrm{Cl}({\cal O}_K)$ and Mazur's deformation ring $R(\overline{\rho})$ for a number field $K$ are said to be similar to each other. Let ${\Bbb Q}_{\infty}$ be the unique ...
Pierre's user avatar
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11 votes
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The Sato-Tate conjecture for hypersurfaces?

The Sato-Tate conjecture for elliptic curves $E$ predicts the distribution of the eigenvalues of Frobenius at $p$ on the Tate module of $E$ as $p$ varies in terms of the distribution of the ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
12 votes
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An integrality question about expressing an integer as a product of numbers below $n$

Let $n\ge 2$ be a natural number. Suppose that $N$ is a natural number, composed only of primes below $n$, and that can be expressed as $$ N= \prod_{j=1}^{n} j^{x_j} $$ where $x_1$, $\ldots$, $x_n$...
Lucia's user avatar
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Rational points and torsion points of CM elliptic curve

Let $E$ be a CM elliptic curve defined over a quadratic imaginary field $K$ with maximal order i.e., $\mathrm{End}_K(E)\cong \mathcal{O}=\mathcal{O}_K$. Let $\mathfrak{p}$ be a prime of $K$ such that ...
Kevin.lijh's user avatar
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Abel-Jacobi map isomorphism galois representations

Let $X/\mathbb{Q}$ be an irreducible smooth projective curve with a $\mathbb{Q}$-rational point $p$. Then there is a map $\phi: X \rightarrow \textrm{Pic}^{0}(X)$ with the property that $q \mapsto [q]-...
LMN's user avatar
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Is the universal elliptic curve $\overline M_{1,2}$ a toric stack?

It is well-known that the compactification $\overline M_{1,1}$ of the moduli space of elliptic curves over $\mathbb C$ is a weighted projective line with weights $4$ and $6$. As far as I can tell, ...
Lev Borisov's user avatar
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Odds of projections of a point not on the hyperplane

Let $\mathcal{L}=\{\Bbb x\in\Bbb R^n:x_1+x_2+\dots+x_n=0\}$ be a specific hyperplane. Let a projection of $c\in\Bbb R^n$ be $p(c)=[p_1,p_2,\dots,p_n]$ where $p_i\neq c_i\implies p_i=0$. Let $\...
Turbo's user avatar
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