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Questions tagged [monads]

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25 votes
2 answers

"Functors between monads": what are these really called?

Let $(S,\eta,\mu)$ be a monad on a category $C$, and $(T,\eta,\mu)$ a monad on a category $D$. The following kind of gadget is ubiquitous: a functor $F:D\to C$, together with a natural map $\sigma: ...
3 votes
0 answers

Monadicity of the composite of an operad and a monad

If $T$ is a monad on a category $\mathcal C$ and $T'$ is a monad on $T$-algebras, then (if I understand the answers of this question correctly) the adjunction between $\mathcal C$ and $T'$-algebras is ...
5 votes
0 answers

Closure of polynomial monads under colimits

A polynomial monad on a locally cartesian closed category $C$ is a monad whose underlying endofunctor is a polynomial functor and whose unit and multiplication are cartesian transformations. Since a ...
7 votes
0 answers

Applications of Monadicity theorems

This is crosspost of this MSE question. Having carefully read the proof of Beck's monadicity theorems and some related variations, I'm now hungry for cool applications. For instance, I found these ...
4 votes
0 answers

Checking a monad is idempotent

I have a monad $T: \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{C}$ on a (Grothendieck) abelian category which preserves filtered colimits and direct sums (but is not exact). There is a finite collection $G$ of compact, ...
9 votes
0 answers

To what kind of generalized Lawvere theory does the "free cartesian closed category" 2-monad on $\mbox{Cat}_g$ correspond?

Thinking of Cat as a mere 1-category, there is a 1-monad $\Lambda$ for the free cartesian closed category on a category. To every category X it assigns the category $\Lambda(X)$ whose objects are ...
1 vote
1 answer

Do "factoradic" lists form a finitary monad?

I'm trying to understand better what it means for a monad to be finitary. I know that Lawvere theories correspond to finitary monads, but I don't really understand the definition in terms of filtered ...
7 votes
0 answers

Beck's Theorem and the category of endos

Many years ago, Lawvere showed that the forgetful functor $U: \mathbf{Endo}\to \mathbf{Set}$ has a left adjoint $F$ if and only if $\mathbf{Set}$ has a natural numbers object, where $\mathbf{Endo}$ is ...
2 votes
1 answer

"Maybe Monad" for multi-pointed objects?

Background: A pointed object $X$ in a category $C$ with terminal object $*$ is a map $*\rightarrow X$. Such objects with basepoint-preserving maps form their own category of pointed objects $C^{*/}$. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Free commutative monoid monad

Has the monad induced by the free commutative monoid functor already been studied anywhere? Does it have any particular properties (other than not being cartesian)? I would prefer a reference on ...
7 votes
1 answer

Free monad sequence versus colimit over injections of ordered sets

Kelly describes a constructive procedure for building the algebraically free monad on a pointed endofunctor. Garner gives a concise summary, which I partially review here for convenience. Let $V$ be ...
25 votes
1 answer

Is forming the Albanese variety a monad?

I'm trying to understand the idea of an Albanese variety. It reminds me of something simpler: Given a set $X$ with a chosen point $x \in X$, we can form the free abelian group on the pointed set $(X,...
7 votes
1 answer

List is a monad, but is it a comonad with these natural transformations?

List is known to be a monad. It takes a set and maps it to lists of elements of that set. The natural transformations are, singleton and flatten, whereby we map a set to a set of singleton lists ...
9 votes
1 answer

Intuition for density comonad in relation to lifting problems

In Emily Riehl's Categorical Homotopy Theory, there is a section on Garner's Small Object Argument which I'm trying and failing to understand. Originally I followed most of Garner's paper, using the ...
5 votes
2 answers

Algebras for probability monad

What is the Eilenberg-Moore category for the non-finitary probability distribution monad is, that is, the monad $D \colon \mathbf{Set} \to \mathbf{Set}$ defined by $$ DX = \left\{ p \in [0,1]^X \ \...
26 votes
2 answers

What is known about the category of monads on Set?

Monads on the category Set of sets and functions are somehow fundamental objects of category theory, and moreover they have important applications to computer science. We know of a good number of ...
0 votes
1 answer

iterated loop spaces and configuration spaces [closed]

In the lecture notes by J.P. May, The geometry of iterated loop spaces, Chapter 5, formula (1), (2) and (10), a map $$ \phi: Hom_T(X,\Omega Y)\to Hom_T(SX,Y) $$ is defined. And a map $$ \eta_n=\phi^{-...
9 votes
2 answers

Correspondence between operads and monads requires tensor distribute over coproduct?

In checking the details of the correspondence between operads over a symmetric monoidal category and monads on some associated endofunctor of the category, I cannot make the obvious proof work without ...
1 vote
1 answer

tree derived from monad is itself a monad

I have constructed a functor from a monad that appears (based on computer experiments to test the monad laws) to also have monad properties but I am having trouble proving it. Here is the idea: M[A] ...
8 votes
0 answers

Whiskering a monad

In "The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces", May shows that any monad that is coming from an operad may be "whiskered", so that the unit map becomes a closed cofibration. The ability to do this is vital ...
6 votes
3 answers

opposite category

In the 2-category Cat of small categories, for each category $C$ (an object of Cat) there is also the dual category (I dare not write "dual object") $C^{op}$. Is ${op}$ the instance in Cat of a more ...
3 votes
2 answers

Comonads from monoids

The following construction is probably known. I think it should work in any closed symmetric monoidal category, but I will play it safe and formulate the question in the concrete, cartesian closed ...
2 votes
1 answer

When is an Eilenberg-Moore category or Kleisli category braided monoidal? When semisimple?

I have a braided monoidal, semisimple linear category $\mathcal{C}$. (Imagine representations of a semisimple quasitriangular Hopf algebra.) I also have a monad $(T,\mu,\eta)$ on it, however, $T$ is ...
3 votes
2 answers

Further relation between monads and theories

This question want to be a follow up of the following question. In that thread I was interested in understanding relation between various presentation of algebraic theories. In particular in Eduardo ...
5 votes
2 answers

Free cocommutative commutative Hopf monoids

I have some questions about generalizations of abelian groups, relative to symmetric monoidal categories. 1) Let $C$ be a cocomplete cartesian monoidal category with equalizers. I can show that the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Universal property of module categories over monads

Let $T$ be a monad on a cocomplete category $\mathcal{C}$. Let's assume that $T$ preserves reflexive coequalizers (or something weaker?). Then the category of $T$-modules $\mathsf{Mod}(T)$ is ...
4 votes
2 answers

Transporting algebraic structure along adjoint equivalences

I have two questions, one general and the other particular to the case I am interested in. The 'homotopically correct' notion of equivalence of categories is an adjoint equivalence (from one point of ...
1 vote
1 answer

comparison between two monadic definitions for an operad

According to May, an operad $\mathcal{C}$ valued in sets is equivalent to a monad in Cat on the endofunctor $C\colon X\mapsto \coprod_i \mathcal{C}(i)\times X^i.$ According to Leinster, an operad is ...
6 votes
2 answers

Monadicity theorem in homotopy theory.

Let $\mathbf{C}$ be a cofibrantly generated model category (assume for simplicity that all objects are fibrant) and $\mathbf{C}^{\mathrm{T}}$ the category of $\mathrm{T}$-algebras with the induced ...
1 vote
1 answer

Regarding a difficulty in the Fakir article about associated idempotent triple

I just had post this question in SE: but dont get any answer. I understand that ...
5 votes
2 answers

Coequalizers in an Eilenberg-Moore category

Last month I proved that some category $\mathbf C$ that I happen to care about is isomorphic to the Eilenberg-Moore category for a monad on the category of bounded posets $\mathbf{BPos}$. I know from ...
3 votes
1 answer

Iterating Monad-Comonads structures

Let $(T, \mu , \eta )$ a monad on the category $\mathscr{C}$ , with the usual EM (Eilenberg-Moore) adjunction $\langle F_T, U_T, \eta_Y, \epsilon_T \rangle: \mathscr{C}^T \to \mathscr{C}$ where ...
14 votes
3 answers

Is there a monad on Set whose algebras are Tychonoff spaces?

Compact Hausdorff spaces are algebras of the ultrafilter monad on Set. Is the category of Tychonoff spaces also monadic over Set?
4 votes
1 answer

When do reflexive coequalizers preserve weak equivalences?

In my work I've run into the following situation. In a model category, I have two reflexive coequalizers $A_i \stackrel{\to}{\to} B_i \to C_i$ and a map of diagrams which is levelwise a weak ...
10 votes
1 answer

Reference for my monads?

I'm looking for a reference for a certain pair of monads on $Cat$. One problem is that I don't know the modern way of thinking about some basic things, so excuse me if my presentation is naive. First ...
4 votes
2 answers

Free monad or monad defined from an adjunction.

My first question here. Accordingly to M. Barr "Coequalizers and free triples" by a free triple (or free monad) generated by an endofunctor $R: X\rightarrow{X}$ we mean a triple $T=(T,\eta,\nu)$ and ...
9 votes
1 answer

The crude monadicity theorem

In order to test the monadicity of a functor, there is a precise monadicity theorem (PM) as well as a crude monadicity theorem (CM), see the nlab. In CM, the forgetful functor should create reflexive ...
18 votes
1 answer

Applications of the Giry monad in probability and statistics

In another thread, I asked about the $M$ endofunctor on the category $\operatorname{Meas}$ of measurable spaces, which sends a space $X$ to its space of measures $M(X)$. Will Sawin described the ...
21 votes
0 answers

Can we describe equivariant vector bundles of free group action in terms of descent theory (Barr-Beck theorem)?

It is well known that for a compact topological group $G$ acts (say, from the right) freely on a compact space $X$. Then the category of equivariant complex vector bundles on $X$, $\text{Vect}_G(X)$, ...
13 votes
2 answers

Where is there a treatment of "exponential monads"?

I have a category $C$, which is equipped with a symmetric monoidal structure (tensor product $\otimes$, unit object $1$). My category also has finite coproducts (I'll write them using $\oplus$, and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Coproducts of modules over an algebraic monad

Coproducts of modules over an algebraic monad $\Sigma$ are described in Section 4.16.14/15 in Durov's thesis. It is claimed there that for $\Sigma$-modules $M,N$, the set $M \coprod N$ generates $M \...
9 votes
1 answer

Re-seating a monad

Let $\mathcal C$ and $\mathcal D$ be categories with suitable limits and colimits for the following discussion. Is it possible to re-interpret, or "re-seat" a monad $T : \mathcal C \to \mathcal C$ as ...
21 votes
3 answers

Relation between monads, operads and algebraic theories

I've begun to interest in algebraic theories and their categorical models: in particular monads, generalized multicategories and operads, lawvere theories and their generalization. Is there any ...
6 votes
3 answers

Monad arising from operad

It's known that from every operad arises a cartesian monad whose algebras are the algebras for the operad. Leinster proved that there are different operads from which arise the same monad, in this way ...
7 votes
2 answers

What are the algebras over $\Omega^k\Sigma^k$ ?

Let $Ho(Spc)$ be the homotopy category of spaces. There is an adjoint pair $$ \Sigma^k \colon Ho(Spc) \leftrightarrows Ho(Spc)\colon \Omega^k, $$ where $\Sigma^k$ is the $k$-th supension functor and $\...
2 votes
2 answers

Reference request: 2-Monads and 2-Adjunctions

Given a category $\mathcal C$ together with a monad $T$ on $\mathcal C$, we get an adjunction $$\mathcal C^T(T-,-)\cong \mathcal C(-,\mathrm{For}-).$$ Is the same true for 2-monads on a 2-category?
15 votes
1 answer

Characterization of Kleisli adjunctions

There's a well known theorem due to Beck that characterizes when an adjunction is monadic, that is, if $F$ is left adjoint to $G$, $G:D \to C$, $GF:=T$ is always a monad on $C$, and the adjunction is ...
13 votes
2 answers

An elementary question about adjunctions between presheaf categories preserving pullbacks.

A functor $C \to D$ between categories induces a morphism of presheaf categories $Pre(D) \to Pre(C)$. This functor has a left adjoint given by left Kan extension and I am interested in knowing when ...
5 votes
0 answers

Cartesian-closed categories of algebras

If the Kleisli-category of a monad is Cartesian-closed, can we say when the category of Eilenberg-Moore algebras is?
8 votes
1 answer

Eilenberg–Moore algebras in terms of Kleisli ones

Suppose I know what the category of free algebras for a particular monad look like. Can I then describe what the category of Eilenberg–Moore algebras look like? E.g. Suppose that I have a good handle ...