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Questions tagged [localization]

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Do local and global symplectic resolutions have same monodromy?

Yoshinori Namikawa associates a Weyl group $ W $ to any symplectic affine complex variety $ X $ with good $ \mathbb{C}^* $-action. He provides a semi-explicit description of $ W $, which requires ...
user341068576's user avatar
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Construction of a regulariser for the boundary integral operator $\lambda\mathrm{Id} - K'$

$\newcommand\Id{\mathrm{Id}}$Assumptions and Notations : $\Omega$ is a bounded Lipschitz domain in $\mathbb R^2$, $\Gamma$ denotes its boundary and $n$ is the normal vector to the boundary $\Gamma$, ...
SAKLY's user avatar
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How to compute the quotient and localization of the monoid algebra $kG$ for a field $k$

I am given that $k$ is a field and $G$ is the monoid consisting of all monomials $X^iY^j$, where $j$ is between $0$ and $3i$. I am trying to compute the quotient of the monoid algebra $kG$ by the ...
Boris's user avatar
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The localization map for the Mordell-Weil group of elliptic curves over finite Galois extensions

Let $L/K$ be a finite Galois extensions of number fields and $E/K$ be an elliptic curve. Denote by $\mathcal{F}$ the localization map \begin{equation} \mathcal{F}: H^1(G,E(L)) \rightarrow \bigoplus_{v ...
A. Maarefparvar's user avatar
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Different ways to construct the isogeny category of abelian varieties

Let $k$ be a field and let $\mathbf{AV}_{/k}$ be the category of abelian varieties over $k$. I'm interested in different definitions of the isogeny category of $\mathbf{AV}_{/k}$. Of course, the ...
Lukas Heger's user avatar
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Intuition behind bound of second moment of Greens function by fractional moment

Consider the Hilbert space $ \mathcal{H} = l^2(\mathbb{Z}^d)$ for some dimension $d$ with basis given by the basisvectors $\{ \vert {x} \rangle \}_{x \in \mathbb{Z}^d} $. Let $A$ be an either self-...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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Existence of a finite resolution

I have tried to formulate a question in which I was very curious, any hints suggestions are also welcomed. Thanks in advance. Let $M$ be an $R$ module ($R$ commutative ring with unity). It is given ...
user443060's user avatar
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Does Anderson localisation occur if the potential are equal in pairs?

Consider the Anderson model given by the Hamiltonian $H \in B(l^2( \mathbb{Z}^d)) $ defined by $H = - \Delta + V$ where the potential $V$ acts on a unit vector $ \vert x \rangle  \in l^2( \mathbb{Z}^d)...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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Completion of localization of completion

Let $(A,m)$ be a noetherian local ring, and let $p \subseteq A$ be a prime ideal. From this data, we can construct two rings: 1. We may localize $A$ at $p$, and then complete, obtaining the $pA_p$-...
Localization's user avatar
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Localizing prime ideals over Noetherian rings

Let $R$ be a prime Noetherian ring which is not necessarily commutative. Consider the two natural ways to "extend" $R$: $R[x]$ and $M_n(R)$, polynomials over $R$ and $n$ by $n$ matrices over $R$ ...
user304582's user avatar
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When is genus the same as stable equivalence?

Suppose $M, N$ are two $R$-modules (I had in mind the group ring $R=\mathbb{Z}[G]$ for a finite group $G$). By localizing at a prime $p$ I mean $M_{(p)}\cong M\otimes_R R_{(p)}$. If $M$ and $N$ are ...
Sam Williams's user avatar
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Local cohomology commuting with fiber

Let $A$ be a nice commutative ring (say, $A=k[t_1,\ldots , t_n]$, ring of polynomials over an algebraically closed field $k$). Let $M$ be an $A[x]$-module, which is finitely generated as an $A$-...
Sasha's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for local martingale property of stochastic integral

Is the following correct and/or a (simple) known result? Let $X$ be a local martingale and $H$ an integrand for $X$, such that the stochastic integral $\int H\cdot dX\ge x$ for some random variable. ...
JSG's user avatar
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Localization of quotient rings of polynomials

Working on some Bezout's theorem examples I arrived at a point where I need $$(\mathbb{K}[x]/(x^2))_{(x)} = \mathbb{K}[x]/(x^2)$$ (i.e. localize don't do anything)($\mathbb{K}$ alg. closed and nice ...
user25593's user avatar
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What is the localization of Q[x]/(x) at 0

Q is a rational field. Q[x] is polynomial ring over Q 。(x) is maximal ideal of Q[x]. Take Q[x]/(x) as a module over Q[x]. Then what is Q[x]-module Q[x]/(x) localize at 0?? I think the result is Q[x]/...
MAJIA's user avatar
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Localization and containment in commutative ring

Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity and $x, y $ be fixed elements of $R$ such that for each maximal ideal $m$ of $R$ we have $\langle \frac{x}{1_m}\rangle\subseteq\langle \frac{y}{1_m}\rangle$ ...
Asad Albani's user avatar
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$R$ is $\mathbb{Z}$ graded ring and $0\neq f \in R_1,$ show that $R_f \cong S[X,X^{-1}]$ [closed]

Suppose $R$ is $\mathbb{Z}$ graded ring and $0\neq f \in R_1.$ Then I want to show that $R_f \cong S[X,X^{-1}],$ where $S=(R_f)_0$ and $X$ transcendental over $S.$ I wanted to use the isomorphism $...
Panja's user avatar
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Equality of elements in localization via universal property

I've been studying universal objects of universal algebra in a quite general setting and try to exhibit the structure of their elements just using the universal property. A very nice example for this ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Analytic spread of localization of an ideal

Let $J$ be an ideal in a Noetherian local ring $(R,m)$. It is well known that for any prime ideal $p\in Spec(R)$, $l(J_p)\leq l(J)$, where $l(J)$ is the analytic spread of $J$. Q) Are there ...
Cusp's user avatar
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Does $\sum_ia\cap b_i=a\cap(\sum_ib_i)$ and $a(\bigcap_i b_i)=\bigcap_iab_i$ for infinite sums and intersections in arithmetic rings (Prufer domains)?

Note: Please let me know if this question is too basic for MathOverflow. It is about a subject commonly taught in graduate school (commutative algebra), and is based in large part on a (very ...
hasManyStupidQuestions's user avatar
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Right localization of $R[x,x^{-1}]$ at monic $f\in R[x]$

Let $R$ be a right Noetherian ring and $S=\{f\in R[x]\;|\;f\text{ monic}\}$. It is a result of Stafford that $S$ is a right denominator set in $R[x]$, so in particular we can localize $R[x]$ at any $f\...
Sam Williams's user avatar
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When does an automorphism extend to a localisation (noncommutative rings)

Let $R$ be a (not necessarily commutative) ring. Let $\tau$ be an automorphism of $R$. Consider the localisation of $R$ at a set of multiplicative elements which satisfy the ore condition, say $X$. ...
No1729's user avatar
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