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Localization of quasi-excellent rings are quasi-excellent?

If $R$ is a quasi-excellent ring, then is $R_{\mathfrak p}$ also quasi-excellent for every prime ideal $\mathfrak p$ of $R$ ? I think Matsumura's commutative ring theory book says that localization of ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to prove a 1-localization of a 1-category is already an $(\infty,1)$-localization?

I don't even know this fits in here or in Mathematics Stack Exchange, but let me ask. I'm new to simplicial stuff, so a good reference would be quite helpful. Let's say $C$ is a certain category, and ...
gksato's user avatar
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Localizations of spaces with respect to homology and right properness

Let $E$ be a spectrum (with corresponding homology theory denoted $E_\ast$). In "Localization of spaces with respect to homology", Bousfield constructed a model category structure on the ...
Niall Taggart's user avatar
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Cohn localization examples

I'm working on my master's thesis, part of which involves an exposition on Cohn localization. (nlab discussion) In Free ideal rings and localization in general rings, Sec 7.4, Cohn gives a ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Does $\sum_ia\cap b_i=a\cap(\sum_ib_i)$ and $a(\bigcap_i b_i)=\bigcap_iab_i$ for infinite sums and intersections in arithmetic rings (Prufer domains)?

Note: Please let me know if this question is too basic for MathOverflow. It is about a subject commonly taught in graduate school (commutative algebra), and is based in large part on a (very ...
hasManyStupidQuestions's user avatar
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When a localization of a category is (non-)reflective?

Let $S$ be a class of maps of a category $\mathcal{C}$. The localization of $\mathcal{C}$ at $S$ is reflective when the localization functor $\mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{C}[S^{-1}]$ has a fully faithful ...
Valery Isaev's user avatar
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Localization of $\infty$-categories

In ordinary category theory, the localization $C[S^{-1}]$ at a class of morphisms $S$ (with possibly some assumptions on $S$) is a category $C[S^{-1}]$ together with a map $L:C \to C[S^{-1}]$ such ...
Exit path's user avatar
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Localization of symmetric monoidal category

Let $\mathcal M$ be a symmetric monoidal category, $S\subset \mathcal M$ a collection of objects and morphisms. I would like to construct the localization $\mathcal M \mathop{\longrightarrow}^T \...
Yuri Sulyma's user avatar
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Localizing 2-categories about a single morphism

This question is a straight-up reference request, but of course I will be grateful for an answer in the event that no references are readily available. Consider a strict $2$-category $\mathbf{C}$ and ...
Vidit Nanda's user avatar
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Bousfield localization before and after taking homotopy

The ncatlab says: Under suitable conditions it should be true that for $C$ a model category whose homotopy category $\mathrm{Ho}(C)$ is a triangulated category the homotopy category of a left ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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Localisation in a quasi-category

Let $W$ be a family of arrows in a category $\mathcal{C}$, there is a nature notion of localisation w.r.t. $W$. And if $W$ satisfies some nice properties, we have calculus of fraction. Now consider ...
Ma Ming's user avatar
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Localization of a symmetric monoidal category at a single morphism

Let $C$ be a symmetric monoidal category, and $f : x \to y$ be a morphism in $C$. I would like to construct the localization $C_f$ explicitly, which solves the universal property $$\mathrm{Hom}_{\...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar