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Are larger large cardinals less expressible?

First note to the following well known theorems:‎‎ Theorem (1): ‎The ‎notion ‎of ‎"‎$‎‎x$ ‎is a strongly inaccessible cardinal‎" ‎is ‎first ‎order ‎expressible ‎and ‎‎$‎‎\Pi_{1}$‎. Theorem (2):‎‎ ‎...
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Is decidability reducible to unique decidability (perhaps in multilinear polynomial situations)?

Given a Diophantine equation it is not decidable if it has integer solution. I. Is there a Diophantine set $\mathcal D_{unique}$ satisfying the properties every member in $\mathcal D_{unique}$ is a ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Elementary Embeddings and Relative Constructibility

Suppose $$j:M\prec N$$ is a non-trivial elementary embedding. Under what conditions on the sets (classes?) $M$ and $N$ (or even the critical point of $j$) does $j$ extend to an elementary embedding $$...
Everett Piper's user avatar
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5 answers

What axioms are stronger than the Axiom of choice?

What other axioms in set theory are stronger than AC ? I mean what are those axioms that will imply AC ?
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Factoring a function from a finite set to itself

Let $S$ be a finite set and $f: S \to S$ be a function. Let $k = |f(S)|$ and let $\alpha$ be the partition of $S$ into $f$-fibers, i.e. $\alpha = \{ \alpha_t \}_{t \in f(S)}$ where $\alpha_t = f^{-1}(\...
Sophie M's user avatar
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3 answers

What are other theories of causality besides graphical models and Bayesian networks?

I am trying to find some data structures/mathemetical theories to represent causal relationships which differ from graphical models or Bayesian Networks. Any ideas?
user6813's user avatar
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2 answers

Are computable models sufficient?

What I mean is this. By downward Lowenheim-Skolem theorem, first-order formula Q is a always true iff it is true in every countable structure. But is there some first-order formula Q which is true in ...
Sergei Tropanets's user avatar
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Models with fixed cardinality of non-Lebesgue measurable sets

In the usual $\mathsf{ZFC}$, we know that there are $2^\mathfrak{c}$ many subsets of $\mathbb{R}$ that are not (Lebesgue) measurable. On the other hand, the Solovay model also provides us a model of $\...
Clement Yung's user avatar
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What are current trends/questions in algebraic logic?

What are current trends/questions in algebraic logic? I mean the research developed by Paul Halmos. Could anyone give some references for the overview of its history? Any overview of its application ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Inaccessible becomes successor of singular

Is it possible, starting from any large cardinal assumption, to find a countably closed forcing $\mathbb{P}$ such that for some inaccessible $\kappa$, $\Vdash_\mathbb{P} "\kappa = \lambda^+$ and $\...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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3 answers

Decidable but nonrecursive sets

Until recently, I believed that recursive=decidable, subscribing to this Wikipedia quote: "In computability theory, a set is decidable, computable, or recursive if there is an algorithm that ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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6 answers

A book about model theory

I am looking for a good book about model theory. As this is obviously too vague, let me explain what I am looking for and why. First I am interested about the basics and foundations of model theory. ...
7 votes
1 answer

Equivalence between Lowenheim-Skolem Theorem and Godel Completeness

In papers published 1920 and 1922, Skolem offered two separate proofs of a result due to Lowenheim. On this basis we can distinguish a strong and a weak version of the Lowenheim-Skolem theorem as ...
Mallik's user avatar
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2 answers

Ordinal analysis and proofs of consistency

$\epsilon_0$ is the proof-theoretic ordinal of PA. Gentzen proved the consistency of Peano's first-order axioms for arithmetic using primitive recursive arithmetic and induction up to $\epsilon_0$. ...
John Baez's user avatar
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Hyperimaginaries and continuous logic

Classical (i.e., discrete) logic is well positioned to study imaginaries in part because the $T^{eq}$ construction allows us to treat imaginary sorts as we would treat any other sort. With ...
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Iterated forcing and CH

I need some help with this theorem: if $P_\beta=\langle P_\alpha,\dot{Q}_\alpha:\alpha\leq\beta\rangle$, $\beta<\omega_2$, is a CSI of proper forcings, $P_\alpha\Vdash \lvert \dot{Q}_\alpha\rvert\...
Ruetta's user avatar
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How is called a semigroup...

Does anyone know, how is called a semigroup in which every equation $ax=b$ has only a finite set (maybe empty) of solutions?
Boris Novikov's user avatar
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Different ways of making $HOD$ far from $V$

There are different criteria for building a model $V$ of $ZFC$ which is far from its $HOD$, for example: $(A)$ Cardinality criteria: For this in a joint work with James Cummings and Sy Friedman, we ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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"Robinson arithmetic" for (some) levels of $L$?

I'll write "$\mathcal{L}_\alpha$" for the fragment $\mathcal{L}_{\infty,\omega}\cap L_\alpha$. Say that a countable admissible $\alpha$ is Robinsonian if there is some sentence $\varphi\in\mathcal{L}...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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For a partition of $\mathbb{R}$ into countably infinite sets, must there be an almost-disjoint family of $2^{\frak c}$ many selectors?

My question arises from a construction I gave in my recent answer to a question of Alexander Pruss concerning large families of independent non-measurable sets of reals. In that argument, using the ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
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Least ordinal not in a countable transitive model of ZFC

Frequently it is useful do deal with countable transitive models M of ZFC, for example in forcing constructions. The notion of being an ordinal is absolute for any transitive model, so certainly if ...
Kiochi's user avatar
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4 answers

A conservative extension of Peano Arithmetic

Ulrich Kohlenbach makes the following intriguing comment here: "In the 70s S. Feferman introduced a mathematically strong system S=restricted(PA^omega)+QF-AC+mu for classical mathematics (and in ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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Lachlan on topology for priority arguments

There is a set of notes by Lachlan from 1973 on casting priority arguments in topological language; references to these notes are few and far between, but one source refers to them as "Topology for ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Wants: Polynomial Time Algorithm for Decomposing a Multiset of Rationals into Two Additive Subsets.

First, allow me to say that this problem was posed to me by a professor in the department. It is related to his research in a way that I do not know. However, since I couldn't come up with anything ...
B. Bischof's user avatar
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Failure of Shoenfield's Absoluteness

Shoenfield's absoluteness states that if $M \subseteq N$ are models of $ZF$ and $M \supseteq \omega_1^N$, then every $\Sigma^1_2$ formula with parameters in $M$ is absolute between $M$ and $N$. In ...
Ohad Drucker's user avatar
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Ultrafilters preserved by $\mathbb{P}$ but not by products?

Let $U\in V$ be an ultrafilter on $\omega$. We say $U$ is preserved under forcing with $\mathbb{P}$ if $\Vdash \forall x\subset \omega \ \exists Z\in U \ Z\subset x \vee Z\subset x^c$. In other words,...
Jing Zhang's user avatar
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Reducing largeness notions, uniformly

This question is a particular take on the following theme. Suppose $A$ and $B$ are two notions of "large subset of $\omega^\omega$;" when is there a uniform method for turning an element of $...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Something like "o-minimal ordinal analysis"

Below, by "nice structure" I mean "o-minimal expansion of $(\mathbb{R};<)$ by countably many continuous functions and open relations." Suppose $\mathfrak{A}=(\mathbb{R};<,......
Noah Schweber's user avatar
7 votes
9 answers

Ultrainfinitism, or a step beyond the transfinite

Cantor has, in the immortal words of D. Hilbert, given all of us a paradise (or perhaps, I would rather say, a great vacation spot), the TRANSFINITE. $\aleph_0, \aleph_1,\aleph_2\dots$ the lists ...
Mirco A. Mannucci's user avatar
7 votes
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On the cardinal arithmetic of accessible categories

If $\lambda, \mu$ are regular cardinals, say that $\lambda \trianglelefteq \mu$ if $\lambda \leq \mu$ and $$\forall X, \, |X| < \mu \implies \mathrm{cf} (P_\lambda(X)) < \mu$$ Here $P_\lambda(X)...
Tim Campion's user avatar
7 votes
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Is every cancellative semigroup a subdirect product of subdirectly irreducible cancellative semigroups?

By a classical result of Birkhoff (that is, Theorem 2 in [G. Birkhoff, Subdirect unions in universal algebra, Bull. AMS, 1944]) and the trivial fact that the class of semigroups is closed under the ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Lawvere's 'Categories of space and of quantity" - the projection formula

I'm trying to read bits and pieces of W. Lawvere's Categories of Space and of Quantity, and, as usual have lots of questions. Page numbers will refer to the number printed on the corners of the pages. ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Preserve validity between the two Kripke frames

The background of our discussion is intuitionistic logic, i.e. the following definitions are intuitionistic Kripke frame. For $n \geq 1$, let $\mathcal{C}_n$ denote the frame which is shown in Fig.1. ...
mahu's user avatar
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What is the consistency strength of this theory?

Language: first-order logic Primitives: $=, S, \in $ (the first denotes identity, the second denotes “is a successor of”, and the third denotes membership relation). Axioms: those of identity ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Is there a perfect set of ground model reals in the Cohen extension?

This question is motivated by the "interesting tidbit" in Hamkins' response here:, in which he demonstrates that, after Cohen forcing, there is a perfect set ...
jonasreitz's user avatar
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Spaces with unique endomorphism monoids

If $(X,\tau)$ is a topological space, let $\text{End}(X)$ denote the collection of all continuous maps $f: X\to X$. With composition, this becomes the endomorphism monoid $(\text{End}(X), \circ)$. We ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Does Playfair imply Proclus?

I am interested in the interplay between the Playfair and Proclus Axioms in linear spaces. By a linear space I understand a pair $(X,\mathcal L)$ consisting of a set $X$ and a family $\mathcal L$ of ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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A special c.c.c forcing notion and adding minimal generic reals

This question is related to my question "Forcing with c.c.c forcing notions, Cohen reals and Random reals". A natural way to answer Prikry's conjecture is to build a c.c.c. forcing notion which adds ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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Conservativity of multiplicative linear logic over intuitionistic multiplicative linear logic

It is well known that multiplicative linear logic (MLL) is conservative over intuitionistic multiplicative linear logic (IMLL). In other words, if an IMLL formula is provable in MLL then it is already ...
Robin Houston's user avatar
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ITTMs with higher types

What is the complexity of Infinite Time Turing Machines (ITTMs) augmented with an initially empty set of real numbers, with the ability to add, remove, and test presence of a real number in the set? ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Embedding of classical into intuitionistic linear logic

Following on from this recent question, there is another construction that is well-known, but I don’t know a good primary source for: the Kolmogorov-style double-negation embedding of classical into ...
Robin Houston's user avatar
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addition of definable numbers decidable?

Define a number generating machine to be a total turing machine running on input alphabet {0,1} (or, any ary), that given input n (in binary) outputs a digit (binary or decimal or whatever). Given ...
amaanush's user avatar
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A meta-mathematical question related to Hilbert tenth problem

I am reading Bjorn Poonen's very nice survey on Hilbert's Tenth problem (, and while I believe I understand the mathematics well, I have widespread ...
Joël's user avatar
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Failure of Cantor-Bernstein for the Levy Collapse

Related to this question, is it possible to give an example of the failure of Cantor-Bernstein for complete embeddings of forcing notions involving the Levy Collapse $Col(\omega,<\kappa)$? Suppose ...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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Is Ackermann's set theory minus class comprehension equal to ZF?

Ackermann in 1956 proposed an axiomatic set theory. Reinhardt proved that Ackermann's set theory equals ZF It's clear that Zermelo set theory can be interpreted in Ackermann's set theory minus class ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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Are $G$-limits of a slender group $G$ in the space of marked groups also slender?

A group $G$ is slender if every subgroup $H \leq G$ is finitely generated. This includes polycyclic-by-finite groups. Such groups are also called noetherian. Suppose that $L$ is a $G$-limit group in ...
NWMT's user avatar
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Show that the positive existential theory is undecidable

To show that the positive existential theory of $\mathbb{C}[t, e^{\lambda t} \mid \lambda \in \mathbb{C}]$ in the language $\{+, \cdot , ' , 0 , 1, t\}$ is undecidable we have to prove the following: $...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Limits of determinacy on reals

For $X\subseteq\mathbb{R}^\omega$, say that $X$ is determined if the associated game on $\mathbb{R}$ of length $\omega$ (players I and II alternate playing reals, player I wins iff the sequence built ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Which part(s) of this proof of Goodstein's Theorem are not expressible in Peano arithmetic?

EDIT: Noah Schweber helpfully points out that $\mathsf{ACA}_0$ is a conservative extension of Peano arithmetic in which certain aspects of my proof not expressible in Peano arithmetic are expressible. ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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Is the power set axiom essential for constructing L?

Take ZFC, remove axiom of Power set, and put instead of it the following axiom: Axiom of Successor Cardinals: $\forall \kappa\, \exists x \, \forall \alpha \, ( \alpha \leq \kappa \to \alpha \in x)$ ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar

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