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Partitioning $n$-space based on linear combinations

I'm trying to figure out the approximate number of areas the positive $n$-space will be divided into if we partition it as follows: we have $k$ linear functions $F_1$, $F_2$, ..., $F_k$ on $n$ ...
wfe2016's user avatar
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Using Linear Programming as an iterative procedure

Suppose, we have a linear program and an optimal solution to it. Suppose now, we get a new constraint. We want to obtain an optimal solution to the given linear program extended by that new constraint....
D. Rusin's user avatar
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Complexity Measures for Mathematical Programming

Question: Are there any complexity measures in use, that allow one to compare mathematical programming formulations of optimization problems on basis of the number of variables that must be subjected ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Under what conditions does an Integer Programming problem run in polynomial time?

Given $AX\leq B$ where $A\in\Bbb Z^{m\times n}$,$B\in\Bbb Z^m$ finding $X\in\Bbb Z^n$ where $m\geq n$ is the integer programming problem. If $A$ is totally unimodular then the problem is solvable in ...
Turbo's user avatar
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LP Constraints for Connected Subgraphs of Fixed Size

Question: how can the connectedness-constraint for a subgraph, that is induced by a proper subset $W\subset V$ of the vertices of $G(V,E),\ |V|=n,\ |W|=m$, be formulated in a $LP$ or $ILP$? ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Computation of sub-gradient for a concave envelope

Let $x_1<\cdots<x_n$ be $n$ points on real line and $g=(g_1,\cdots, g_n)\in\mathbb R^n$ be the scattered data. Let $u_g: [x_1,x_n]\to\mathbb R$ be the linear interpolation of $g_1,\cdots, g_n$, ...
user111097's user avatar
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Maximizing sum of homogeneous functions of order one over a polytope

Let $f_i: \mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be concave, increasing (i.e., if $x\geq y$ where the inequality is entry wise, we have $f_i(x)\geq f_i(y)$), and a homogeneous function of order one for ...
Ozzy's user avatar
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Are there scenarios under which feasibility bilinear programming is easy?

Given $c\in\Bbb R^{n_1},d\in\Bbb R^{n_2}$, $E\in\Bbb R^{n_1\times n_2}$, $A\in\Bbb R^{m_1\times n_1}$, $B\in\Bbb R^{m_2\times n_2}$ $a\in\Bbb R^{m_1}$, $b\in\Bbb R^{m_2}$ and $t\in\Bbb R$ we know ...
Turbo's user avatar
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What does the basis of the null space of the constraint matrix of a flow problem look like?

Consider a directed graph $G=(V,\mathbb{A})$ and a set of flow constraints of the following form: $$ \sum_{(u,v)\in\mathbb{A}}x_{u,v} - \sum_{(v,u)\in \mathbb{A}}x_{v,u} = 0 \forall v \in V$$ ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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How to find a positive solution to an under-determined linear system (if such a solution exists)?

Like the title says, if an under-determined system of linear equations does have at least one positive solution, how to find it efficiently? Suppose we have an under-determined system: $$Ax = b$$ ...
KOF's user avatar
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Calculating Cost-Optimal 1-Factors in Digraphs

I need to find a cost-optimal 1-factor in a positively weighted, directed, regular graph $G(V,A)$ without antiparallel arcs, i.e. given $$\text{deg}_{\text{in}}(u)=\text{deg}_{\text{in}}(v)=\text{deg}...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Making a polyhedron integral by selecting value for a specific co-ordinate of constraint vector

I am currently trying to solve a binary integer programming(maximization) problem, where the first row of the constraint matrix corresponds to the constraints on the total number of 1's in the vector ...
A.2's user avatar
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Optimization over a convex cone generated by a set is equal to optimization over the set

Within my research I found an important doubt and that prevents me from advancing, the context of my doubt is as follows: We considerer the following optimization problem $$ \left\{\begin{array}{cl} \...
matematicaActiva's user avatar
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Optimal "Generalization" of Polylines

This question is inspired by a lossy compression technique for polylines, namely to identify a subset of the points of polyline $\mathcal{P}$, whose removal yields a polyline $\mathcal{Q}$ within a ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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3 answers

The minimum of a sum of absolute values of inner products in $\mathbb{R}^d$

Consider a collection of unit vectors $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$ (we think of $n$ being much larger than $d$). I would like to minimize the sum: $$\sum_{i\neq j}|\langle v_i,v_j\rangle|.$$ ...
TOM's user avatar
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Fractional Matching version of Hall's Marriage theorem

Let $G=(S,T,E)$ be a bipartite graph, $|S|=|T|$. Then the following are equivalent: 1) there exist a perfect matching in $G$; 2) there exist non-negative weights on edges such that the sum of ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
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Linear programming with an infinite matrix

I would like to solve the following infinite linear system subject to $x_i \ge 0$ that minimizes $x_3$. The third column contains no additional nonzero values beyond what is shown. Though the first ...
user3433489's user avatar
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Algorithm for a linear optimization problem

For the vectors $X=(x_1,\cdots, x_n),~ Y=(y_1,\cdots, y_n)$ and $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\cdots,\alpha_n),~ \beta=(\beta_1,\cdots, \beta_n)\in\mathbb R^n_+$ s.t. $\sum_{k=1}^n\alpha_k~~=~~\sum_{k=1}^n\beta_k~...
Higgs88's user avatar
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Family of functions which satisfies $f(\boldsymbol{x}) = 0$ if $\nabla f(\boldsymbol{x})=0$? [closed]

I have a Lagrangian of which I want to find the supremum in the primal variable $\boldsymbol{x}$: $\mathscr{L}(\boldsymbol{x},\boldsymbol{\lambda})=f(\boldsymbol{x})^T\boldsymbol{a} + \boldsymbol{\...
Danilo Socovan's user avatar
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Linear programs [closed]

Can the optimal value of the primal problem of a linear program ever be less then zero? An example is: minimize $C=2x_1 +3x_2$ Subject to: $3x_1+4x_2 \leq 5$. Obviously, $x_1$ and $x_2$ are free ...
josh's user avatar
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quick hull algorithm detail

When using quick hull algorithm to find the polytope for half space intersection, we are required to provide an interior point to the solver qhalf. In other words, providing $$Ax \le b$$ is not ...
user40780's user avatar
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a question about probabilities on spaces of digraphs

Let $G$ be a directed graph with fixed nodes $s$ and $t$. Assume that each edge $e$ in the graph comes with a number $n(e)\in[0,1]$. We consider probability spaces $S$ whose points are directed ...
Larry Moss's user avatar
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Equality constraints in mixed-integer optimization

Suppose I have a linear mixed-integer optimization problem of the form $$MIP: min_{(x,y) \in \mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{Z}^m} c^\top x + d^\top y \hspace{0.2cm} \text{s.t.} \hspace{0.1cm} Ax+By \leq ...
Christoph Neumann's user avatar
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algorithms and tools available for a particular polytope computation

Let me define each half space i as: $${H_i}:{c_i}{\bf{x}} \le {b_i}$$ The intersection of all such ${H_i}$ gives a polyhedron (bounded or not). Suppose I am interested in if ${H_i}$ is active (...
user40780's user avatar
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minimize number of unique elements in a vector

I was wondering if there is a simple or known way to minimize the number of unique elements in a decision variable (vector). Note that I'm not asking for minimization of nonzero elements (rank ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Lot sizing problem: how to add these cuts efficiently

Consider the set of constraints of the uncapacitated lot sizing problem: $$ \{(x,s,y)\in \mathbb{R}^n_+ \times \mathbb{R}^n_+ \times \mathbb{B}^n \;|\;s_{t-1}+x_t = d_t+s_t,\; x_t \le My_t,\; t=1,\...
Kuifje's user avatar
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Is this a linear optimization problem? $Ax=0$, $A$ has $m$ rows and $n$ columns, $m \le n$, all entries of $x$ are non-negative

$Ax=0$, $A$ has $m$ rows and $n$ columns, $m \le n$, all entries of $x$ are non-negative. What should $A$ satisfy to guarantee the equation set have only zero solution?
ZhongHua Yan's user avatar
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Fast algorithm for large-scale, asymmetric transportation linear program

I have a large-ish instance of a transportation problem that is very asymmetric, say of dimensions $100\times10000$. I am currently solving it with a stock LP solver, but obviously something like the ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Show $0-1$ Knapsack is polynomially reducible to this problem

I have already posted this question here but have not received an answer so I am cross-posting with hope to reach a larger amount of mathematicians: Let $T=\{1,\cdots,n\}$ and consider the ...
Kuifje's user avatar
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Linear programming is continuous

Consider an arbitrary linear program: $$\max \vec c \cdot \vec x$$ subject to: $$\textbf{A}\cdot \vec x = 0, \quad \vec a \le \vec x \le \vec b$$ Assume that this program is feasible and bounded. ...
valle's user avatar
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Can convex combinations of indicator functions for pairwise non-disjoint sets unordered by inclusion dominate one another?

Let $N$ be a finite subset of the naturals. Let $P$ be a set of subsets of $N$ such that: 1) $P\neq \varnothing$, 2) $\forall x\in P, |x| >1$, 3) $\forall x,y\in P,$ if $x\neq y$, then $x\not\...
VMfoobar's user avatar
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A seemingly easy integer programming question

Let $k, m \in \mathbb{Z}_{ > 1}$. Let $a \in \mathbb{Z}_{> 0}^m$ and $t \in \mathbb{Z}^k$. Let $\varepsilon = (\varepsilon_{i,j})_{1 \leq i \leq m \\1 \leq j \leq k}$ be a matrix with entries in ...
Alex's user avatar
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Are convex combinations of 0-1 Pareto efficient vectors efficient?

Let $Y$ be any subset of $\{0,1\}^n$ for $n\geq3$. A vector $\alpha\in$ $Y$ is Pareto efficient if there is no $\beta\in$ $Y$ such that $\beta_i$ $\geq$ $\alpha_i$ for each $i\in\{1,...,n\}$ and $\...
econ-math's user avatar
16 votes
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Can a convex polytope with $f$ facets have more than $f$ facets when projected into $\mathbb{R}^2$?

Let $P$ be a convex polytope in $\mathbb{R}^d$ with $n$ vertices and $f$ facets. Let $\text{Proj}(P)$ denote the projection of $P$ into $\mathbb{R}^2$. Can $\text{Proj}(P)$ have more than $f$ facets? ...
Pedro Ruiz's user avatar
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Under what condition does Courant–Fischer–Weyl min-max principle hold in general?

From Wikipedia: Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ Hermitian matrix. As with many other variational results on eigenvalues, one considers the Rayleigh–Ritz quotient $R_A : \mathbf C^n \setminus \{0\} \to \...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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5 answers

Is the matrix $\left({2m\choose 2j-i}\right)_{i,j=1}^{2m-1}$ nonsingular?

Suppose we have a $(2m-1) \times (2m-1)$ matrix defined as follows: $$\left({2m\choose 2j-i}\right)_{i,j=1}^{2m-1}.$$ For example, if $m=3$, the matrix is $$\begin{pmatrix}6 & 20 & 6& 0 ...
user42804's user avatar
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Linear programming with infinitely many constraints

I wish to study the following linear program $$\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & \mathrm c^{\top} \mathrm x\\ \text{subject to} & \mathrm A \mathrm x = \mathrm b\\ & \mathrm x \geq 0\...
user3433489's user avatar
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Reference request: dependence on linear constraints

Excuse me if my question is stupid. I'm seeking the references on the dependence of the (linear) optimization problem on (linear) constraints. Namely, consdier the following optimization problem: $$P(...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Dependence of optimization problem on the linear constraints

Let $I=\{x_1,\cdots, x_n\}\subset \mathbb R$ be fixed. Given two probability distributions $\alpha=(\alpha_i)_{1\le i\le n}$ and $\beta=(\beta_i)_{1\le i\le n}$ on $I$, and a matrix $c=(c_{i,j})_{1\le ...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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Complementary slackness for approximately optimal Dual solution

Given a Primal LP (P) and it Dual LP (D) we know that the optimal solutions to P ($x_{opt}$) and D $(y_{opt})$ satisfy complementary slackness condition, i.e. under optimal solutions either a ...
Soumya Basu's user avatar
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Maximum shortest path problem

I have the following problem. You have a graph and every edge has a certain set of possible weights. The question is to find the assignment of those weight which will maximize the shortest path. In ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Unveiling hidden structures

One way to unveil a hidden structure of a undirected graph - given as an adjacency matrix - is to permute the rows and columns until a pattern with a maximal geometrical symmetry is found. (The ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
19 votes
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Applications of linear programming duality in combinatorics

So, I know that one can apply the strong LP duality theorem to specific instances of maximum flow problems to recover some nontrivial theorems in combinatorics, such as Hall's theorem, Koenig's ...
amakelov's user avatar
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Number of different combinations in a 0-1 knapsack problem with integer weights [closed]

My question is actually very similar to this other one: Given a vector of positive integers, count the number of combinations which have a sum that produces a different value. But, since this previous ...
Vicent's user avatar
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Properties of one dimensional null space

Let $\mathcal{G}$ be denote the set of all $3 \times 3$ real symmetric matrices and let $\mathcal{G}^+$ denote the set of all $3 \times 3$ positive semidefinite matrices (see definition). Let $S: \...
ashok's user avatar
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Minimum number of rectangles in a polygon

Given a polygon and dimension $d$, find a minimum partition of rectangles that has either of its dimensions equal to $d$. Example: Consider the following diagram: I want to cover maximum shaded ...
ubaabd's user avatar
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Analytic formula for minimizing the maximum inner product of a set of vectors

Given $x_j\in\mathbb{R}^n$, $j=1,\ldots,p$, find $$ \widehat{w} \in \arg\min_{\Vert w\Vert=1}\max_{1\le j\le p} |\langle w,x_j\rangle|. $$ I am also interested in the special case where we further ...
JohnA's user avatar
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Do doubly infeasible Linear Programming problems always have doubly infeasible bases?

Consider a Linear Programming problem in dictionary form, $$\max\Big\{f^\pi+\!\!\!\sum_{j\in D(\pi)}\!\! d^\pi_jx_j~\Big|~\forall~i\!\in\!B(\pi)~~~ b^\pi_i+\!\!\!\sum_{j\in D(\pi)}\!\! G^\pi_{ij}x_j\...
Goswin's user avatar
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Recursive linear programming on a linear subset of a simplex

The problem I am working on is: Given an $n$ dimensional vector $r \in \mathcal{R}^n$, and a convex set $G=\{\mu \in \mathcal{R}^n | \mu_i \ge 0, ~ \mu^T \mathbf{1}=1, ~ A\mu =0 \}$ where $\mathbf{1}...
Sungjoon Choi Samuel's user avatar
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Quadratic Programming With Piecewise Linear Term

The problem I have can be defined as: $$ \min \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{Q}\mathbf{x} + \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} $$ s.t. linear equality constraints: $$ \mathbf{Ax=b} $$ and linear inequality ...
TMS's user avatar
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