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Matrix-order derivatives (differentiating a function a matrix number of times)

I have been exploring methods of generalizing the order of derivatives to a broader range of inputs (such as real numbers, complex, and now matrices). We are very well familiar with integer-order ...
charlesalexanderlee's user avatar
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Perturbation of matrices

Let $A(t)$ be a symmetric $n\times n$ matrix that continuously depend on $t\in [0,1]$. Let $\lambda_1(t)$ stand for the smallest eigenvalue for $A(t)$. Question. Does there exist a Lebesgue measurable ...
Ali's user avatar
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Estimates of the Frobenius norm of commutator

Let $A,B$ be two unitary matrices in $U(n)$, and $\|\cdot\|_{F}$ denote the Frobenius norm (or Hilbert Schmidt norm on the finite dimensional $M_n(\mathbb{C})$). I am looking for estimates of the ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Finding a basis for the range of a linear function

I realize this question is not high level but I have posted it on Math Stackexchange: Stackexchange question and have received some upvotes but no answers or comments, so I am trying here. I will need ...
Math101's user avatar
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Inverse of block matrix

Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional vector space and consider the space $X=V\times V\times V\times V.$ Consider the block matrix $$A = \begin{pmatrix} A_1 & A_2 \\ A_2^* & -A_1\end{pmatrix}$$ ...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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Operator norm of difference of matrix decompositions

This question is in part related to a question that I have already posed. Say I have two symmetric positive definite matrices and their respective Cholesky decompositions $\mathbf{A} = \mathbf{L}_A \...
Heinrich A's user avatar
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Error bounds on the expansion of square root of matrix

I'm working on a problem and was lead to trying to find an approximation for the square root of a matrix. I came across a way of doing this using holomorphic functional calculus. However, my first ...
yoshi's user avatar
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A Matrix Inequality for positive definite matrices

Let $X$ and $Y$ be positive semi-definite self-adjoint complex matrices of same finite order. The, is it true that $|X-Y|\leq X+Y$ where for any matrix $A$, $|A|$ is defined to be $|A|:=(A^*A)^{\frac{...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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The nonlinear operator defined as the commutator of a matrix and a nonlinear operator

In my studies of applied analysis and applied linear algebra, this interesting problem and concept came up: Let us consider the space of all $ m \times n $ real matrices, and define a scalar ...
groupoid's user avatar
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Operator norm for $\max\frac{\Vert x \Vert _1}{\sqrt {x'Cx}}$

Suppose $C$ is a $n$ by $n$ real symmetric matrix, and $x\in R^n$. Is there an operator norm of $C$ for $\max\frac{\Vert x \Vert _1}{\sqrt {x'Cx}}$? If I decompose $C$ into $A'A = C^{-1}$, It seems ...
ahala's user avatar
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Inequality between nuclear norm and operator norm for positive definite matrices

I will use $\|\|_*$ to denote the nuclear norm (sum of singular values) and $\|\|_2$ to denote the operator norm / matrix 2-norm (largest singular value). Consider two positive definite $n \times n$ ...
macko's user avatar
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Norm of a the skew symmetric part of a unitary matrix

Let $U \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ be a unitary matrix, $U$ can be nonsymmetric, its eigenvalues can be complex numbers and all have modulus $1$. Is there an upper bound for the maximum singular ...
Astor's user avatar
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11 votes
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A neat evaluation of an infinite matrix?

Let $M_n$ be an $n\times n$ matrix defined as $$M_n =\left[\frac{2i+1}{2(i+j+1)}\binom{i-1/2}i\binom{j-1/2}jx^{i+j+1}\right]_{i,j=0}^n.$$ With $I_n$ the identity matrix, consider $A_n:=I_n-M_n^2$. ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Matrix series as block matrix times vector of matrix multiplication

Let $V_i \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ and $V_0 \supset V_1 \supset ... \supset V_i \supset ...$, $A_i, B_i: V_i \rightarrow V_i$ be square non-symmetric positive definite matrices, $Q_i:V_{i-1}\...
Astor's user avatar
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On the Lowener-Heinz inequality

I know that for two symmetric positive semi-definite (non-diagonal) matrices $A,B$, the inequality asserts that the following does not hold for all $p > 1$ $$A \succeq B \succeq 0 \Rightarrow A^p \...
user97064's user avatar
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Non-strict column diagonally dominant matrix inner product

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ be a normalized non-strict column diagonally dominant matrix, that is: $$a_{j,j} = \sum_{i \ne j} \left|a_{i,j}\right|$$ where $0 \le a_{j,j} \le 1$ and $-1 \le ...
Astor's user avatar
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Reference for measures of commutativity needed

I'm looking for an appropriate measure to quantify the extent to which two matrices commute. In other words, if A and B are two n×n Hermitian matrices, and [A,B]=C. I'd like a function μ:Cn×n→[0,∞) ...
Michael Jarret's user avatar
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norm of the matrix series

The goal is to obtain an upper bound for the norm of the vector $$ \left\|\sum\limits_{k=0}^{\infty}(I−A)^kAw_k\right\| $$ for any symmetric matrix $A\in{\mathbb R}^{n×n}$ which $0\preceq A\preceq I$ ...
user115538's user avatar
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How to transform matrix to this form by unitary transformation?

Without loss of gernerality, we can only consider $n$-dimensional diagonal matrix $M$ whose elements are all nonnegative, i.e. $$M=\operatorname{diag}(m_1,m_2,\cdots,m_n)\ (m_i \geq 0).$$ Then is ...
Eden Harder's user avatar