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2 answers

When is a linear isomorphism of $M_n(\mathbb{C})$ given by unitary conjugation?

Let $M_n(\mathbb{C})$ represent the space of $n \times n$ matrices over $\mathbb{C}$. We will think of it as a $\mathbb{C}$-vector space. Notice that if $A \in M_n(\mathbb{C})$ is invertible, then the ...
Rahul Sarkar's user avatar
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Orthonormal matrices with columns that switch signs

Consider an orthonormal matrix $W\in\mathbb{R}^{2n\times 2n}$ that satisfies the "abs property" $$|w_i|^T |w_{i+n}|=1$$ for all $i \in \{1,2,\ldots,n\}$, where $w_i \in \mathbb{R}^{2n}$ is ...
cnp's user avatar
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2 answers

Orthonormal solution of overdetermined linear equations

I have a two matrices $A$ and $B$ in $\mathbb{R}^{m \times n }$ ($m \gg $ n) such that there exists an orthonormal matrix $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n }$, such that: $$AX = B$$ Given that $X$ is ...
user36313's user avatar
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Proving a lemma for a decomposition of orthogonal matrices

Setting Consider two independent orthogonal matrices, which are decomposed into 4 blocks: \begin{align} Q_{1} = \left[\begin{array}{cc} A_{1} & B_{1}\\ C_{1} & D_{1} \end{array}\right] , \,Q_{...
Itay's user avatar
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About the Hadamard conjecture

On the wikipedia article about Hadamard Matrix it says that "The smallest order that cannot be constructed by a combination of Sylvester's and Paley's methods is $92$" But it also says that ...
KfirKrak's user avatar
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Can an orthogonal matrix move monotonically toward a signed permutation matrix?

The question is motivated by this question on Mathematics SE. Let $A \in O(n)$ be an orthogonal matrix that is not a signed permutation matrix, and let $P$ be the nearest signed permutation matrix to $...
ryanriess's user avatar
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5 answers

Solution for $Xa + X^Tb = c$ where $X^TX = I$? [closed]

There are three known $n\times1$ vectors: $a, b, c$, along with one unknown $n\times n$ matrix: $X$. I am only interested in the $n={2,3}$ cases. $X$ is $2\times 2$ or $3\times 3$ rotation matrix ...
Kevin Welsh's user avatar
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Maximize function on rotation matrices [closed]

Let $A$ be a fixed 3-by-3 matrix and $Q$ be a rotation matrix whose yaw, pitch, and roll angles are $\phi\in[0,\pi]$, $\theta\in[0,\pi]$, and $\psi\in[0,\pi/2]$, respectively: \begin{equation} Q= \...
Benjamin Techer's user avatar
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Minimize matrix norm over the unitary matrices

Suppose $C_1$ and $C_2$ are some fixed $n \times n$ matrices. Define the norm $\| M \| = \sum_{i = 1}^n \max_j |M_{ij}|$. What is $\min_U \|C_1 U C_2 \|$? Here $U$ ranges over the $n \times n$ unitary ...
Gautam's user avatar
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A question about special linear group

Is there any way to find all matrices $G \in SL(n,\mathbb Z)$ such that there exists a matrix $A \in GL(n,\mathbb R)$ satisfying $$ AGA^{-1} \in SO(n,\mathbb R)? $$
Totoro's user avatar
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Orthogonal Matrices and Cosets (translates) of Linear Subspaces

Let $M_n(F_2)$ be the vector space of all $n\times n$ matrices over the finite field $F_2$. Let $O(n)\subset M_n(F_2)$ be the set of all orthogonal matrices and $W\subseteq O(n)$ be an affine subspace ...
DavitS's user avatar
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3 answers

Inverse of matrix $D + ADA^T$

Let $D$ be an arbitrary diagonal matrix and let $A$ be an orthogonal matrix ($A'A = AA' = I$). How to compute the following matrix inverse efficiently? $$(D + ADA^T)^{-1}$$ Hints or references are ...
John. Tang's user avatar
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Characterizing a subclass of row-orthogonal matrices

Let $O\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}$, $m>n$, be such that $O O^\top =I_n$. (Here $\bullet^\top$ denotes transposition and $I_n$ the $n\times n$ identity matrix.) Consider the following partition of $O$,...
Ludwig's user avatar
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Positive definite matrices diagonalised by orthogonal matrices that are also involutions

Let $A$ be a positive definite matrix. Then, $A$ is diagonalized by an orthogonal matrix $P$. I want to know when this matrix is also an involution, i.e., $P^2 = I$. If there is any ...
GA316's user avatar
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What's the best orthonormal matrix to align two matrices in the operator norm sense?

Let $A,B \in R^{n\times r}$ with $A^\top B $ invertible. It is known that \begin{equation} UV^\top :=\arg\min_{R \in \mathcal{O}^{r\times r}}\|AR-B\|_\mathrm{F}, \end{equation} where $USV^\top$ is ...
Wuchen's user avatar
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Singular value decomposition of a low rank weak diagonally dominant M-matrix. When is the unitary polar matrix positive semi-definite?

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$, non-symmetric, real, weak diagonally dominant M-Matrix. Its diagonal is strictly positive, its off-diagonal is negative or zero and all its columns sum to zero. $A$ has ...
Astor's user avatar
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Bounding the non-multiplicativity of isometric projection

Every $A \in \text{GL}_n(\mathbb{R})$ has a unique Polar decomposition: $A=O_AP_A$, $O \in \operatorname{O}_n, P \in \operatorname{Psym}_n$. In particular the orthogonal factor is given by $$O_A=A(\...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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When does isometric projection respect multiplication?

Every $A \in \text{GL}_n(\mathbb{R})$ has a unique orthogonal polar factor $O_A=A(\sqrt{A^TA})^{-1}$, ( $A=O_AP_A$, $O \in \operatorname{O}_n, P \in \operatorname{Psym}_n$see Polar decomposition). ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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A question on orthogonal matrix [closed]

Let $P\in R^{n\times n}$ be an orthogonal matrix. I want to ask whether or not there exists some vector $x\in R^n$ containing no zero entries such that $Px$ also contains no zero entries.
Xueyi Huang's user avatar
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Heuristics for counting degrees of freedom

I have recently learned about the representation theorem for isotropic, linear operators, which says the following: Defintion: Let $M_n$ be the vector space of $n \times n$ real matrices. We say a ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Dense symmetric unitary integer matrix?

Can someone give me a nontrivial example of a symmetric unitary integer matrix? I'm looking for something as dense as possible (i.e., not too many 0's); 5 <= size <= 8 would be ideal.
Anonymous Coward's user avatar
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MInors related problem [closed]

A matrix $A$ has $m$ rows and $n$ colums, such that $m \leq n$. We know that each row of $A$ has the norm $1$ (the norm of an element $x=(x_1,x_2,...,x_n) \in \mathbb{R}^n$ is $||x||=\sqrt{x_1^2+x_2^2+...
user95553's user avatar
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Existence of parametrizations of rational orthogonal matrices

I suppose that there are formulas which parametrize all the orthogonal matrices with rational coefficients. Does anyone know anything about it? And what are some publications that discuss this? Thanks....
jose luis leal's user avatar
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Is it possible to obtain the vectors orthogonal to a given one by orthogonal transformations?

Hello, everyone! Supposing that there is a unit vector in $n$-dimensional real space $\mathbf{x}_1\in\mathbb{R}^n$, I want to get a group of $n-1$ vectors to form an orthogonal basis with $\mathbf{x}...
ppyang's user avatar
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4 answers

Parametrization of O(3)

Is there a simple way to parametrize the orthogonal group O(3) of 3 by 3 orthogonal matrices?
user10621's user avatar