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106 votes
3 answers

Has the Lie group E8 really been detected experimentally?

A few months ago there were several math talks about how the Lie group E8 had been detected in some physics experiment. I recently looked up the original paper where this was announced, "Quantum ...
Richard Borcherds's user avatar
77 votes
7 answers

What is the symbol of a differential operator?

I find Wikipedia's discussion of symbols of differential operators a bit impenetrable, and Google doesn't seem to turn up useful links, so I'm hoping someone can point me to a more pedantic discussion....
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Geodesics on $SU(4)$

Are the geodesics of the following metrics on $SU(4)$ known or easy (in a way not known to me!) to find? In the adjoint representation, one can express the Killing form as a matrix and consider it as ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Is the Lie algebra-valued curvature two-form on a principal bundle P the curvature of a vector bundle over P?

I am an analyst struggling through some geometry used in physics. Some background: For some Lie group $G$, let $P$ be a principal $G$-bundle over the smooth manifold $M$. Let $\omega$ be a connection ...
Spencer's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Young tableaux for exceptional Lie algebras

Irreducible representations for the $A$-series Lie algebras are labelled Young diagrams, with a basis of each given by Young tableaux. Moreover, analogues exist for the $B,C$, and $D$ series. Does ...
Nadia SUSY's user avatar
9 votes
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Finding $U,V$ in Thompson's Formula

Thompson's formula says, given $A,B \in \mathfrak{su}(n)$, there exists $U,V \in SU(n)$ such that: $e^{A}e^{B}=e^{UAU^{\dagger} + VBV^{\dagger}}$ Given $a,b \in \mathfrak{su}(4)$ defined by: $a=J_x ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Killing form vs its counterpart in a given represenation

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a semi-simple Lie algebra and let $\phi:\mathfrak{g}\rightarrow\mathfrak{gl}(V)$ be its finite-dimensional complex irreducible representation. You can define two non-degenerate ...
Michał Oszmaniec's user avatar
8 votes
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Significance of half sum of non-simple positive roots

In representation theory, there are plenty of places that a $\rho$-shift makes an appearance, where $\rho$ is the half sum of positive roots. See, for instance, this post for some discussions of the ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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6 votes
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Branching rules for E6 into SU(3)^3

I am very confused about what are the branching rules for representations of $E6$ into a $SU(3)\times SU(3)\times SU(3)$ subgroup. At least in the physics literature, there seems to be a serious ...
Federico Carta's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Weyl's Branching Rule for $SU(N)$-Setting

On the Wikipedia page for restricted representations there is presented a number of explicit "branching rules". In particular, there is the ...
Nadia SUSY's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Definition of a Dirac operator

So it seems that a Dirac operator acting on spinors on $\psi=\psi(\mathfrak{su}(2),\mathbb{C}^2)$ can be written in this case simply as: $D=\sum_{i,j} E_{ij}\otimes e_{ji}$, where $E_{ij}$ are ...
CristinaSardon's user avatar
5 votes
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Chern-Simons theory with non-compact gauge groups G

This is related to a previous question, where a nonlinear σ model (NLSM) describes a scalar field Σ which takes on values in a nonlinear manifold called the target manifold T. There we ask the general ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Modular $S$-matrix for an extended affine Lie algebra

This is a refinement of this old question of mine. In order to find an answer, I've been working my way through q-alg/9511026, which contains all the information I need. In this paper, the authors ...
AccidentalFourierTransform's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

The embedding of $\mathfrak{g}_2$ into $\mathfrak{b}_3$ ($\mathfrak{so}_7$) on Chevalley generators

Let $\mathfrak{g}_2$ / $\mathfrak{b}_3$ be the simple complex Lie algebra of type $\mathsf{G}_2$ / $\mathsf{B}_3$ (the latter is also known as $\mathfrak{so}_7$). How is the embedding $\mathfrak{g}...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

About using the character formula for $SO(2n)$

I have known of the following equation for characters of a $SO(2n)$ representation with highest weights $(h_1,...,h_n)$ and for $(t_1,t_2,..,t_n,t_1^{-1},t_2^{-1},..,t_n^{-1})$ being the eigenvalues ...
user6818's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Highest weight orbit characterization (reformulated and extended)

Edit 1: I think that the question was not stated clearly enough so modified it a little. Edit 2: I thought over the physics that lies behind this question which led me to reformulation of the original ...
2 votes
1 answer

A question about flag variety of $SL(n,\mathbb{C})$

We know that the flag variety $SL(2,\mathbb{C})/B$ which $B$ is Borel subgroup, can be identified with $\mathbb{P^1}$, What can we say about $SL(n,\mathbb{C})/B$ which $B$ is Borel subgroup of $SL(...
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1 answer

Characterization of the weight orbit in the projective space via second order Casimir.

This is the spin-off of the question I previously asked. First, let me remind you some notation from that question: $G_0$ - compact, simply connected Lie group giving rise (by complexification) ...
Michał Oszmaniec's user avatar
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Casimir operators of a given Lie Algebra

I am a Physicist, so let me apologize in advance for some possible imprecisions. I'm working on a 10-dimensional Lie Algebra. Each element of the algebra represents a quantum mechanical operator, and ...
AndreaPaco's user avatar
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First Variation of Dyson Series/Magnus Expansion

Given the matrix differential equation $\frac{dU_t}{dt}=A_t U_t$ there are at least two ways to write a formal solution. Both the Dyson series: $U_t = \mathcal{T} e^{\int_{0}^{t} A_t dt}$ and the ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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The condition of maximality in branching rules of $SO$ group representations

Let the highest weight of a $SO(2n+1)$ representation be given as $(m_1,m_2,...,m_n)$ ($m_1\geq m_2 \geq .. \geq m_n \geq 0$) and the highest weight of a $SO(2n)$ representation be $(s_1,s_2,...,s_n)$ ...
user6818's user avatar
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2 answers

Why the Gell-Mann matrices in the SU(3)-model need to be trace orthogonal ?

Thank you Cristi Stoica for your answer to the previous post of this question. Your hint is to the point I think. We should look at the requirements to construct the corresponding root system. My ...
HAJV's user avatar
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Can a maximal rank subgroup of a simply connected Lie group have simply connected factors?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\rank{rank}$Take a simply connected Lie group $G$ such as $\SU(N)$ and a maximal rank subgroup $H$, i.e. $\rank(G) = \rank(H)$. Assume that $H$ takes ...
Eduardo Garcia's user avatar
1 vote
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Solving $T^2 = -\kappa\, \mathrm{Tr}\, (\log(e^{i T \hat{H}_0} \hat{O}) )^2$ equation

Is there a way to solve the equation: $T^2 = -\kappa\, \mathrm{Tr}\, (\log(e^{i T \hat{H}_0} \hat{O}) )^2$ for $T$? Here $\kappa$ is an arbitrary positive constant, $\hat{H}_0 \in \mathfrak{su}(N)$ ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Symplectic structure on $Sym^kG^{\mathbb{C}} $

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group, and let $G^\mathbb{C}$ be its complexification. I am looking for a symplectic structure (without use of coordinates) on $$ Sym^kG^{\mathbb{C}}, $$ PS:Here $G^{\mathbb{...
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0 votes
1 answer

Why the Gell-Mann matrices in the SU(3)-model need to be trace orthogonal?

Why the Gell-Mann matrices in the SU(3)-model need to be trace orthogonal?
HAJV's user avatar
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