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Geodesic convexity of Dirichlet Fundamental Domains

My question is motivated by this question, and this answer to it. Below, let's consider the setup in that answer: Let $M$ be a Riemannian manifold. Let $G\times M\to M$ be a proper action of a ...
Learning math's user avatar
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Geodesic laminations on the 4-punctured sphere

Let $S_{0,4}$ be the 4-punctured sphere equipped with a hyperbolic metric of finite volume (thus all punctures are cusps). Consider $\gamma$ to be a simple geodesic of $S_{0,4}$ (not necessarily ...
Nelson Schuback's user avatar
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Proof of homotopic essential simple close curves are isotopic

In the book by Benson Farb and Dan Margalit A primer on mapping class groups, Princeton Mathematical Series 49. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press (ISBN 978-0-691-14794-9/hbk; 978-1-400-83904-9/...
T566y65tt's user avatar
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Explicit description of the group of deck transformations acting on the universal cover of a Riemann Surface

I am finding the explicit description of genus $2$ surface as the upper half plane modulo group of Deck Transformation. I did't find it anywhere. Also, I found a similar question here. But, there is ...
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On Thurston's triangulations of sphere

I have two questions from Thurston's paper [1]. In the paper [1], Thurston talks about classifying certain classes of triangulations of the sphere. Here a triangulation of a sphere a Topological ...
hrkrshnn's user avatar
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Given a link $L\subset S^3$ how to construct a link $L'$ whose complement have hyperbolic structure?

Thurston claimed that almost all closed 3-manifolds are hyperbolic. To support this, he said that every closed 3-manifold is obtained by Dehn surgery along some link whose complement is hyperbolic. ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
8 votes
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Does there exist a Haken manifold where all its incompressible surfaces are non-separating?

Every non-zero element in $H_2(M,\mathbb Z)$ corresponds to an incompressible surface. So these surfaces are non-separating. But I'm interested in knowing about separating incompressible surfaces. A ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
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How to understand the simple closed curves in torus?

Let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be two simple closed curves in $T^2$ that intersect each other in one point. We identify $\alpha$ with $(1,0)\in \mathbb{Z}^2$ and $\beta$ with $(0,1)\in\mathbb{Z}^2$. Let $(...
Laughing li's user avatar
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If $i(x,z)\neq 0$ and if $y$ is conjugate of $x$, then what can we say about $i(x*y,z)$?

Let $S_g$ denote the closed oriented surface of genus $g\geq 2$. Let $x,y$ be two different (upto fixed base point homotopy) but freely homotopic curves, i.e. $y$ is a non-trivial element from a ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
13 votes
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What is the cup-product structure like on a hyperbolic 5-manifold?

Let $X$ be a hyperbolic 5-manifold. Can there be any class in $H^2(X;\mathbf{Z})$ that is torsion and whose square in $H^4(X;\mathbf{Z})$ is not zero? For example, are there hyperbolic 5-manifolds ...
David Treumann's user avatar
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How many quadratic fields occur as trace fields of hyperbolic knot complements?

I am interested in when the trace field of a knot complement has the form $F(\sqrt{-d})$ for $F\subset\mathbb{R}$ and $d\in F^+$ (squarefree). Does this occur for infinitely many choices of pairs $(F,...
j0equ1nn's user avatar
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For an arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifold group, when is its trace field not its invariant trace field?

Edit: In my original post I failed to require the group to be a manifold group. The answer below from @BenLinowitz works in that case. I am really interested though in when the group is torsion-free, ...
j0equ1nn's user avatar
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How many non-commensurable non-arithmetic manifolds have a quaternion algebra like this?

I am interested in realizing commensurability classes of hyperbolic $3$-manifolds whose quaternion algebra (note: not invariant quaternion algebra) is isomorphic to one of the form $\Big(\frac{a,b}{F(\...
j0equ1nn's user avatar
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How can we explicitly verify a canonical Dirichlet domain for this hyperbolic punctured torus

This is a follow-up question to a question from math.stackexchange: Had it not been for the exchange there between myself and @Lee_Mosher in the comments ...
j0equ1nn's user avatar
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What is known about maximal free subgroups of surface groups?

Let $\Gamma_g=< a_1,...,a_g,b_1,...,b_g | \prod_{i=1}^g [a_i,b_i]>$ (a surface group). What is known about maximal free subgroups of $\Gamma_g$ for $g>1.$ (I.e. free subgroups which are not ...
Adam's user avatar
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Smooth projective varieties with infinite abelian fundamental group and finite $\pi_2$

Let $X$ be a smooth projective complex algebraic variety of general type. Suppose that the (topological) fundamental group of $X$ is an infinite abelian group and that $\pi_2(X^{an})$ is finite. What ...
Uiterloo's user avatar
16 votes
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The fundamental group of a closed surface without classification of surfaces?

The fundamental group of a closed oriented surface of genus $g$ has the well-known presentation $$ \langle x_1,\ldots, x_g,y_1,\ldots ,y_g\vert \prod_{i=1}^{g} [x_i,y_i]\rangle. $$ The proof I know ...
Johannes Ebert's user avatar
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Embeddings of hyperbolic $n$-manifolds in $R^{n+2}$

Is there any example of a compact manifold $M$ of dimension $n>10000$ such that $M$ admits an embedding into $\mathbb R^{n+2}$, $M$ is hyperbolic; i.e., it admits a Riemannian metric with ...
Dmitri Panov's user avatar
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Are negatively pinched manifold locally conformally flat?

One knows that hyperbolic manifolds are locally conformally flat. How about those negatively pinched manifolds, i.e. the sectional curvature $K$ satisfy: $$ -\Lambda \le K \le -\lambda$$ for $\Lambda&...
J. GE's user avatar
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How to rigorously prove that simple closed curves on a surface are primitive closed curves ?

Let me first state the definitions : A not-nullhomotopic closed curve / loop $c$ on an orientable surface $X,c:[0,1]\to X$ is called simple closed curve is $c|[0,1)$ is injective and [ $c(0)=c(1) ] ;...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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Fundamental groups of closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds are freely indecomposable

I believe the following statement is true, and I've even seen it referenced here. Could someone point me to a proof? The fundamental group of a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold is not a free product.
JeremyKun's user avatar
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altering curvature on a tessellation representation of a compact surface

I have been reading about tessellation representations of compact surfaces, such as how the square tiling the plane represents the torus. For surfaces of genus > 1 (the ones that interest me), we ...
Nicolas Fernandez-Arias's user avatar