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Questions tagged [hausdorff-dimension]

Questions about dimensions of possibly highly irregular or "rough" sets, Hausdorff–Besicovitch dimension and related concepts such as box-counting or Minkowski–Bouligand dimension.

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Closed set containing infinite arithmetic progressions of ANY gap

Let $A\subseteq [0,\infty)$ be a set containing infinite arithmetic progressions of ANY gap, that is, for any $d>0$, there is $t>0$ such that $t+kd\in A$ for all $k\in \mathbb N$. Molter and ...
Thomas Yang's user avatar
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Controlling the size of the balls in Hausdorff dimension/measure

Let $X$ be a compact metric space, and let $$ \nu_s(X):=\sup\limits_{\varepsilon>0} \inf\limits_{\mathcal{E}} \sum\limits_{E \in \mathcal E} \mathrm{diam}(E)^s $$ be the $s$-dimensional Hausdorff ...
Nikita M's user avatar
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Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets of quadratics not in the Mandelbrot set.

What are the bounds on the possible values of the Hausdorff dimension of the Julia sets of quadratics not in the Mandelbrot set? In particular, assume we have a quadratic $q_c: z \mapsto z^2 + c$ on ...
uncooltoby's user avatar
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Hausdorff Dimension of Exceptional Set for Carleson's Theorem

In Mattila's book Fourier Analysis and Hausdorff Dimension, Mattila presents a result of Barcelo, Bennett, Carbery, and Rogers about convergence of solutions of the Schrodinger equation to the initial ...
Rob F's user avatar
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Product Fractals

Here is a theorem found in the Falconer's book on fractal geometry: Theorem: For any sets $E\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ and $F\subset \mathbb{R}^m$ $$ \dim_HF+\dim_HE\leq \dim_H(E\times F)\leq \dim_HE+\...
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5 votes
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Hausdorff metric on C[0,1]

Let us consider $C[0,1]$, the space of continuous functions $f\colon [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}$. It comes usually with the metric of the maximum, or of the supremum, $d_{L^{\infty}}$. Each element $f$ in $...
calc's user avatar
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Packing measure and Kleinian groups

There has been "some" debate on the notion of fractal (as an illustration, see for example the discussion in this link). One of the possible notions includes relating Hausdorff dimension and packing ...
John B's user avatar
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Simple definition of the Hausdorff measure using squared paper

I am giving a "non-technical" seminar in which I would like to give an elementary introduction to the Hausdorff dimension and measure. For simplicity, I was hoping to give a more intuitive ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
8 votes
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Isometrically-invariant measures and dilation of the Cantor set

Let $C$ be the Cantor middle-thirds set. Let $\mu$ be a finitely-additive isometrically-invariant measure on all subsets of $\mathbb R$. Then $\mu(3C)=2\mu(C)$, where $aB = \{ ax : x \in B \}$. ...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar
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1 answer

Are there any good techniques for calculating Hausdorff measure?

I'm aware that many techniques have been developed for the purpose of calculating Hausdorff dimension (although I'm fairly unfamiliar with them), but my question is whether or not we have any good ...
Nick's user avatar
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Quantitative measurement of infinite dimensionality

I recently encountered the metric mean dimension, which is a numerical metric invariant of (discrete time, compact space) dynamical systems that refines topological entropy for infinite-entropy ...
Benoît Kloeckner's user avatar
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1 answer

Hausdorff dimension of a subset of Cantor set

What is the Hausdorff dimension of the subset $$F := \{ x = \sum^\infty_{n=1} \frac{2 x_n}{3^n} \in [0,1] : x_n \in \{ 0 , 1 \} , x_n = 1 \Rightarrow x_{n+1}=0 \}$$ of the Cantor set? Is it known ...
MichaelNgelo's user avatar
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Multifractal Analysis and Dimension Spectrum of Unions

Consider the classical Multifractal Analysis, and the decomposition of the state space $X$ into level sets $$X=\bigcup_{\alpha}\left\{x\mid d_\mu(x)=\alpha\right\}\cup\left\{x\mid d_\mu(x) \,\mathrm{...
Dave Naughton's user avatar
14 votes
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Are there additive subgroups of reals of dimension 1 with no subgroups of dimension strictly between 0 and 1?

I will use $dimA$ to denote the Hausdorff dimension of a set $A \subseteq \mathbb{R}$. Being a null set means having Lebesgue measure zero. In the 1966 paper "Additive gruppen mit vorgegebener ...
James E. Reid's user avatar
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Hausdorff measure of the zero set

Let $f : \mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R$ continuous, for which there exist $x,y\in\mathbb R^n$, such that $f(x)f(y)<0$. Is it true that the Hausdorff dimension of the zero set of $f$ is at least $n-1$?
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