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Plane curve with continuously increasing Hausdorff dimension

In a recent paper, we required the following fact. Proposition 1. There exists a simple closed curve $\gamma\subset\mathbb{C}$ with the following property. If $\phi$ is a biholomorphic map, defined on ...
Lasse Rempe's user avatar
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On the Hausdorff dimension of a Cantor set

In what follows I refer to this paper by Orevkov. I am writing a paper on this, so if somebody is interested we could consider to write a joint paper. Consider a sequence $R=\{R_n\}_n$ of strictly ...
Joe's user avatar
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About the Hausdorff dimension of removable singularities of PDE

There are some interesting phenomenons about removable singularities (or extension problems). In the theory of functions of several complex variables, we know the classical Hartogs theorem: Let $f$ ...
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