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Schur cover of alternating groups

Wilson's book "The finite simple groups" gives (in section 2.7) a description of the double cover of the alternating groups. First, one constructs a double cover $2S_n$ of the symmetric ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Hyperoctahedral group, preliminaries [closed]

I am looking for information on the hyperoctahedral group From what I understand, the hyperoctahedral group is 'the generalized symmetric group' in the case where $m=2$. That is, the hyperoctahedral ...
ness's user avatar
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Subgroups of the symmetric group and binary relations

Motivation The following came up in my work recently. (NB this is the motivation, not the question I'm asking. You can skip to the actual question below, which is self-contained, but not self-...
Z. A. K.'s user avatar
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is the embedding $\mathrm{Sp}_{2m}(p)\leqslant S_{p^m-1}$ possible?

Is the following embedding possible? $\mathrm{Sp}_{2m}(p)\leqslant S_{p^m-1}$ where $S_{p^m-1}$ is a symmetric group and $p$ is prime. I see that when $p=3$ and $m=3$, the order of the former does ...
user488802's user avatar
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Alternate proof in Fulton–Harris of representation theoretic version of Littlewood–Richardson rule

$\DeclareMathOperator\Ind{Ind}$Let $d = d_1 + d_2$ with $d_1$, $d_2$ positive integers. Let $\lambda$ be a partition of $d_1$ and $\mu$ a partition of $d_2$, so that the Young symmetrizer construction ...
babu_babu's user avatar
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Characters of alternating groups

I am studying certain properties of characters of alternating groups and I have found precisely three characters not satisfying it up to $A_{15}$. These are: A character of dimension $3.696$ of $A_{...
dm82424's user avatar
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Is there a classification of homomorphisms $S_n \to S_{n+k}$ for small $k$?

Homomorphisms $B_n \to B_{2n}$ and $B_n \to S_{2n}$ have been classified in Chen–Kordek–Margalit - Homomorphisms between braid groups and Lin - Braids and permutations respectively. I am interested in ...
Noah Caplinger's user avatar
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Scalars by which symmetrizations of cyclic permutations act on Specht modules

Let $S_n$ be the symmetric group. Pick $a \in 2,\ldots,n$ and denote by $c_a \in \mathbb{C}[S_n]$ the symmetrization of the element $(12\ldots a)$ i.e. $c_a$ is the sum of cycles of type $a$. Let $\...
Asav's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

What is the standard 2-generating set of the symmetric group good for?

I apologize for this question which is obviously not research-level. I've been teaching to master students the standard generating sets of the symmetric and alternating groups and I wasn't able to ...
Matthieu Romagny's user avatar
4 votes
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A transitive action on a specific set

Let $G$ be a finite group and $\lambda\in G$, consider a set $$D^{p+*}_{G}(\lambda):=\{P\in S^{p+*}_G|P^{\lambda}=P=[P,\lambda]\}$$ where: $S^{p+*}_{G}$ denotes the set consisting of all non-trivial $...
Ling's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

Representations of products of symmetric groups

I'm writing a paper and want to cite some references to efficiently prove that over any field $k$ of characteristic zero, every irreducible representation of a product of symmetric groups, say $$ S_{...
John Baez's user avatar
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For which $n$ can $S_n$ act transitively on $n+k$ elements?

It is known that the symmetric group $S_n$ can act transitively on $n+1$ elements if and only if $n=5$. Are there similar classifications for $S_n$ acting transitively on $n+k$ elements, where $k$ is ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Arbitrarily large finite irreducible matrix groups in odd dimension?

I consider a finite irreducible matrix group $\Gamma\subseteq\mathrm{GL}(\Bbb R^d)$. I am interested in the maximal size of $\Gamma$ depending on $d$. But this question makes only sense if there is an ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Is there any research on the action of a subgroup on the whole finite group by conjugation?

I want to know whether there are any research on the orbits of the action of a subgroup by conjugation on the whole group, when the group is finite. (Especially whole symmetric group.) I'm especially ...
gualterio's user avatar
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Combinatorial problem in $\mathsf{S}_4$

I am working on a problem in Combinatorial Group Theory related to a construction in Algebraic Geometry, and I would like to have a conceptual proof of the fact described below. I am looking for ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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Faithful representation into $\operatorname{GL}(9,3)$

Take $T=\big(\left< (123) \right> \times \left< (456) \right> \times \left< (789) \right>\big) \rtimes \left< (147)(258)(369) \right> \leq S_9$. Does there exist an injective ...
HIMANSHU's user avatar
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Permutation representation of a finite $p$-group

In the (xi) group of the classification of groups of order $p^4$ given by W.Burnside in his book," Theory of Groups Of Finite Order". The group ($\mathbb{Z_{p^{2}}}\rtimes \mathbb{Z_{p^{}}}) ...
HIMANSHU's user avatar
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Character table of the symmetric group $S_n$ according to James

In James, "The representation theory of the symmetric groups" an algorithm is described to produce the character table of a symmetric group. The proof involves the equation (pp. 22,23) $$\...
Stefan Witzel's user avatar
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Transposition Cayley graphs are planar

Consider the Cayley graph $G$ with vertex set the elements of the symmetric group $S_n$ and generating set the set of minimal transposition generators of the group $S_n$, that is the set $S=\{(12),(13)...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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Non-zero group determinant for symmetric group

Let $G$ be a finite group. Given complex numbers $x=\{x_g: g\in G\}$, one can define a $|G|\times |G|$ matrix $X$, with entries $X_{g,h} = x_{gh^{-1}}$. Let's consider $G$ being the symmetric group $...
gondolier's user avatar
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14 votes
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Which irreducible representations of the symmetric group are eigenspaces of class sums?

In the setting of complex representations of finite groups, a class sum $1_C=\sum_{g\in C} g$ acts on an irreducible representation $V$ as $\lambda(C,V)\operatorname{Id}$, where $\lambda(C,V)=|C|\...
Hjalmar Rosengren's user avatar
11 votes
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A criterion for finite abelian group to embed into a symmetric group

Let $G$ be a finite abelian group. Write $G\approx \mathbb{Z}/p_1^{i_1}\mathbb{Z}\times\dots \mathbb{Z}/p_m^{i_m}\mathbb{Z}$, with $m\ge 0$, $p_1,\dots,p_m$ primes (not necessarily distinct) and $i_k\...
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Is there some sort of formula for $t(S_n)$?

Let $G$ be a finite group. Define $t(G)$ as the minimal number, such that $\forall X \subset G$ if $|X| > t(G)$ and $\langle X \rangle = G$, then $XXX = G$. Is there some sort of formula for $t(S_n)...
Chain Markov's user avatar
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Smith normal form of conjugacy class actions

This question was inspired by Smith Normal Form of a Cayley Graph of the Symmetric Group. Let $\mathbb{Q}S_n$ denote the group algebra over $\mathbb{Q}$ of the symmetric group $S_n$. Identify a ...
Richard Stanley's user avatar
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Is there some sort of formula for $\tau(S_n)$?

Let $G$ be a finite group. Define $\tau(G)$ as the minimal number, such that $\forall X \subset G$ if $|X| > \tau(G)$, then $XXX = \langle X \rangle$. Is there some sort of formula for $\tau(S_n)$, ...
Chain Markov's user avatar
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Probability of words summing to $1$ in $S_n$ or $\mathrm{PGL}_2(n)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\PGL{PGL}\DeclareMathOperator\Conj{Conj}$Let $G$ be the symmetric group $S_n$ or the projective general linear group $\PGL_2(n)$. Let $X$ be a cyclically reduced word in the ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Groups that can occur as graph automorphisms of a fixed size graph

From theorem $4$ and corollary $1$ in this book we have that graph isomorphism has to do with automorphism group of a graph. We also know every group is the automorphism group of a graph by Frucht's ...
Turbo's user avatar
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31 votes
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Does the symmetric group $S_{10}$ factor as a knit product of symmetric subgroups $S_6$ and $S_7$?

By knit product (alias: Zappa-Szép product), I mean a product $AB$ of subgroups for which $A\cap B=1$. In particular, note that neither subgroup is required to be normal, thus making this a ...
John McVey's user avatar
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A cancellation property for permutations?

Let $S_n$ be the group of $n$-permutations. Denote the number of inversions of $\sigma\in S_n$ by $\ell(\sigma)$. QUESTION. Assume $n>2$. Does this cancellation property hold true? $$\sum_{\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
4 votes
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Metrics on finite groups and generalizations of central limit theorems for balls volumes (à la Diaconis-Graham)

In wonderful lectures by P. Diaconis "Group representations in probability and statistics, Chapter 6. Metrics on Groups, and Their Statistical Use" metrics on permutation groups are considered and ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Decomposition into irreducible of a representation of the wreath product $S_d\wr S_n$

Let $S_d, S_n$ be the permutation groups of $d,n$ elements. An intuitive representation of the wreath product $S_d\wr S_n$ is $V_1\otimes...\otimes V_n$, where each $V_i$ is of dimension $d$. Writing ...
MarcO's user avatar
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Large subgroups of $S_n$ without large symmetric or alternating subgroups

I'm interested in determining the existence of a permutation group $G\subseteq S_n$ of the following form. $G$ is large. Meaning that $G$ have at least $n!/2^{o(n)}$ elements. Equivalently, their ...
verifying's user avatar
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Permutation factorizations according to number of generated orbits

Let $\pi$ be a permutation in $S_n$ with cycle type $\lambda$. How many factorizations into two factors $\pi=\sigma_1\sigma_2$ are there, such that the subgroup $\langle \sigma_1,\sigma_2\rangle$ ...
Marcel's user avatar
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What are all the transitive extensions of cyclic groups?

"Let $G$ be a transitive group of permutations on a given set of letters. Let a new fixed letter be adjoined to every permutation of $G$. Then a transitive group $H$ of permutations on the ...
M Dean's user avatar
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Is the Normal centralizer problem in P?

Notation $\le$ is used for the subgroup relation; $P$ means polynomial time in input size; $\Omega = \{1,2,3,\cdots,n\}$ is a input domain; $\mathrm{Sym}(\Omega)$ means the symmetric group on $\...
fddwd's user avatar
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Low-dimensional irreducible 2-modular representations of the symmetric group

I apologize if this question is a little too basic for MathOverflow, but it's somewhat outside of my background and I'm frustrated that the answer doesn't seem to be explicit in the literature even ...
Jeff Yelton's user avatar
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Generating symmetric groups with small cycles

This was asked but never answered at MSE. Let $S_n$ denote the symmetric group and let $H$ be a subgroup which contains an $n$-cycle. If $n$ is prime, and if $H$ also contains a 2-cycle, then ...
user2052's user avatar
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Generating sets of the symmetric group that yield isomorphic Cayley graphs

Let $S$ and $S'$ be subsets of size $k$ of $\mathfrak{S}_n$. Are there any necessary or sufficient conditions to determine whether or not $S$ and $S'$ yield isomorphic Cayley graphs? Assuming we ...
Anthony Labarre's user avatar
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Classification of transitive subgroups of finite symmetric groups generated by double transpositions

I want to classify (up to isomorphism) all transitive subgroups of symmetric group $S_n$ which are generated by double transpositions (product of two transpositions). Is there a characterization for ...
user112249's user avatar
16 votes
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Irreducible representations occuring in $\mathrm{Ind}_G^{S_{|G|}}1$ for $G$ finite group

Let $G$ be a finite group with $|G|=n$, let $S_G=S_n$ be the group of $n!$ permutations of the set $G$. Then $G$ is a subgroup of $S_G$ via left-translation (i.e. $g\in G$ corresponds to the ...
JoS's user avatar
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Solutions of $x^d=1$ in the symmetric group

L Moser and M Wyman, On solutions of $x^d = 1$ in symmetric groups, Canad. J. Math., 7 (1955), pages 159-168, explored asymptotic behavior of the cardinality of such permutations: $$f_d(n):=\#\{\pi\in\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
2 votes
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Symmetric group acting on the set of boolean functions

Let $S_n$ act on the set of boolean functions of size $n$ in the following way: If $f$ is a boolean function and $\alpha \in S_n$, then $g=\alpha f$ and $g(x)=f(\alpha(x))$ where $x$ is boolean ...
Ashot's user avatar
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$S_n$ action on the sequences of transpositions

It is well-known, that any element $\rho$ of the symmetric group $S_n$ with $n-p$ cycles admits a unique presentation as a product of a sequence of transpositions $\{(a_i\,b_i)\}_{i = 1}^p$ with $a_i &...
user79456's user avatar
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22 votes
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A symmetric-like group and the quaternion group $Q_8$

It is well known that the symmetric group $S_n$ admits presentation with $\{(ij) \mid i\neq j\}$ as the set of generators and the following list of relations (in every formula distinct letters denote ...
Sergey Sinchuk's user avatar
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Factorization in the group algebra of symmetric groups

Let $S_n$ be the symmetric group on $\{1, \ldots, n\}$. Let \begin{align} T=\sum_{g\in S_n} g. \end{align} Are there some references about the factorization of $T$? In the case of $n=3$, we have \...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Sum of Young symmetrisers of a given shape

Preliminaries and notation: Let $n\in \mathbb{Z}_{>0}$ and $\lambda=(\lambda_1,\lambda_2,\dots,\lambda_s)\vdash n$ be a partition. Given a Young diagram of shape $\lambda$, we can associate it ...
User's user avatar
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A question about (unicity of certain cycles in a Cayley graph of a) symmetric group

Let $S=\{(1,2),(1,2,3,\ldots,n),(1,2,3,\ldots,n)^{-1}=(1,n\ldots,2)\}$ be a subset of the symmetric group $S_n$. We know that $(1,2,\ldots,n)(1,2)=(2,3,\ldots,n)$, and thus $$[(1,2,\ldots,n)(1,2)]^{n-...
Xueyi Huang's user avatar
5 votes
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A decomposition of $w_0$ which is similar to the reduced decomposition

Some basic definitions about reduced decomposition: In the symmetric group $S_n$, let $s_i$ denote the adjacent transposition $(i,i+1),i\in \{1,2,\cdots,n-1\}.$ Since $S_n$ is generated by adjacent ...
user173856's user avatar
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Simplicity of alternating group $A_n$

I am teaching an introductory group theory course, and it has come to the inevitable proof that $A_n$ is simple for $n\geq 5$. Now, there seem to be a number of proofs that I can find – one the "...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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factorization of the regular representation of the symmetric group

Let $\mathbb{C}[S_n]$ be the regular representation of the symmetric group $S_n$, and let $\mathbb{C}^n$ be the vector representation. Question: Does there exist a representation $V$ (of dimension $(...
Nicholas Proudfoot's user avatar