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Metrics on finite groups and generalizations of central limit theorems for balls volumes (à la Diaconis-Graham)

In wonderful lectures by P. Diaconis "Group representations in probability and statistics, Chapter 6. Metrics on Groups, and Their Statistical Use" metrics on permutation groups are considered and ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
29 votes
3 answers

Roots of permutations

Consider the equation $x^2=x_0$ in the symmetric group $S_n$, where $x_0\in S_n$ is fixed. Is it true that for each integer $n\geq 0$, the maximal number of solutions (the number of square roots of $...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

Structure of the adjoint representation of a (finite) group (Hopf algebra) ?

Every group acts on itself by conjugation $h \mapsto g h g^{-1}$. Respectively considering functions on a group we obtain a linear representation. Question 1: what is known about this representation ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What is natural about the well-known bijection between conjugacy classes and irreps of a symmetric group?

Symmetric groups possess a well-known bijection between conjugacy classes and irreducible representations. More precisely, both sets are indexed by Young diagrams. Question: To what extent is this ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

What is the standard 2-generating set of the symmetric group good for?

I apologize for this question which is obviously not research-level. I've been teaching to master students the standard generating sets of the symmetric and alternating groups and I wasn't able to ...
Matthieu Romagny's user avatar
15 votes
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factorization of the regular representation of the symmetric group

Let $\mathbb{C}[S_n]$ be the regular representation of the symmetric group $S_n$, and let $\mathbb{C}^n$ be the vector representation. Question: Does there exist a representation $V$ (of dimension $(...
Nicholas Proudfoot's user avatar
11 votes
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Probability of words summing to $1$ in $S_n$ or $\mathrm{PGL}_2(n)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\PGL{PGL}\DeclareMathOperator\Conj{Conj}$Let $G$ be the symmetric group $S_n$ or the projective general linear group $\PGL_2(n)$. Let $X$ be a cyclically reduced word in the ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Arbitrarily large finite irreducible matrix groups in odd dimension?

I consider a finite irreducible matrix group $\Gamma\subseteq\mathrm{GL}(\Bbb R^d)$. I am interested in the maximal size of $\Gamma$ depending on $d$. But this question makes only sense if there is an ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Low-dimensional irreducible 2-modular representations of the symmetric group

I apologize if this question is a little too basic for MathOverflow, but it's somewhat outside of my background and I'm frustrated that the answer doesn't seem to be explicit in the literature even ...
Jeff Yelton's user avatar
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Is there some sort of formula for $\tau(S_n)$?

Let $G$ be a finite group. Define $\tau(G)$ as the minimal number, such that $\forall X \subset G$ if $|X| > \tau(G)$, then $XXX = \langle X \rangle$. Is there some sort of formula for $\tau(S_n)$, ...
Chain Markov's user avatar
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Transposition Cayley graphs are planar

Consider the Cayley graph $G$ with vertex set the elements of the symmetric group $S_n$ and generating set the set of minimal transposition generators of the group $S_n$, that is the set $S=\{(12),(13)...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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Decomposition into irreducible of a representation of the wreath product $S_d\wr S_n$

Let $S_d, S_n$ be the permutation groups of $d,n$ elements. An intuitive representation of the wreath product $S_d\wr S_n$ is $V_1\otimes...\otimes V_n$, where each $V_i$ is of dimension $d$. Writing ...
MarcO's user avatar
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Combinatorial problem in $\mathsf{S}_4$

I am working on a problem in Combinatorial Group Theory related to a construction in Algebraic Geometry, and I would like to have a conceptual proof of the fact described below. I am looking for ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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What are all the transitive extensions of cyclic groups?

"Let $G$ be a transitive group of permutations on a given set of letters. Let a new fixed letter be adjoined to every permutation of $G$. Then a transitive group $H$ of permutations on the ...
M Dean's user avatar
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