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One-parameter groups acting on dual Banach spaces

Let $E$ be a Banach space, and $M=E^*$ (my application has $M$ a von Neumann algebra, but this is unimportant). Let $(\sigma_t)$ be a SOT cts one-parameter group on $E$: so for $t\in\mathbb R$, we ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of a Parametrized Family of Linear Functions

Suppose that we have a family of linear functions $L(\alpha) : \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$, where $\alpha$ is a positive real number. For each $\alpha$, it is given that $L(\alpha)$ is a ...
Eric Haengel's user avatar
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Localization in analytic geometry

Let $X$ be a Stein complex analytic space, and let $Z$ be a closed complex analytic subspace. Set $U=X-Z$. I was wandering if there is any relationship between $A_1:=\mathcal{O}_X(U)$ and the ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Differential equation with switched parameters and boundary conditions in integral form

Sorry for the title, I didn't find a better description (showing that I have no idea for the solution). Feel free to put in a better title and change the tags if you can grasp a view on the problem. ...
elcron's user avatar
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Is the metric obtained by altering the metric of a Hilbert space on a finite-dimensional subspace equivalent to the original one? [closed]

Suppose a Hilbert space W can be written as the direct sum (not necessarily orthogonal) of the closed subspaces H and V, where H is assumed to be of finite dimension. Define a new inner product via ||...
Orbicular's user avatar
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Lower semicontinuity of Bregman distances/divergences

For a Banach space $X$ and a convex functional $J:X \to [0,\infty]$ (i.e. with values in the extended reals), consider the associated Bregman distance: For $x,y\in X$ and $\xi\in\partial J(y)$: \begin{...
Dirk's user avatar
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WLD Banach spaces

Does anyone know of an example of a weakly Lindeloff determined (WLD) Banach space which does not contain c_0 and is not weak Asplund? I believe the example of a WLD, non-weak Asplund space by Argyros ...
Robb Fry's user avatar
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Question on Bergman minimal domains

Let $D \subseteq \mathbb{C}^n$ be a bounded domain and let $t \in D$. We say that $D$ is a minimal domain with center $t$ if for each biholomorphism $F:D \to D' \subseteq \mathbb{C}^n$ such that $JF(t)...
Jaikrishnan's user avatar
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A constrained prolongement

Let $\Omega$ be a domain of $R^n$, let $\omega$ be open subset of $\Omega$ and let $\theta \in W^{2,\infty}(\omega).$ I am wondering about the existence of a function $\tilde{\theta} \in W^{2,\infty}...
hardy's user avatar
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Holomorphic stability of inverse limit of pre-$C^*$-algebras

Let A be a C*-algebra and let At be a set of dense *-subalgebras of A, stable under holomorphic functional calculus on A, which are also Banach algebras complete with respect to the norms ||$\cdot$||t....
Kolya Ivankov's user avatar
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Local supporting points of Lipschitz functions

Let X be a separable reflexive Banach space and f:X\to\mathbb{R} be a Lipschitz function. Say that a point x in X is a local supporting point of f if there exist x^* in X^* and an open neighborhood U ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Bounding a q-expansion on a bounded open subset of the complex upper-half plane

Let $f:\mathbf{H}\to \mathbf{C}$ be a holomorphic function on the complex upper-half plane and let $q:\tau\mapsto \exp(\pi i \tau)$ be the nome on $\mathbf{H}$. Suppose that there are integers $a_j$ ...
Alfonso's user avatar
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quasinilpotence and finite spectrum II

Let A be a quasinilpotent operator on a Hilbert space and let every operator of the algebra generated by $A$ and $A^{*}$ have finite spectrum. Does then follow, that A is nilpotent ? See also ...
jjcale's user avatar
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An integral arising in statistics(2)

The integral I am interested in is: $$t(x)=\int_{-K}^{K}\frac{\exp(ixy)}{1+y^{2q}}dy$$ $K<\infty$, q natural number For q=1 one can use contour integration. So for K>1 we have : $$\pi/2-\...
vilvarin's user avatar
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Holomorphic automorphism of strictly psudo-convex domain smooth on boundary

I am wondering if anything is known about this. I couldn't find anything in the literature. In '74 C. Fefferman published a solution to the following problem. Let $\sigma:D\rightarrow D$ be an ...
Craig's user avatar
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Generating cones having no surjections [in operator spaces]

Is this little toy known ? Let $E$ be some Banach space, and let $K$ be the closed unit ball of its dual, endowed with the weak-star topology. Also, let $j:E$ $\rightarrow$ $C(K)$ be the natural ...
Ady's user avatar
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Positive block matrices over tensor algebras

Let $A$ be a unital C*-algebra. A positive block matrix in $M_2(A)$ must have the form $$ \begin{pmatrix} a & a^{1/2} x b^{1/2} \\ b^{1/2} x^* a^{1/2} & b \end{pmatrix}, $$ where $a,b$ are ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Relation between different spatial derivatives of a random field (related to complex integral and/or bessel function)

2 random fields $b$ and $c$ are derived from random field $a$ by $b=\nabla^2a\equiv(\partial_{xx}+\partial_{yy})a $ and $c \equiv c_1+i c_2 = (\partial_{xx}-\partial_{yy}+2i \partial_{xy}) a$. (...
Straybird's user avatar
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Multiplicity of zero (higher dimensional analog)

Consider a sistem of n holomorphic equations with n unknowns in a neighborhood of zero. Suppose that a solution in a neighborhood of 0 is a k-dimensional manifold. I want to associate to it some ...
tanya's user avatar
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Unbounded Convex domain

Take an unbounded convex domain in C^n, with n>1. Suppose that it is Kobayashi hyperbolic. Is it true that it is biholomorphic to a BOUNDED convex domain? For n=1 it is true due to the Riemann mapping ...
Speedy's user avatar
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Square powers of hemicontinuous operators

Let H be an infinite dimensional real Hilbert space. A [not necessarily linear] mapping of H into itself is said to be hemicontinuous if it is continuous from each line segment of H to the weak ...
Ady's user avatar
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Slicing the fibres of a meromorphic function with the zero set of a section of an ample line bundle

I'm going through a proof of a vanishing theorem by Sommese ($H^{p,q}(X,L) = 0$ for $p+q > n+k$ if $L$ is $k$-ample) and have hit the following brick wall: I've got a complex projective manifold $...
Gunnar Þór Magnússon's user avatar
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Functional inequalities on neighbourhood graphs

Consider an open domain $\Omega \in \mathbb{R}^d$, say the unit disk in $\mathbb{R}^2$ with $N$ points sampled i.i.d. on it. One of the simplest possible (unnormalised) discrete Laplacian of a ...
Rundasice's user avatar
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Rotations and bi-analytic functions

Are the bi-analytic functions $\partial^2_{\overline{z}} f=0$ invariant under rotations?
Wēr's user avatar
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Representing a periodic strip operator as a tensor product of operators

I hope this question is not trivial, but here goes. I want to consider a bounded operator on $\mathcal{H}=\ell^2(\mathbb{Z}\times \{0,...,N-1\})$ that is a discrete Schrodinger like operator. ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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Derivate involving Bessel function of second type

Let. $$f := (x, y) \mapsto \text{BesselK}(1, c \cdot (a - b \cdot (x + y))) \cdot \exp(c \cdot b \cdot (y - x))$$ Is there a close formula for this $$\frac{\partial^{m+n}}{\partial y^m \partial x^n} f(...
Ryo Ken's user avatar
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On constructing the canonical boundary operator for a given differential operator

Given an $n\times n$ matrix $$X=\begin{pmatrix} x_{11} & x_{12} & \cdots & x_{1n} \\ x_{21} & x_{22} & \cdots & x_{2n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ x_{n1}...
Ryan Hendricks's user avatar
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Support of a function acting on an algebra?

Quick: for a measurable function $f$ its support on Euclidean space is clearly just the subset where $f$ does not vanish. Now, let’s have $f$ acting on an finite Lie algebra, f.e. $\mathfrak{gl}$ as $...
relativeentropy's user avatar
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Projection measure and an integral formula for Lipschitz functions

Let $n\geq m\geq 0$ be integers and put $k=n-m$. Let $A\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ be Borel measurable, we define the projection measure of $A$ as $$\mu_k(A):=\underset{P_1, \ldots, P_r}{\sup_{A=A_1\sqcup\...
Alexander's user avatar
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Kirszbraun-like extension of periodic functions

Let $\Lambda \subset \Lambda' \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be lattices. Let $f : \Lambda' \rightarrow \mathcal{H}$ be a $a$-Lipschitz function, where $\mathcal{H}$ is a finite-dimensional Hilbert Space. ...
jetSett's user avatar

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