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Questions tagged [equivariant-homotopy]

Equivariant homotopy theory is the study of how homotopy theory behaves when spaces are considered together with a group action on them.

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5 votes
1 answer

Are two equivariant maps between aspherical topological spaces homotopic?

Let $f: X \rightarrow Y$ be continuous, X,Y pathwise connected and aspherical (i.e. trivial higher homotopy groups). Then $\pi_1(X)$ acts on the universal cover of $X$ via deck transformations, and on ...
user91775's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Universal space for the family of subgroups of a finite cyclic group

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and let $\mathcal{P}_G$ denote the family of proper subgroups of $G$. The universal space for the family $\mathcal{P}_G$ is a cofibrant $G$-space which does not have $G$-...
fixedp's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

$RO(G)$-graded homotopy groups vs. Mackey functors

Everything here is model-independent: either take co/fibrant replacements wherever appropriate, or work $\infty$-categorically. Also, I've looked through other similar MO questions, but I didn't find ...
Aaron Mazel-Gee's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

(Non)-equivariant equivalence in $G$-spectra

In HHR, an important part is the periodicity theorem. For proving the theorem, they invert a carefully defined class $D \in \pi^{C_8}_{19\rho_8}(N^8_2MU_{\mathbb{R}})$ and they can find an element in $...
Mingcong Zeng's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Genuine equivariant ambidexterity

A particular case of Lurie and Hopkins' ambidexterity theory is that if $G$ is a finite group acting on a $K(n)$-local spectrum $X$ then the norm map $$ X_{hG} \to X^{hG} $$ is a $K(n)$-local ...
Yonatan Harpaz's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

homotopy equivalence between configuration spaces

Let $M$ be a $m$-dimensional compact manifold without boundary and $W(M)$ the non-compact $CW$-complex obtained by glueing $[0,1)\times (0,1)^{m-1}$ to $M$, identifying the boundary $\{0\}\times(0,1)^{...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

isotopy equivalence (topological meaning) between $CW$-complexes

Let $M$ and $N$ be $CW$-complexes. Definition. (different from the isotopy notion in geometry of submanifolds). A (topological) isotopy is a fibre-wise continuous map $$ F: M\times [0,1]\...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

What is higher equivariant homotopy?

In Lurie's "Survey of elliptic cohomology" it is claimed that there exists some mystical "2-equivariant homotopy theory" for elliptic cohomology. The classical equivariant elliptic cohomology is ...
Anton Fetisov's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Motivation for equivariant homotopy theory?

I'm in the process of learning equivariant homotopy theory, so I was wondering: what is the importance of equivariant homotopy theory, and what has it been applied to so far? I know of HHR's solution ...
16 votes
1 answer

Equivariant Fredholm operators classify equivariant K-theory

Let $\mathcal{F}$ be the space of Fredholm operators on a separable Hilbert space $H$ with the topology induced by the operator norm. If $X$ is compact, Atiyah-Jänich proved that $$[X,\mathcal{F}]\...
Bo Liu's user avatar
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11 votes
0 answers

How does the HHR Norm functor interact with the cotensor over $G$-spaces?

Let $N_H^G$ be the norm functor from orthogonal $H$-spectra to orthogonal $G$-spectra. We know the category of orthogonal $G$-spectra $\mathcal{S}_G$ is enriched over the category of based $G$-spaces $...
Jack Davies's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Iterated Homotopy Quotient

If one has a normal Lie group inclusion $H\to G$, with quotient $G/H$, and a $G$-manifold $X$, one can take the quotient $X/H$. Then the $G$-action on $X/H$ factors thru a $G/H$-action, so one can ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
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$G$-CW complex structure of certain G-space

Let $G$ be a finite group and $H$ be a subgroup of $G$ . Let us denote $X= G/H \ast G/H \ast \cdots \ast G/H $($k$ times).Where $\ast$ denotes the topological join operation. My question are as ...
Surojit's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

$G$-CW complex structure of universal a $\mathcal{F}$-space

Let $G$ be a finite group and $H$ be an abelian subgroup of $G$. Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a family of all subgroups of $H$ , i.e. $\mathcal{F}= \{K : K \leq H\}$ Define universal $\mathcal{F}$-space $E\...
Surojit's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Naive G-spectrum representing geometric equivariant cobordism

Let $G$ be a finite group. By the transversality results of Wasserman $G$-equivariant bordism (say real) should be a naive homology theory, and as such it should be represented by a naive G-spectrum. ...
Emanuele Dotto's user avatar
3 votes
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Maps between equivariant loop spaces

I have an elementary question about equivariant loop spaces that I feel it should be well known. Given a finite group $G$ and a finite $G$-set $J$ let $S^J=\mathbb{R}[J]^+$ be the permutation ...
Emanuele Dotto's user avatar
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Explicit calculation of G-CW(V) structure of a G-space

I know explicitly the $Z/6$-CW($ξ^2$)-complex structure of $D(ξ^2)$, where $ξ$ is the non-trivial irreducible representation of $Z/6$ without fixed points. I am looking for an explicit calculation of ...
Surojit Ghosh's user avatar
2 votes
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Why is the oriented $G$-homotopy type of a $G$-complex uniquely determined by the periodicity generator?

Say we have a periodicity generator $e \in H^k(BG)$. I can show that we then have a $(k-1)$-dimensional $G$-complex $X$ with free $G$-action. It's also not that difficult to see that it has trivial $G$...
user16931's user avatar
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Equivariant Homotopy

Let $G=\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ be $\{\pm1\}$ and let there be two $G$-spaces given: $X=$ The surface of a cylinder including its boundary circles and $S^4$. That means we two G-actions $f_1:G\times X\...
PPR's user avatar
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3 votes
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Equivariant model structure on $G-\mathrm{Gpd}$

Let's denote $G\text{-}\mathrm{Gpd}$ the presheaf category $[\mathbf{B}G, \mathrm{Gpd}]$. Now assume that $\mathrm{Gpd}$ is endowed with its natural model structure where weak equivalences are ...
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5 votes
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G-spaces and SG-module spectra

This question is related to the one here, but has a slightly different angle. Let $G$ be a topological group and let $X$ be a $G$-space. Taking the suspension spectrum $\Sigma^{\infty}_+ X$ (in my ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Isomorphism between the Burnside ring $A(G)$ and the zeroth $G$-equivariant stable homotopy $\pi^{G}_0(S^0)$

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group. I know that the Burnside ring $A(G)$ is isomorphic to the zeroth $G$-equivariant stable homotopy $\pi^{G}_0(S^0)$. What is the isomorphism between $A(G)$ and $\pi^{G}_0(...
Me If's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

When is the diagonal inclusion a $\Sigma_2$-cofibration?

Recall that a space $X$ is called locally equiconnected or LEC if the diagonal map $d:X\hookrightarrow X\times X$ is a cofibration. For example, CW-complexes are LEC. There is some discussion of this ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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Failure of "equivariant triangulation" for finite complexes equipped with a $G$-action

Let $\mathcal{S}$ be the $\infty$-category of spaces, and let $G$ be a finite group, and let $BG$ be the groupoid with one object and automorphisms given by $G$. Consider the $\infty$-category $\...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is the category of $G$-spaces a model category?

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and $\mathcal{C}_G$ the category of $G$-spaces (ie. topological spaces endowed with continuous left $G$-actions). Is there a model category structure on $\mathcal{C}_G$ ...
Peter Crooks's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Adams Operations on $K$-theory and $R(G)$

One of the slickest things to happen to topology was the proof of the Hopf invariant one using Adams operations in $K$-theory. The general idea is that the ring $K(X)$ admits operations $\psi^k$ that ...
Elden Elmanto's user avatar
3 votes
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Why "non-linear similarity" is the same as equivalence of representations for connected Lie groups?

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group and $V$ a finite-dimensional orthogonal $G$-representation. Write $S^V$ for the quotient $D(V)/S(V)$, where $D(V)$ and $S(V)$ are the unit disk and sphere in $V$, ...
a grad student's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

"abstract" description of geometric fixed points functor

I'm sure this must be well known, but I could not find any references. My basic question is: Are there "abstract" descriptions of the geometric fixed point functors in equivariant stable homotopy ...
Tom Bachmann's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Equivariant classifying spaces from classifying spaces

Given compact Lie groups $G$ and $\Pi$, there is a notion of "$G$-equivariant principal $\Pi$-bundle", and a corresponding notion of classifying space, often denoted $B_G\Pi$, so that $G$-equivariant ...
Charles Rezk's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Equivariant homotopy, simplicially

It is a classic result of Kan that the homotopy categories (with appropriate model structures) of simplicial sets and of topological spaces (in fact, one could only care about CW-complexes) are ...
Anton Fetisov's user avatar
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Zeroth G-equivariant Stable Stem [duplicate]

Let G be a finite group. Can anyone give me a motivation and rigorous proof of the Burnside ring A(G) is isomorphic to the zeroth G-equivariant stable stem ?
Surojit Ghosh's user avatar
9 votes
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Is the Milnor construction contractible

Let $G$ be any topological group. Then we can form the infinite join $E_G$ of $G$, i.e. the colimit $G*G*G\cdots$. Is $E_G$ contractible? I mean it is clear that $E_G$ is weakly contractible, but ...
Oliver Straser's user avatar
8 votes
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Fibrations of orthogonal G-spectra and fixed points

There are at least two fixed point functors that characterize stable equivalences of orthogonal G-spectra: the geometric fixed points and the naive fixed points of a fibrant replacement. Is this true ...
Emanuele Dotto's user avatar
5 votes
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Extensions of discrete groups by spectra

If $G$ is a discrete group, recall that a (naive) $G$-spectrum consists of based $G$-spaces $E_n$ together with based $G$-maps $\Sigma E_n \to E_{n+1}$, where we give the suspension coordinate the ...
John Klein's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Need M combinatorial for existence of injective model structure on $M^G$?

I'm doing some work with model categories and operads, and to check a certain hypothesis I've had to learn a bit of equivariant homotopy theory. Let $M$ be a model category and $G$ be a finite group. ...
David White's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Equivariant colimits and homotopy colimits

Suppose we are given a diagram of topological spaces. We can restrict ourselves to the diagrams over finite partially ordered sets and let all spaces be good enough (e.g. CW-complexes). One can take ...
Anton Ayzenberg's user avatar
5 votes
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Can the set of iso classes of G-equivariant H-bundles be given by ordinary homotopy classes of non-equivariant maps?

Let $G$ be a (nice enough) topological group (actually a filtered colimit of compact Lie groups), and let $X$ be a manifold with an action (a proper one in fact) by a Lie group $H$. Let $X//H := (X\...
David Roberts's user avatar
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cofibrations in $O_G$-spaces

For a finite group $G$, let $O_G$ denote the orbit category of $G$. Is there a explicit/nice description of cofibrations in the functor category $Top^{O_G^{op}}$ where the weak equivalences and ...
sen-deba's user avatar
18 votes
8 answers

Reference request: Equivariant Topology

I am teaching a graduate seminar in equivariant topology. The format of the course is that I will give 2-3 weeks of background lectures, then each week a student will present a topic. The students ...
2 votes
0 answers

Do non-ordinary Bredon cohomology theories extend?

As shown by Lewis, May, and McClure (MR0598689), the ordinary equivariant Bredon cohomology theory $H^*_G(-; M)$ extends to an $RO(G)$-graded cohomology theory precisely when the coefficient system $M$...
Bill Kronholm's user avatar
22 votes
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Is the equivariant cohomology an equivariant cohomology?

Suppose a finite group $G$ acts piecewise linearly on a polyhedron $X$. Then there are two kinds of equivariant cohomology (or homology). $\bullet$ With coefficients in a $\Bbb Z G$-module $M$. A ...
Sergey Melikhov's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Why are equivariant homotopy groups not RO(G)-graded?

I know very little about the fancy equivariant stable homotopy category, so I apologize if this question is silly for one reason or another, but: I think that stable homotopy, in the non-equivariant ...
Dylan Wilson's user avatar
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5 votes
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equivariant cohomology with respect to a loop group

Let $G$ be a compact connected simply connected Lie group. Let $LG$ be the corresponding loop group. What is the cohomology of its classifying space (i.e. what is the equivariant cohomology of a point ...
Alexander Braverman's user avatar
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Reference for homotopy orbits of pointed spaces

Can someone point me to a good (hopefully simple and brief) place to read about the basics of homotopy orbits for pointed spaces? More detail: As I understand it, in the unpointed case, we use the ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Simple examples of equivariant homology and bordism

I'm looking for simple examples of calculations of equivariant homology and of equivariant bordism. I have a finite group G acting on an CW-complex X. I would like to calculate the equivariant ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
9 votes
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toy examples of equivariant homotopy theory

I've heard a little recently about equivariant homotopy theory, and so I decided to try out some baby examples just to get a feel for it. I'm not even sure if these are the right thing to look at, ...
Aaron Mazel-Gee's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

homotopy invariant and coinvariant

Let $V$ be a chain complex, which is either $Z$ or $Z/2$ graded. A circle action on $V$ is by definition an action of the dga $H_\ast(S^1)$. This consists of a map $D : V → V$ , which is of square ...
Hao's user avatar
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9 votes
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A heart for stable equivariant homotopy theory

Let $G$ be a finite group. I wonder whether the following statement is true, known and written down: There is a t-structure on the stable $G$-equivariant homotopy category such that the associated ...
user2146's user avatar
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21 votes
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What is the current knowledge of equivariant cohomology operations?

In Caruso's paper, "Operations in equivariant $Z/p$-cohomology,", he shows that the integer-graded stable cohomology operations in $RO(\mathbb{Z}/p)$-...
Bill Kronholm's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Motivation for equivariant sheaves?

Hello everyone; i'm looking for a motivation for equivariant sheaves (see ~ Why are we interested in them? More explicitely: Can I think of G-...
Gerrit Begher's user avatar