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Rational G-spectrum and geometric fixed points

For a finite group $G$, how is a rational $G$-spectrum $X$ detected by the geometric fixed point functor $\phi^H$ where we consider the conjugacy class of $H\leq G$? I tried finding a reference for ...
Steven Patrak's user avatar
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Geometric fixed points of induction spectrum

I was reading the paper "The Balmer spectrum of rational equivariant cohomology theories" of J.P.C. Greenlees and I found the following interesting fact, expressed in Lemma 4.2 and Remark 4....
N.B.'s user avatar
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A question related to injective envelope for a system of DGA's

I was trying to read Fine and Triantafillou's paper "On the equivariant formality of Kahler manifolds with finite group action". They have defined the enlargement at $H$ of a system of DGA's ...
piper1967's user avatar
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Model structure on dg-algebras over an "equivariant fundamental category"?

For purposes of $G$-equivariant rational homotopy theory one wants a Quillen adjunction which generalizes the classical one of Bousfield-Gugenheim from plain dg-algebras/simplicial-sets to (co-)...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar
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Projective resolution of a dual coefficient system

I was trying to read the paper "Equivariant minimal models" by G. Triantafillou(1982) and was trying to compute cohomology of a system of DGA with rational coefficient system. Given a finite ...
piper1967's user avatar
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Almost free circle actions on spheres

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Fix}{\operatorname{Fix}}$I am looking for any reference regarding the following problem: Problem: Consider a smooth almost-free action of $S^1$ on a smooth sphere $S^n$. Then ...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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Existence of relative equivariant minimal models

In equivariant rational homotopy theory the existence of minimal models (i.e. the equivariant generalization of minimal Sullivan models) has been established by Triantafillou (jstor:1999119) and Scull ...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar