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State of the art on attempts to solve the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem through transfering the problem to a weaker curve

Let an elliptic curve $E$, and 2 points on such curve $P$ and $O$ the methods I’m talking about consist in creating a weaker elliptic curve $F$ and mapping $P$ and $O$ to $F$ while successfully ...
user2284570's user avatar
6 votes
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Good reduction for the universal elliptic curve

Let $X$ be a modular curve, i.e. a quotient of the upper half plane $\mathbb{H}$ by a congruence subgroup $\Gamma$. When $\Gamma=\Gamma_0(N)$, it is known that $X$ has a smooth model denoted $\mathcal{...
kindasorta's user avatar
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looking for reference for two elliptic curves with equal formal group

I am looking for a reference. In this post, @Chris Wurthrich made the following comment: If the formal group laws (probably upon particular choice of coordinates) of two elliptic curves over any ring ...
Learner's user avatar
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Algorithm for computing isogeny class of elliptic curve

Is there an algorithm for computing the entire isogeny class of a given elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{Q}$? References/ideas are welcome. Thanks!
kindasorta's user avatar
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Computing elliptic periods from modular form

How are the periods of a modular elliptic curve computed as path integrals of its associated normalized weight 2 cusp form on the modular curve? Please provide specific paths for both periods and cite ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Elliptic curves of rank 1 over number fields

I am interested what is known about the following statement: For every number field $K$, there exists an elliptic curve $E$ defined over $K$ with algebraic rank equal to $1$. Is this statement known ...
P. Koymans's user avatar
3 votes
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Counting points on elliptic curves

Consider the Legendre family of elliptic curves $$E_a: y^2=x(x-1)(x-a).$$ Let $p$ be an odd prime. QUESTION. Is the following true? If $p\equiv 3\pmod4$ then number of solutions to $E_2$ over the ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Finiteness of elliptic curves with trivial conductor over function fields

Let $K=\mathbb{F}_q(C)$ be the function field of a smooth projective curve $C$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ with $\text{cha}(K)>3$ and let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $E$. To $E$ we may ...
MightyGuy's user avatar
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When are two elliptic curves with zero j invariant isogenous?

Consider elliptic curves of the form $E_B\colon y^2=x^3+B$ for $B\in\mathbb Q$. These are exactly the elliptic curves with zero $j$-invariant. I would like to know when are two elliptic curves $E_B$ ...
わくわく's user avatar
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Description of $\operatorname{Gal}(K(E[n])/K)$ as a subgroup of $\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$ for a CM elliptic curve $E$

I am looking for a specific description of the Galois groups $\operatorname{Gal}(K(E[n])/K)$ as a subgroup of $\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$ for an elliptic curve $E$ with complex ...
Anish Ray's user avatar
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Writing $3p$ when $p \equiv 1 \pmod{3}$ as a sum of two rational cubes. Is this result new? And what about its converse?

I recently discovered a proof of the following. Let $p$ be a prime that's $1 \bmod {3}$. Suppose that $p$ is not represented by the principal quadratic form $(1,9,81)$ of discriminant $-243$ (The ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Elliptic analogue of primes of the form $x^2 + 1$

I have a project in mind for an undergraduate to investigate next quarter -- a curiosity really, but I'm surprised I can't find it in the literature. I do not want a detailed analysis here... but ...
Marty's user avatar
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Reference request for recurrence relation of division polynomials

The recurrence relations for division polynomials of elliptic curves are well known: $$\Psi_{2n} = \Psi_n \left( \Psi_{n+2} \Psi_{n-1}^2 - \Psi_{n-2} \Psi_{n+1}^2 \right) / \ 2y$$ $$\Psi_{2n+1} = \...
Krijn's user avatar
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Reference for universal elliptic curves

I've seen the following sentence come up in a few papers: Consider the modular curve $Y_1(N)$ and let $E$ be the universal elliptic curve over $Y_1(N)$. This comes up in Deligne's construction of ...
Adithya Chakravarthy's user avatar
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Around the diophantine equation $\frac{a}{2b+3c}+\frac{b}{2c+3a}+\frac{c}{2a+3b}=\text{odd integer}$, over positive integers

I am interested to know if a similar theorem that shows this answer of the post Estimating the size of solutions of a diophantine equation (this MathOverflow, January 5th 2016) is feasible for a ...
user142929's user avatar
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Generate algorithmically an elliptic curve with its exact class group structure?

Is it possible to generate an elliptic curve $E$ (randomly), together with knowing its class group $\mathrm{Cl}(\mathcal{O})$ structure? where $\mathcal{O}$ is its endomorphism rings $\mathsf{End}(E)$ ...
Taylor Huang's user avatar
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Why is the $\mathbb{Z}_p$-corank of $\operatorname{Sel}_{p^\infty}(E/\mathbb{Q})$ finite?

I'm interested on the Mordell-Weil rank of an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. I read that the $\mathbb{Z}_p$-corank of the $p^\infty$-Selmer group $\operatorname{Sel}_{p^\infty}(E)\doteq\...
user avatar
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Max order of an isogeny class of rational elliptic curves is 8?

I am looking for a reference for the proof of the following question following Theorem 5 in Mazur's Rational Isogenies of Prime Degree. Theorem 5 There is a constant $C$ such that every elliptic ...
ABarrios's user avatar
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BSD conjecture for rank 1 elliptic curves

Let $E/\mathbb{Q}$ be an elliptic curve. The weak Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture predicts that $$\text{ord}_{s=1}L(E, s)=\text{rank} E(\mathbb{Q}).$$ Thanks to the work of Gross-Zagier and ...
baobab's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Points of elliptic curves over cyclotomic extensions

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb Q$. Let's look at the group of points of this elliptic curve over $\mathbb Q(1^{1/\infty})$ which we get after adding all roots of unity to $\mathbb Q$. It ...
cll's user avatar
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Books building up to the Gross-Zagier formula

I am an undergrad extremely interested in some applications of the Gross-Zagier formula for elliptic curves. I have a strong foundation in group theory and abstract algebra, and an understanding of ...
TeaFor2's user avatar
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Question about Zeta Function of Singular Plane Curve

I am working on a project which involves learning about the zeta function (weil zeta function) for plane curves, but I do not know much algebraic geometry. (I do not know anything about schemes). I ...
maddels's user avatar
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Elliptic curve sequences needed for universal forgery

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) admits universal forgery (UF) if the Attacker can solve the equation $$z=\frac{f_{k-1}(x,y)f_{k+1}(x,y)}{f_{k}(x,y)^2},$$ where $k$ is unknown, $f_{k}...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
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When the $o$-th division polynomial of an elliptic curve over finite vanishes only at $x$ coordinates?

Need this for probabilistic factoring algorithm. Let $p$ be sufficiently large prime and $E$ the elliptic curve $E /\mathbb{F}_p: y^2=x^3+ax+b$. Let $o=\#E(\mathbb{F}_p)$. $\psi_n$ denote the $n$-...
joro's user avatar
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Looking for an elliptic curve E st ${\large Ш}(\mathbb Q,E)$ cont. an element of order $p^2$ and certain other properties

I am looking for an elliptic curve $E$ with Weierstraß coefficients in $\mathbb{Q} $ so that for some prime $p$ the following conditions are satisfied: (1) ${\large Ш}_{p^{\infty}}(\mathbb{Q},E)$ ...
The Thin Whistler's user avatar
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Szpiro's conjecture for function fields and Mochizuki's approach to the number field case

Where can I find more details on the proof of Szpiro's conjecture for function fields, as mentioned in Minhyong Kim's answer to this MO question? I am looking at this in the context of Mochizuki's ...
Anton Hilado's user avatar
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Translations of Deuring

As the title suggests, do there exist translations of papers by Deuring? I'm particularly interested in: "Die Typen der Multiplikatorenringe elliptischer Funktionenkörper," Ach. Math. Sem. Hab. (1941)...
BlackAdder's user avatar
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Sato-Tate conjecture when Fourier coefficients are complex numbers

Let $k\geq 1$ and let $f=\sum_{n\geq 1}a(n)q^{n}$, $a(n)\in\mathbb{R}$, be a normalised cuspidal Hecke eigenform of weight $2k$ for $\Gamma_{0}(N)$ without complex multiplication. So the result of ...
M.Souf's user avatar
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Height pairings of Heegner points of nontrivial conductor

I am studying Gross's and Zagier's proof of the BSD conjecture for elliptic curves of rank $\leq 1.$ Their calculation essentially boils down to the following ingredients: (1.) Finding a suitable ...
The Thin Whistler's user avatar
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Reference request: "effective'' semistable reduction

I am looking for the origin of the following idea: suppose $m$ and $n$ are relatively prime integers $\geq 3$. Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over a number field $K$. Let $L/K$ be a finite extension ...
TVA's user avatar
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Reference to a Don Zagier result and the congruent number problem

I was looking for a reference/explanation as to how Don Zagier managed to find the side lengths of a rational right triangle with area 157. There have been many literature references to the fact that ...
user82634's user avatar
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Serre's surjective theorem importance

I'm studying Serre's paper in wich he shows the following theorem: Let K be a number field, $E$ an elliptic curve over K without CM. Then the representation $$\rho_{\ell}:\mathrm{Gal}(\bar K/K)\...
user75536's user avatar
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Help for reference of moduli stack of fake elliptic curves

I see everywhere the following: Let $B$ be an indefinite quaternion algebra over $\mathbb{Q}$ of discriminant $D$, $\mathcal{O}_B$ be a maximal order, $N$ be an positive integer coprime to $D$. ...
user78140's user avatar
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Addition law for elliptic curves of the form $x^2y^2+a(x+y)+b=0$

Did anybody consider addition law for elliptic curves of the form $$x^2y^2+a(x+y)+b=0\,?$$ Does this form have any specific name?
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
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Equivalent of Lauricella $F_D$ on an elliptic curve?

Lauricella's hypergeometric function $F_D$ is related to (weighted) configurations of points on $\mathbb{P}^1$. I am looking for generalizations to weighted point configurations on an elliptic curve. ...
WimC's user avatar
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Heegner points on elliptic curves

I want to know about Heegner point computations for a CM elliptic curve. What is the best reference book/paper for reading?
MKJ's user avatar
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Rank of Elliptic Curves

Recently, I have heard of some heuristics that would suggest that the rank of elliptic curves are bounded (specifically in the congruent number family). I always though that the best way to prove ...
user56793's user avatar
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Does the modified Szpiro conjecture require minimal model?

The modified Szpiro conjecture is described in Wikipedia and here and here. The modified Szpiro conjecture states that: given $\varepsilon > 0$, there exists a constant $C(\varepsilon)$ such that ...
joro's user avatar
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Evaluation of $E_{\ell,2}$ on supersingular curves over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$

As mentioned in an answer to Modularity of $E_2$ on congruence subgroups, there exist modular forms $E_{\ell,2}$ of level $\Gamma_{0}(\ell)$ and weight 2, with $q$-expansion $E_{\ell,2}(q)=E_{2}(q)-\...
DCT's user avatar
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Birch/Swinnerton-Dyer "Notes on Elliptic Curves II"

I would like to know if any of you know if there is a more general treatment to what Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer did in "Notes on Elliptic Curves II" ( ...
BlackAdder's user avatar
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A property of supersingular $j$-invariants (reference request)

Edit 2: For those who understandably don't want to read such a long post, I think Voloch's suggestion reduces the problem to asking whether $j$-invariants of supersingular curves are 3rd powers in $\...
DCT's user avatar
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Best results regarding the Lang-Trotter conjecture

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb Q$, which does not have complex multiplication over the algebraic closure of $\mathbb Q$. For $x>0$, let $P(x)$ be the number of primes $p < x$ such ...
Joël's user avatar
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For how many primes does an elliptic curve over a totally imaginary field have supersingular reduction?

An elliptic curve over a finite field, $k$, of characteristic p is called supersingular if it has no $p$-torsion over $k^{\mathrm{alg}}$, or equivalently, if $\mathrm{End}(E)$ is an order in a ...
Lloyd Yu-West's user avatar
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Intersection of Hilbert class fields of imaginary quadratic fields

In this question Hilbert class field of Quadratic fields it is mentioned that if $d\equiv 1 \mod 4$ then the Hilbert class field of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-d})$ contains $\mathbb{Q}(i,\sqrt{d})$. Could ...
Adam Harris's user avatar
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Must the $j$-invariant of an elliptic curve with an isogeny be integral?

Let $K$ be a quadratic field, and $E/K$ a non-CM elliptic curve with a $K$-rational $p$-isogeny, for $p$ a prime. I would like to say the following: For large enough $p$, the $j$-invariant $j(E)$ ...
Barinder Banwait's user avatar
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Effective way of finding generators on the curve and the rank conjecture

Hello everyone, I have never heard of a polynomial time running algorithm that finds the generators of elliptic curves efficiently. I do know that Nagell-Lutz theorem is useful in computing the ...
Shanmukha_Srinivasan's user avatar
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Reference for Rank Distribution Conjecture.

I am currently writing my master's thesis and I was wondering if the rank distribution conjecture was ever formally written down. Recall that it says that: Half of all elliptic curves have rank $0$, ...
Eugene's user avatar
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A recommended roadmap to Fermat's Last Theorem

I was inspired to undertake math as a career after watching a documentary on the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. As such it's been a small goal of mine to understand Wiles et al's proof. In a ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Tamagawa Number of Elliptic Curves over $\mathbb{Q}$

I am currently reading a paper by De Weger and one theorem in it proves a bound for the Tamagawa number of any elliptic curve defined over $\mathbb{Q}$. I was wondering if anyone has any good ...
Eugene's user avatar
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Elliptic subfields of a function field

Let $C$ be a curve and $K(C)$ be its function field of genus 2, where $K$ = $\mathbb{C}$. The number of essential elliptic subfields of $K(C)$ is 0 or 2 or $\infty$. Edit: I am looking for a proof. ...
Srilakshmi's user avatar