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22 votes
1 answer

Are class numbers encoded in the absolute Galois group of ${\mathbb Q}$?

The absolute Galois group $G_{\mathbb Q}=\text{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb Q}/\mathbb Q)$, as a profinite group, encodes a lot of things: the whole lattice of number fields (closed subgroups of finite index), ...
Tim Dokchitser's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Given a number field $K$, when is its Hilbert class field an abelian extension of $\mathbb{Q}$?

Given a number field $K$, when is its Hilbert class field an abelian extension of $\mathbb{Q}$? I am going to be on the road soon, so pleas don't be offended if I don't respond quickly to a comment.
Scarlet's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Is there an elementary proof that there are infinitely many primes that are *not* completely split in an abelian extension?

I'm currently in the middle of teaching the adelic algebraic proofs of global class field theory. One of the intermediate lemmas that one shows is the following: Lemma: if L/K is an abelian ...
Alison Miller's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Is there an analog of class field theory over an arbitrary infinite field of algebraic numbers?

Recently, I found a paper by Schilling, which mentions that for certain infinite field of algebraic numbers there is an analog of class field theory. By infinite field ...
abcdxyz's user avatar
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8 votes
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Unramified extensions of quadratic fields

Let $K/\mathbb{Q}$ be quadratic and let $L/K$ be an (everywhere) unramified Galois extension. If $L/K$ is abelian, then one can show that $L/\mathbb{Q}$ is Galois (eg see here). Is $L/\mathbb{Q}$ ...
Jonah's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

$p$-torsion of class groups

Let $p$ be a fixed odd prime and $\ell$ be another prime such that $\ell \equiv 1 \pmod{p}$. Consider the number field $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p)$ and its extension $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p, \zeta_\ell)$. Note ...
debanjana's user avatar
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6 votes
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Unramified non-abelian extension and Galois cohomology

Is there an example of a finite Galois extension $E/F$ of number fields, such that $G=\mathrm{Gal}(E/F)$ is non-abelian and the order of the cohomology group $H^1(G,U_E)$ is relatively prime to class ...
A. Maarefparvar's user avatar
6 votes
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What are the fastest ways to calculate class number of number fields?

Given a number field $K$, which approaches help us to calculate the class number $h(K)$ of $K$? I am aware that the question is broad but any argument would be helpful. Some basic approaches I know:...
Ninja's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

p-adic expansion for elements in algebraic closure of p-adic numbers

In the following I will describe a proposal for the p-adic expansion of the elements of the algebraic closure $\overline{\mathbb{Q}_p}$ of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. My question is if this "conjecture" has been ...
Chilote's user avatar
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4 votes
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Fields in which $ -1 $ can't be written as sum of two square elements

We say a field $F$ has the property $*$ if the equation $x^2 + y^2=-1$ has no solution in $F$. For an example if $F$ is a subfield of real numbers then $F$ satisfies $*$. On the other hand if $ F $ is ...
Sky's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

On class numbers $h(-d)$ and the diophantine equation $x^2+dy^2 = 2^{2+h(-d)}$

Given fundamental discriminant $d \equiv -1 \bmod 8$ such that the quadratic imaginary number field $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-d})$ has odd class number $h(-d)$. Is it true that one can always solve the ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
4 votes
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Norm groups of number fields

I came across this proposition in an article about genus class fields. I have a few questions about the parts that I have underlined in red. I don't understand why the norm map $N_{H/K}: I_H \to P_K$ ...
Melanka's user avatar
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Dihedral extension of $\mathbb Q$ with small discriminant

Let $K$ be a fixed quadratic number field, say $K=\mathbb Q(\sqrt 5)$. For any integer $n \geq 3,$ I would like to build a number field $D_n$ such that $D_n/\mathbb Q$ is Galois, with Galois group ...
A. Bailleul's user avatar
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3 votes
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The Genus field and Hilbert class field

Is there an example of a number field $K$ for which the genus field of $K$ is contained strictly in the Hilbert class field of $K$?
A. Maarefparvar's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

The kernel of the global class field theory homomorphism

Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. Then there is a surjective homomorphism $\theta:C_K\to G_K^{ab}$ from the idele class group to the abelianization of the absolute Galois group of $K$ (...
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2 votes
1 answer

Number of imaginary quadratic field with its ideal class group has $\Bbb{Z}/2\Bbb{Z}$ as 2 part

Let $K=\Bbb{Q}(\sqrt{D})$($D$ is a square free negative integer) be a quadratic number field. Class number (order of ideal class group $Cl_K$ of $K$) is $1$ if only if $D=-2,-3,-7,-11,-19,-43,-67,-163$...
Duality's user avatar
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Relation between the genus number and the ambiguous class number

It is well known that for $K/F$ a finite "cyclic" extension of number fields, we have $g_{K/F}=a_{K/F}$, where $g_{K/F}$ denotes the relative genus number, and $a_{K/F}$ denotes the ...
A. Maarefparvar's user avatar
2 votes
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A type of principal ideal theorem of class field theory for ramified primes

Let $K$ be a number field and $\mathcal{O}_K$ be its ring of integers. Also let $p$ be a prime number, $\mathfrak{p}$ be a prime ideal of $\mathcal{O}_K$ and $\zeta_{m}$ be a primitive mth root of ...
Ehsan Shahoseini's user avatar
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0 answers

How do elliptic units generate the module of Euler systems over abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields?

I am trying to undesrtand the analogy between the Euler systems over abelian extensions of the rationals and the Euler systems over abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields. As Soogil Seo ...
Ash's user avatar
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Definition of Euler system of cyclotomic units

I am not sure about my understanding of Euler system of cyclotomic unit. This is what I have learnt: Let $F=\mathbb{Q}(\mu_m)$. Let $\mathcal{I}(m)$ = {positive square free integers divisible only by ...
Ash's user avatar
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Valuation topology vs modified valuation topology

Let $K$ be a field with valuation $v:K\to G\cup\{\infty\}$ where $G$ is an ordered abelian group. In section 7.62 of the book "Foundations of analysis over surreal number fields." Vol. 141. Elsevier, ...
Chilote's user avatar
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Neukirch's class field axiom and cohomology of units for unramified extension

This question may be too detailed but perhaps somebody knows the answer: Neukirch proofs in his algebraic number theory book in Chapter IV, Proposition 6.2, that his class field axiom implies that the ...
user717's user avatar
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Terminology about ramification

Let $K$ be a totally real (finite) number field. Let $S$ be a finite set of places of $K$ containing the primes above a prime number $p$. Let $K_S$ be the maximal abelian extension unramified outside $...
efs's user avatar
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0 votes
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Class number of imaginary quadratic fields

Let $n$ be a positive squarefree integer, and let $h_n$ denote the class number of the imaginary quadratic field $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-n})$. Then, is it true that $h_n$ is odd if and only if $n$ is a ...
user492144's user avatar
0 votes
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English translation of Hasse's "Arithmetische Theorie der kubischen Zahlkorper auf klassenkorpertheoretischer Grundlage"

I want to read through Hasse's paper about cubic number fields: Arithmetische Theorie der kubischen Zahlkorper auf klassenkorpertheoretischer Grundlage, Mathematische Zeitschrift 31 (1930) pages 565-...
Melanka's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Set of all primes $p$ that split in $\mathbb{Q}\left(\sqrt{-k}\right)$

Let $k$ be a squarefree positive integer. We know that a prime $p$ splits in $K=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-k})$ if and only if $-k$ is a quadratic residue mod $p$. My question is: can we explicitly determine ...
user491084's user avatar