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Cartesian and strictly associative Path Object.

Let $X$ be a topological space. Is there a path object functor $\mathrm{P}:\mathbf{Top}\rightarrow \mathbf{Top}$, with fibration $ev_{0},ev_{1}: \mathrm{P}(X)\rightarrow X\times X$ such that: (1) $\...
Ilias A.'s user avatar
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bundle over a chain

Consider the universal bundle $G\hookrightarrow EG\rightarrow BG$. Is it possible to get another bundle $EG|_{B}$ by restricting $EG$ over a smooth singular $k$-chain $B \in H_k(BG)$ ($k\leq n$)? I ...
Kevin Wray's user avatar
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How can one compute the cohomology of $i'^*C$, for $i':\mathbb{A}^{N-1}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb{A}^{N}\setminus \{0\} $?

For an (etale or 'topological', constructible bounded) complex of sheaves $C$ on $X'=\mathbb{A}^{N}\setminus \{0\} $, $i'$ being the embedding $\mathbb{A}^{N-1}\setminus \{0\}\to \mathbb{A}^{N}\...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Differential K-theory computation

I am trying to read about K-theory and differential K-theory. I understand that the K-theory of spheres can be computed explicitly (by getting to the stable range and using Bott periodicity and so on)....
Vamsi's user avatar
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Can one calculate Ext's between microlocalized perverse sheaves/D-modules using topology?

So, I know one really good technique for calculating Ext's between perverse sheaves/D-modules using topology: the convolution algebra formalism, worked out in great detail in the book of Chriss and ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Is an element of the cohomotopy space trivial?

Let as have a continuous map from a topological space X to an n-sphere, realized as a simplicial map between simplicial complexes (for example), i.e. represented by a finite set of data. Is there an ...
Peter Franek's user avatar
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Can all induced maps be described categorically.?. (or at least as generally as possible)

Hi: I am new here. I went over the fAQ's, still, sorry if I break protocol. I am pretty confused about induced maps in different areas of algebraic topology; I do know how these induced maps are ...
confused's user avatar
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the boundary homomorphism $[\Sigma S^{n-1},X]\to[S^n,X]$ is identity?

Given a Puppe sequence $\cdots \to S^{n-1} \to Y \to S^n(\simeq Y/S^{n-1}) \to \Sigma S^{n-1} \to \cdots$, where $Y=S^{n-1}\cup_{2\iota} e^n$ where $\iota:S^{n-1}\to S^{n-1}$ is identity, we have a ...
Jino's user avatar
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Torsion of Bass, Farrell and Waldhausen nil groups

Let H be an infinite virtually cyclic group. If H is orientable (resp. non-orientable) the Farrell nil groups $N_n(\mathbb{Z}H,\alpha) $ (resp. the Waldhausen nil groups $N^W_n(\mathbb{Z}H;\mathbb{Z}[...
Luis Jorge's user avatar
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Mapping into a geometric realization.

Suppose $S$ is a simplicial set, $X$ is a space, and we are given a map \[ f: \text{Sing}\,X\to S. \] When is is possible to produce a map $X\to |S|$? We can take ...
Alan Wilder's user avatar
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semigroup actions of groups on regular rooted trees

If $G$ is a group which has a semigroup action on a regular rooted tree via prefix-preserving, continuous transformations (I give the tree the path metric), what kinds of algebraic restrictions can we ...
dan's user avatar
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virtual bundle with compact support

A virtual bundle with compact support is a triple $E$={$E_1$,$E_2$,$a$}, where $E_1$ and $E_2$ are bundles over $M$ of the same dimension, $M$ is a closed manifold, $a$ is a bundle map from $E_1$ to $...
Chen's user avatar
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Examples of H-cogroups and a question about julia sets

The following questions should be very easy, but I need help. Notations are same as Bredon's geometry and topology book. This question is related to chapter 441. $\nabla \colon X\vee X\...
Niyazi's user avatar
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Mapping from $X$ to $S^4$

I asked this question previously on stackexchange ( but could not get a solution. Any help is appreciated. The question is (...
Srikanth's user avatar
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Equivalence between the definitions of Reidemeister Coincidence number

Given two applications $f$ and $g$, denote by $R (f, g)$ the set of Reidemeister classes determined by $f$ and $g$ (according to the algebraic definition, on the induced on fundamental groups). And $\...
Alphatha's user avatar
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singular cohomological dimension

Let $X$ be a finite CW complex. Is there an integer $N,$ such that $H^i(X,F)=0$ for all $i>N$ and all abelian sheaves $F$ on $X?$ The cohomology is defined to be the derived functor of the global ...
shenghao's user avatar
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Adapting families of diffeomorphisms to an open cover

Has anyone seen the following result in the literature? I've asked a few experts but so far I've come up with nothing. Given a manifold M and an open cover {U_i} ...
Kevin Walker's user avatar
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finiteness of the dimensions of cohomologies of open subsets of a compact manifold

Let $M$ be a compact differentiable manifold which can be covered by two open subsets $U$ and $V$. Then $H_{\text{dR}}^n(M)$ is finite-dimensional for all $n$. But how about $U$, $V$ and $U\cap V$? ...
Alberto Jermaine's user avatar
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$B\Gamma$ constructed

In his pioneering paper on foliations, Haefliger obtains $B\Gamma_q$ as the representing space of a functor, NOT by construction analogous to the bar construction. Who made that connection first? Bott?...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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altering curvature on a tessellation representation of a compact surface

I have been reading about tessellation representations of compact surfaces, such as how the square tiling the plane represents the torus. For surfaces of genus > 1 (the ones that interest me), we ...
Nicolas Fernandez-Arias's user avatar
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How to get countably many generators for $K_{j}^{G}(\beta G)$ ??

Hey I am trying to find out how the Baum-Connes conjecture works over $GL(1)$ over local fiels. I am just wondering if anybody knows how to get a countable many generators for in the L.H.S of the ...
Dragon's user avatar
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Chain/Hierarchy of Monoids

Let's assume that we have the following collection of structures: Some space $P$. Monoids $(M_{i+1},\circ_{i+1})$, and Actions $\bullet_{i+1}:M_{i+1}\times M_i\to M_i$, for $i\ge 0$ And $\bullet_{0}:...
supercooldave's user avatar
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Do p-compact groups have a sufficiently good notion of "flag variety" and "intersection cohomology"?

This is mostly an idle question, since I don't think I'd be able to do anything with a positive answer. But a positive answer would still be interesting, I think. Background An outstanding problem ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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Relative homology of interlevel set

Let us consider a function $f:\mathbb{R}^3→\mathbb{R}$, $f(x,y,z)=x^3+y^3+z^3-5yz$. Can anybody drop a hint how to compute relative homology of interlevel sets with coefficients in $\mathbb{R}: H_{\...
quantum's user avatar
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Examples of weakly nullhomologous cycles on smooth manifolds

Suppose X is a smooth manifold with homology groups H_p(X). For example let X be an open subset of Euclidean space. What would be natural examples of cycles that are "weakly homologous to zero" but ...
Steve Deckelman's user avatar
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Cofibrations of differential graded commutative algebras

Let $X$ a smooth manifold. Is the pullback morphism $\Omega^\bullet(X)\to\Omega^\bullet(X\times \mathbb{R}^n)$ an acyclic cofibration of differential graded commutative algebras? I guess so, and even ...
domenico fiorenza's user avatar
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Inner product on Hochschild homology in 2d TCFTs

This should be an easy question for some people. Take a compact $A(\infty)$ algebra with a cyclically symmetric non-degenerate inner product. In Kontsevich and Soibelman's article "Notes on $A(\infty)$...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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spaces of projections

Let $\mathbb{K}$ be the compact operators on a separable infinite dimensional Hilbert space. Denote by $\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{K})$ the space of projections in $\mathbb{K}$. If I am not terribly wrong ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
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Descent of singular cohomology

When proving that singular cohomology of an appropriate space $X$ equals sheaf cohomology of $X$ with "values" (does one say that?) in the sheaf $\mathbb{Z}_X$ of locally constant functions, the ...
user7316's user avatar
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spherical map of fixed points?

Let $B = \{\, x \in \Re^m : \|x\| \le 2 \,\}$, and let $f : B \to B$ be a continuous function whose set of fixed points is $S^k = \{\, x \in B : \|x\| = 1, x_{k+2} = \cdots = x_m = 0 \,\}$. Can it ...
Andy McLennan's user avatar
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Joins and classifying spaces in the category of compactly generated spaces

In Milnor's Construction of Universal Bundles, II, he defines $E_nG$ by repeated joins of $G$ with itself, but he has to use the `strong topology' on the join instead of the everyday topology that ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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(Equivariant) Sheaves of Equivariant Spectra?

This is a very naive question but 1)given a compact Lie group G, is there a good notion of a sheaf of equivariant spectra on a G-space X analogous to the model structure that Brown develops in his ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Characteristic classes from moduli of alternating forms

Suppose, just for example, that you have a smooth manifold $M$ of dimension greater than $8$,and a cohomology class $q$ in $H^3(M,{\Bbb R})$. Suppose further that one can represent $q$ with a ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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N_3 and N_4 periodic and pseudo Anosov auto-homeomorphisms

It is well know that the genus three non orientable surface, N3, has only periodic and reducible auto-homeomorphisms, meanwhile the surface N4 is the first non orientable surface with pseudo Anosov ...
janmarqz's user avatar
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Small set of acts over a countable monoid?

Given a countable monoid $S$, is the set of all (isomorphic representatives of) $S$-acts a small set?
user13387's user avatar
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small extensions of the free semigroup of rank 1

Let N denote the free semigroup of rank 1. Say that a semigroup T is a small extension of N if N embeds in T and |T - N| is finite. Is there some kind of classification of small extensions of N? ...
david mccune's user avatar
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Explicit classifying spaces for crossed complexes

I'm trying to understand the topology behind a certain group which fits into a truncated crossed complex, so I've been trying to understand Brown's construction of the classifying space of a crossed ...
Josh's user avatar
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topology of infinite union of hyperplanes

Hi all: I am working on Functional Analysis. I encounter a topology problem in my study of spectrum of certain operators, and it has bothered me for quite some time. Any idea or references is greatly ...
Ron 's user avatar
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Complete rings and modules(topologically)

In the a-adic topology, if M,N are A-modules, and N is the homomorphic image of M, can we prove that N is complete whenever M is? in other words, does completeness carries over to homomorphic images.
Hercules's user avatar
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undecidability in the dynamics of functions $f: \Sigma^* \rightarrow \Sigma^*$

Does anyone know any undecidable problems in the dynamics of functions (not necessarily monoid homomorphisms or anything) from \Sigma^* to \Sigma^* where \Sigma is a finite set? In particular, I'm ...
dan's user avatar
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Symmetric monoidal structure on cosimplicial spaces

Is there a monoidal structure on the category $Spc^{\Delta}$ of cosimplicial spaces such that in the adjunction $$ \Delta^{\bullet}\otimes-\colon Spc\leftrightarrows Spc^{\Delta}\colon Tot(-) $$ the ...
Toribio Smith's user avatar
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Ways to decompose a torus for finite element method so that each cell contains a complete revolution of the major radius

I've got a finite element problem involving paths around the interior of a torus. For this particular problem I think I could make things more computationally efficient if each cell in the mesh made ...
altie's user avatar
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blowing up the graphs

I heard the phrase from many mathematician using in the colloquials. I heard algebraic geometer using it. I was never bother about it until one of my professor responded to one my question as follows: ...
madeel's user avatar
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Upper bound on the genus of a k-page graph

Is there an upper bound on the genus of a graph that has a book embedding on say k pages, or can the genus be arbitrarily large? If not a general bound is known, what happens for k=3?
user3327's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalences and cores

Hi all, Before asking my question, I need to fix some terms and notation. Let $M$, $M'$ be locally compact, Hausdorff spaces, and $f:M\rightarrow M'$ a homotopy equivalence with homotopy inverse $g:...
Indrava Roy's user avatar
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System dynamic of space euclidean and hyperbolic tilings

Theorem 2.9. (Rudolph [Rud89]) Suppose $X_{T}$ is a finite local complexity (FLC) tiling space. Then $X_{T}$ is compact in the tiling metric d. Moreover, the action $T$ of $R^{d}$ by translation is on ...
tiep's user avatar
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Are $n$-vector bundles an $(\infty,n)$-symmetric monoidal category with duals?

In Lurie's On the Classification of Topological Field Theories, one of the main characters are $(\infty,n)$-symmetric monoidal category with duals. A basic example of this should be $n$-vector spaces, ...
domenico fiorenza's user avatar
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Degree of sequence of mappings

If $f_n$ is a sequence of smooth orientation preserning mappings of degree one between open annuli $A(1,r):=\{x: 1< |x| < r \}$ and $A(1,r_n)$, $r>1$ and $r_n>1$, on the Euclidean space $\...
Marijan's user avatar
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Homotopy group of space of gauge fields modulo gauge equivalence on T^4

Singer observed in 1978 (Comm.Math.Phys. 60, 7-12) that the homotopy group of the space of gauge fields modulo gauge equivalence with gauge group $G$ on $S^4$ is given by $\pi_n({\cal A}/{\cal G}) = \...
Daniel's user avatar
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Mapping into Hurewicz cofibrations.

In Strøm's paper "The Homotopy Category is a Homotopy Category" he proves (Lemma 4) that if $Y$ is compact and if $i:A\to X$ is a cofibration, then the induced map $$ i_*: A^Y \to X^Y $$ is also a ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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