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Smoothness of $A \to A[T]/(h)$

Let $A$ be a commutative noetherian domain of characteristic zero, $T$ an indeterminate, $h \in A[T]$, $B= A[T]/(h)$ and assume $B$ is also a domain. When $B$ is (formally) smooth over $A$?; namely, ...
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Concerning the $SBI$-sequence for dihedral homology (Loday, Cyclic Homology, 5.2)

I was wondering about the signs of the $SBI$-sequence ("Connes' periodicity exact sequence") in equations $($ and $($ of 'Cyclic Homology' by Jean-Louis Loday. Why is the sequence ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Elementary characterization of Krull dimension

I was reading the following paper: "A Short Proof for the Krull Dimension of a Polynomial Ring. Thierry Coquand and Henri Lombardi" and came across this corollary. (This is present with a better ...
Zoey's user avatar
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Degrees of polynomials defining a Jacobian of maximal rank on a variety

Let $f_1,\ldots,f_{n-k} \in \mathbb{R}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ be polynomials of degree at most $d$ defining an algebraic set $A \subseteq \mathbb{C}^n$ which contains an irreducible component $V \subseteq A$...
Alex's user avatar
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Separability and smoothness

Let $A \subseteq B$ be commutative noetherian rings. I have found the following claim: "Separability implies smoothness" with the following explanation: "The natural thing is to prove that a separable ...
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How do I check if a sequence of R-modules is exact?

Let R be a ring. For example, take $R=k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ or, if possible, $R = \Bbb{Z}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$. Consider a sequence of free R-modules $$R^a \stackrel{f}\to R^b \stackrel{g}\to R^c$$ where $f$...
Peter McNamara's user avatar
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Separability of a simple ring extension

Assume $A=K[x,y]\subset K[x,y][w]=B$, $K$ is a field of characteristic zero, $w$ is integral over $A$ (so $B$ is a f.g. $A$-module), but $w$ is not in the field of fractions of $A$, and $B$ is an ...
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Are finitely presented modules finitely presentable? [closed]

Over a ring $R$ we have a notion of finitely presented module, namely: Definition 1 A module $F$ is finitely presented if there are $m$, $n$ positive integers such that $R^m\to R^n\to F\to 0$ is ...
luvemil's user avatar
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cohomlogy of Diagonal ring

Let $S=\bigoplus_{\underline n\in\mathbb N^r } S_{\underline n}$ be a standard multigraded ring over a local ring and M be a finitely generated $\mathbb N^r $-graded $S$-module. Let $M_{\Delta}=\...
Cusp's user avatar
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Free resolutions of affine (non-projective!) varieties

Say, you have an ideal $I$ of a polynomial ring $R = K\lbrack X_1,\ldots,X_n \rbrack$ over an algebraically closed field $K$ (you can assume $K = \mathbb{C}$). What does a minimal free resolution of $...
user74608's user avatar
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Condition for a finite group scheme to be étale [closed]

My question comes from the reading of Tate's paper $p$-divisible groups. In the last few pages there is an argument which gives as trivial the following fact. If we take a $p$-divisible group over a ...
rime's user avatar
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Syzygies in integral domains

Let $f$ be a homogeneous irreducible element in a graded commutative Noetherian ring. What is the possible set of elements $f_1$ and $f_2$ such that $f=f_1g_1+ f_2g_2$? Even in very particular cases ...
S.Hamid  Hassanzadeh's user avatar
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Name for condition on map of cancellative monoids

Let $M,N$ be cancellative monoids with identity $\epsilon$ and suppose that $k\colon M\rightarrow N$ is a function such that $k(\epsilon)=\epsilon$ for all $a,b\in M$, there exists $v\in N$ such that ...
David Pokorny's user avatar
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Failure of little lemma in non-separable case

A nice little lemma in commutative algebra says the following (see for instance proposition 5.17 in [Atiyah-MacDonald]): If $A$ is a Noetherian integrally closed domain, $K$ its field of fractions ...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
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The kernel of the residue map before passing to Milnor's K-theory

Let $F$ be a field of zero characteristic. All groups are taken modulo torsion. Consider a residue map from the exterior algebra of the multiplicative group of the function field of the projective ...
Daniil Rudenko's user avatar
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"Exceptional components" of the exceptional divisor of a blow up

Assume we are blowing up an ideal $I$ on an affine variety $X$, let $E$ be the exceptional divisor, and $P$ be a (closed) point in $V$, the zero set of $I$. Is there any algorithm to check that $E$ ...
pinaki's user avatar
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Normalization (integral closure) of $\mathbb Z_p[x]$ in function field of a curve to obtain Model of curve

I want to follow this construction of a normal model of a curve: Let $p\neq 2,3$ and $Y\to \mathbb P¹$ be a smooth projective curve over $\mathbb Q_p$ with function field $L/\mathbb Q_p(x)$ e.g. $L=\...
Dan's user avatar
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ramification index generalized

I am trying to rewrite the theory of decomposition/inertia/ramification groups independently of the theory of Dedekind or valuation rings (I believe this has been done elsewhere, but I found only few ...
MikeTeX's user avatar
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Criterion for normality of a schematic image

Consider a projective flat morphism $$ f\colon X\to Y $$ between normal varieties. Let's say over the complex numbers. The geometric fibers of $f$ are all irreducible. I would like a criterion to ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Computing the bourbaki ideals

By virtue the Griffith's paper and subsequently e.g. Goto's paper several examples of several desired class of Noetherian normal domains with specific finite length local cohomologies are constructed ...
Aurora's user avatar
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Criterion for global dimension of subring

All rings are assumed to be associative and unital. If $B$ is a commutative sub-ring of $A$ (which itself needs not be commutative) then what properties of $B$ are both necessary and sufficient for ...
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Questions on prime integral ideal congruences

Suppose that we are given a fixed pair $a_1, a_2$ of non-zero irrational algebraic integers in some number field $K$ which are independent over $\mathbb{Q}$. Suppose that $\mathcal{P}$ is a prime ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Lower periodic subsets of groups and semigroups

Suppose that $A$ and $B$ are subsets of a group or semigroup. We call $A$ left upper [resp. lower] $B$-periodic if $BA\subseteq A$ [resp. $A\subseteq BA$]. If $A$ is both left upper and lower $B$-...
M.H.Hooshmand's user avatar
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Name for generalization of bivariate weighted-homogeneous polynomials

A polynomial $f = \sum_j c_j X^{\alpha_j}Y^{\beta_j}\in\mathbb K[X,Y]$ is said weighted-homogeneous if there exist $p$, $q$ and $d$ (where $p$ and $q$ are not both $0$) such that $p\alpha_j+q\beta_j=d$...
Bruno's user avatar
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Ideals in a reduced ring

In a finite reduced commutative ring, is every minimal prime ideal is generated by an idempotent? The number of idempotent elements and the number of minimal prime ideals are same.
Avinash's user avatar
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Is this essentially of finite type algebra actually of finite type?

Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring with a uniformizer $\pi$ and $(A, \mathfrak{m}_A)$ a local $R$-algebra that is essentially of finite type (i.e., is a localization of a finite type $R$-algebra), ...
Question Mark's user avatar
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Lifting a direct summand of a free module

[EDIT]: After getting a nice counter example provided by Steven Landsburg I realize that I forgot to impose an important condition...namely $R$ is supposed to be complete w.r.t. the $I$-adic topology. ...
Harry's user avatar
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Rings of algebraic integers as quotients of polynomial rings

The ring of integers $\mathcal{O}_K$ of a number field $K$ is always isomorphic to some ring of the form $\mathbb{Z}[x_1, ..., x_r]/\mathfrak{p}$, where $\mathfrak{p} \subset \mathbb{Z}[x_1, ..., x_r]$...
Albertas's user avatar
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Thickness of the category of perfect complexes with finite length homology

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian local ring and let $D(R)$ be the derived category of $R$-modules. Recall that a chain complex $C_\bullet$ of modules over $R$ is called perfect if it is isomorphic ...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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preservation of localness among certain Krull domains

The following question essentially appeared ( on math.SE a while ago, but nobody has done anything ...
Neil Epstein's user avatar
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Does exterior product commute functor Hom?

Let $M$ be an module over the commutative ring $R$. I'd like to ask do we have the following isomorphism? $$Hom_R(\wedge^n_RM,R)\simeq \wedge^n_R Hom_R(M,R)$$ We can obviously see it's true for the ...
Hoang's user avatar
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on reductive monoids which are gorenstein

Let $M$ a reductive monoid, i.e. a integral normal affine scheme, which is a monoid whose group of units is a connected reductive group. By Rittatore
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Decomposition of polynomials with three variables

We use $\bigtriangleup _i$ to denote either multiplication or addition. Suppose we have a polynomial $P(x,y,z)$ over some algebraic closed field such that: There are $Q(x), W_1(x,y),W_2(x,z)$ sucht ...
E.L's user avatar
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Recovering fractional ideals from ideals

Let $R$ be a Noetherian domain; let ${I_{(i)}}$ be a set of fractional ideals in $K$, the fraction field of $R$, indexed by a lattice such that $I_{(i)} I_{(j)} = I_{(i + j)}$. Let $J_{(i)} = I_{(i)} \...
user44191's user avatar
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generalization Abhyankar's lemma

This question is related to a question I already asked on MO (smooth quotient out of a singular variety?), but I realized later that the hypotheses where not precise enough in my former question. Let ...
Libli's user avatar
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Global dimension of a subalgebra with all units

(All rings here are always assumed to be unital and associative). Setup Let $R$ be a ring, and $A$ and $B$ be $R$-algebras, with $A$ a commutative subalgebra of $B$ satisfying: If $u$ is a unit in $...
ABIM's user avatar
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Irreducibility of a certain matrix variety

Let $R=\mathbb{Q}[x_{i,j}\,:\, 1\leq i,j\leq n]$. Let $M$ be the $n\times n$ matrix $(x_{i.j})$. Let $\chi(M)$ be the characteristic polynomial of $M$. Finally, let $I$ be the ideal of $R$ ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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primary ring and primary module [closed]

I want to know that in the commutative rings, the definition of the primary module is coincide with the definition of the primary ring? And where i can find it? The primary ring is a ring when ab=0, ...
Esfahani's user avatar
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Surjectivity of $f\colon\Gamma_Z(M)\rightarrow\bigoplus_{p\in Z\backslash Z'}\Gamma_{pR_p}(M_p)$

Suppose $Z'\subseteq Z\subseteq\text{Spec} R$ such that every element in $Z\backslash Z'$ is a minimal element (with respect to inclusion as ideals) in $Z$. Assume further that both $Z$ and $Z'$ are ...
user49402's user avatar
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Relation between dimension of Proj(S) and dimension of S

Let $S$ be Noetherian standard ${\mathbb{N}}^r$ graded ring where $S_{\underline{0}}$ is an Aritinian local ring. $$Proj(S)=\lbrace{P\in Spec S | S_{++}\not\subseteq P, P\hspace{0.1cm} homogeneous}\...
MAT's user avatar
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Two questions regarding $f$-adic completions of (non noetherian) rings

Lately I've looked at $f$-adic completions of commutative rings. I had posted two questions regarding the topic on math.SE which didn't receive any attention and I think they might be fit for ...
Louis's user avatar
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Submodul of finite ring extension

Let $R \hookrightarrow S$ be a finite extension of noetherian rings. Let $I \subseteq S$ be an $R$-submodule of $S$. Are there any sufficient criteria on $I$ such that it is in fact an ideal of $S$? ...
Hans's user avatar
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Saturation of a subalgebra over the Tate-algebra inside the power series ring

Let $A$ be a discrete valuation ring and $\pi$ a uniformizer. Over $A$ we consider the Tate-algebra $$A\langle t \rangle =\{ f=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_nt^n \mid a_n\in A, \lim_{n\to \infty} \lvert a_n\...
Andreas Maurischat's user avatar
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Algebraic set given by sequence of polynomials

When working on some problem, I have end up with a following situation. Suppose $P(z)=z^d+a_{d-1}z^{d-1}+\ldots+a_1z+a_0$ is a complex polynomial $d\geq2$ and that $\gamma$ and $\delta$ are non-zero ...
Luka B.T.'s user avatar
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Descending chain condition for radical ideals

For which integral domains $R$ (not filed) the ring $R[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ satisfies descending chain condition for radical ideals? I am not expert in Ring Theory and I need an answer to construct some ...
Sh.M1972's user avatar
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The structure of symmetric powers of finite-dimensional local rings

Fix an algebraically closed field $k$ of arbitrary characteristic $p$ and let $R$ be a finite-dimensional local $k$-algebra (so in particular $R$ is Artinian and Noetherian). Let $S_n$ be the ...
Chuck Hague's user avatar
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Graded Betti Numbers of a Graded Ideal with Linear Quotients

Exercise 8.8 in Monomial Ideals by Herzog and Hibi: Let $I\subset S=K[x_{1},...,x_{n}]$ be a graded ideal which has linear quotients with respect to a homogeneous system of generators $f_{1},...,f_{m}...
user118827's user avatar
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Automorphism on F_2[[X,S]]

Let us define the automorphism $\sigma$ on ${\Bbb F}_2[[X,S]]$ such that $\sigma \colon S \mapsto S + S^2 + S^3$ $\sigma \colon X \mapsto X + S$. It is easy to see that the ideal $(S)$ is stable ...
user44755's user avatar
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Super-Gorenstein ideal of ${\Bbb F}_p[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$

Let $A \colon= {\Bbb F}_p[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$ be a $n$-variable power series ring over a finite field ${\Bbb F}_p$. We put ${\frak m}_A \colon= (X_1,\ldots,X_n)$. Definition(Super-Gorenstein ideal): $...
Pierre's user avatar
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Does the coordinate ring of affine variety admit a structure of infinite dimensional variety?

We work in the category of algebraic varieties over some algebraically closed field $k$. By infinite dimensional variety I mean a filtration: $$ V_0\subset V_1\subset V_2\subset\ldots $$ where each $...
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