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diverietti's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
32 votes

Elementary short exact sequence of sheaves

28 votes

construct the elliptic fibration of elliptic k3 surface

27 votes

"The complex version of Nash's theorem is not true"

27 votes

Is the complex structure of $\mathbb CP^n$ unique?

17 votes

Applications of Liouville's theorem

15 votes

Non-Kahler Complex manifolds

15 votes

Specific line bundle over complex manifold implies Kähler?

14 votes

Do projective hypersurfaces contain projective toric varieties?

13 votes

Chern class on a symplectic manifold

12 votes

Homotopy type of a complex affine variety

12 votes

Relation between the de Rham and Hodge Laplacians on the Exterior Algebra

11 votes

Algebraic Geometry versus Complex Geometry

11 votes

Why can we not always take a Kähler class to be in rational cohomology?

11 votes

Bott Chern cohomology via currents

11 votes

Reference Request: de Rham vs. Dolbeault

10 votes

Euler Sequence on Homogeneous Spaces

9 votes

Direct sum of two stable bundles of same slope

9 votes

Negative holomorphic sectional curvature

9 votes

Rational curves on varieties of general type

9 votes

On the generalized Gauss-Bonnet theorem

9 votes

Differential forms on an almost complex manifold

9 votes

Riemannian metric on a flag variety

9 votes

Kähler metric on projectivised bundle

8 votes

Strict Transform under Blow-Up along nonsingular Subvariety

8 votes

Positive (k.k)-form?

8 votes

Example of Calabi-Yau 3-fold fibered by both K3 surface and abelian surface?

7 votes

Non-cohomological proof that the pullback of an ample bundle by a finite morphism is ample

7 votes

Griffiths-positive metric

7 votes

Hom between Brody hyperbolic varieties

6 votes

Positive vector bundles