Let $\beta:\widetilde{X}\mathrel{\mathop:}=\mathop{\mathrm{Bl}}_Z(X)\to X$ be the blow-up of a nonsingular algebraic variety $X$ along a nonsingular subvariety $Z$. Let $E\mathrel{\mathop:}=\beta^{-1}(Z)$ be the exceptional divisor. Now, let us assume I have a divisor $D$ on $X$. Then I was told that $\beta^\ast D \sim \widetilde{D} + \alpha E$, where $\widetilde{D}$ denotes the strict transform of $D$ and "$\sim$" is linear equivalence. I was also told that $\alpha$ is the "multiplicity of $D$ along $Z$". First, what does multiplicity mean here and second, does anyone know (possibly by reference) a proof?
Note: This bears some relation to Hartshorne Exercise II.8.5. For fibred surfaces, there is also Proposition 9.2.23 in Liu's Book. However, it seemed very specific to the twodimensional case.