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Brian Borchers's user avatar
Brian Borchers
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

Ways to convert a Positive Semi-Definite (PSD) matrix -> Positive Definite matrix

4 votes

solving multiple linear programming problems with the same set of constraints

4 votes

Random versions of deterministic problems

4 votes

Linear program to maximize the minimum absolute value of linear functions ?

4 votes

Suggestions for teaching advanced high school students

4 votes

How to approx. decompose a sym. p.d. matrix M into X'X?

4 votes

Is it OK for a referee to acknowledge identity with a previous referee?

3 votes

Least sum squares given constraints on subcomponents

3 votes

Which magazines should I read?

3 votes

Is there any conclusions generalized Singular Value Decomposition into Hilbert Space

3 votes

definition of "exact neighborhood" [optimization]

3 votes

a different algebra/representation for convex sets

3 votes

Inverting products of matrices

3 votes

Optimizing directly on the eigenspectrum of a matrix

3 votes

Complexity of EVD

3 votes

Maximizing the minimum of piecewise linear functions in high dimensional space

3 votes

Interesting and accessible topics in graph theory

3 votes

Sparsity of Cholesky factors

3 votes

Injectivity of vector functions: Numerical Verification

3 votes

Decompositions of sparse symmetric matrices and methods for solving large linear equations

3 votes

linear programming with OR restrictions

3 votes

Cascading minimization problems

3 votes

How to solve a system of linear equations without storing the matrix?

2 votes

On Random Vectors and Eigenvectors of Symmetric Matrices

2 votes

A non-convex quadratically constrained quadratic program

2 votes

Levenberg-Marquadt near the minima for non-zero-residual problems

2 votes

Multiple Linear Regression Estimation without full recalc

2 votes

Moore-Penrose bound question

2 votes

Monte Carlo estimator with autocorrelated samples

2 votes

Sensitivity analysis in conic optimization