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Asaf Karagila's user avatar
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
Asaf Karagila
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

Existence of weakly compact cardinals

4 votes

On surjections, idempotence and axiom of choice

4 votes

Result that follows from ZFC and not ZF but are strictly weaker than choice

4 votes

Are all models of ZF + DC + "All set of reals are lebesgue measurable" also models of CH?

4 votes

Does ZFC without Foundation prove that given any proper class A, every set can be injected into A ?

4 votes

A question about "paradoxical" sentences in the language of ZF set theory.

4 votes

Cardinals without choice: interpolation (reference wanted)

4 votes

Well-Ordering theorem of cardinal$\kappa$

4 votes

Does $\mathsf{ZF}$ prove $\operatorname{Col}(\lambda,\kappa)$ preserves cardinals below $\lambda$?

4 votes

Name for a certain type of cardinal

3 votes

Turning linear ordering into well-ordering

3 votes

Subquotients in ZF

3 votes

Ultrafilters vs Well-orderings

3 votes

Set theory question

3 votes

Usage of set theory in undergraduate studies

3 votes

On a weak choice principle

3 votes

Can $\omega_1$ be supercompact?

3 votes

Describe a topic in one sentence.

3 votes

Dual of Zorn's Lemma?

3 votes

What axioms (other than choice) have a taming effect on the ordering of cardinalities?

3 votes

Is any axiom system for sets categorical?

3 votes

When do we have a bijection between a proper class A and its power set class P(A)?

3 votes

A limit to Shoenfield Absoluteness

3 votes

Question about HOD

3 votes

Group morphism and axiom of choice

3 votes

Can the axiom of choice or its weaker versions be (dis)proved using reflection principles?

3 votes

On successive regular cardinals with no ladders

3 votes

Are closed convex subsets of a Banach space weakly closed without the axiom of choice?

3 votes

Is existence of a cardinal that witness non-failure of GCH everywhere everyway, a theorem of ZF?

3 votes

What would be examples of modified Scotts cardinals with less structure?