Is "ZF + $\omega_1$ is supercompact" consistent relative to "ZFC + there is a supercompact cardinal"?
In particular, if $\delta$ is supercompact, does it remain so in $V(\mathbb{R} \cap V[G])$ where $G \subset Col(\omega,<\delta)$ is $V$-generic? This seems to be the case for measurability but I am having trouble proving it for supercompactness. It seems likely that someone else has tried this, so I though I'd ask here.
The appropriate definition of supercompactness in ZF is the one in terms of normal fine measures, where normality is defined using diagonal intersections.
I am aware that $\omega_1$ has some amount of supercompactness under AD. I am interested in a more direct proof using forcing, which I hope will give (full) supercompactness.