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Asaf Karagila's user avatar
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
Asaf Karagila
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

If a theory speaks of sets that cannot be forced to be parameter free definable, then does this entail a large cardinal property?

3 votes

What are some kinds of models where DC holds?

3 votes

"Potentially club" filters on $\omega_2$

3 votes

Transfer with minimal choice

3 votes

About presenting hard proofs in seminar

3 votes

Some "axiom of choice" and "dependent choice" issues

3 votes

Important formulas in combinatorics

3 votes

Existence of regular cardinals larger than an arbitrary cardinal in von Neumann universes without axiom of choice

2 votes

A simple proof for a case where: $\mathbf{L}_\mu \models ZF^-$?

2 votes

Are externally pointwise definable models of ZFC subject to the same limitations of the internally pointwise definable ones?

2 votes

Does n-well ordered choice schema imply the axiom of choice?

2 votes

Relation between Laver generic reals

2 votes

Why do ordinal collapsing functions use regular cardinals?

2 votes

Second order theories for class forcing

2 votes

What is the role of absoluteness in existence of a non-trivial self elementary embedding on an inner model?

2 votes

About the rank of sets

2 votes

Some definitions without full choice

2 votes

A Question Regarding Defining Generic Extensions of ZF and ZFC in Morse-Kelly Set Theory

2 votes

Does existence of $\omega_1$ subset of reals imply $\omega_1$ choice for subsets of reals?

2 votes

Cardinality of $C^*([0,1])$

2 votes

Modified Dirichlet function Darboux integrable on $[0,2]$?

2 votes

Examples of common false beliefs in mathematics

2 votes

Examples of common false beliefs in mathematics

2 votes

Good set theory in which to study ordinal-indexed sequences?

1 vote

Set Theory and Definability

1 vote

Is it consistent with ZFC that for all ordinals $\alpha, \beta < \omega$ it holds that $2^{\aleph_\alpha} = 2^{\aleph_\beta}$?

1 vote

Forcing, cuts, and Dedekind-finite cardinalities

1 vote

Adding Generic Reals to Forcing Extensions

1 vote

Order in bijective-equivalent collections of proper classes in set-theory

1 vote

Axiom of dependent choice (up to $\omega_1$) and group rank

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