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Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
Ilya Nikokoshev
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
2 votes

Why and how are moduli spaces of (semi)stable vector bundles well-behaved?

2 votes

Motivation for algebraic K-theory?

2 votes

How is tropicalization like taking the classical limit?

2 votes

Definition of elementary number theory

2 votes

Fourier-Mukai transform - a first example

2 votes

Rolle's theorem in n dimensions

2 votes

How to compute irreducible representation of Lie algebra in the framework of BBD

1 vote

Homology of algebraic varieties in Okounkov's paper on enumerating algebraic curves

1 vote

Switching Research Fields

1 vote

b^(n-1)=-1 mod n

1 vote

Notation for the all-ones vector

1 vote

Is there an analogue of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem for discrete dynamical systems?

1 vote

The Jouanolou trick

1 vote

Does it help to learn statistical mechanics in order to learn thermodynamic formalism?

1 vote

About the intersection of two vector bundles

1 vote

(infinity,1)-categories directly from model categories

1 vote

How is tropicalization like taking the classical limit?

1 vote

How to attack this diophantine equation in 3 variables?

1 vote

Examples of rational families of abelian varieties.

1 vote

What is an example of a function on M_g?

1 vote

What does a projective resolution mean geometrically?

1 vote

Morphisms of (quasi-)projective varieties

1 vote

Is there a good way to think of vanishing cycles and nearby cycles?

1 vote

Is the Fukaya category "defined"?

1 vote

Something like Yoneda's lemma

1 vote

Can the "physical argument" for the existence of a solution to Dirichlet's problem be made into an actual proof?

1 vote

What is the first interesting theorem in (insert subject here)?

1 vote

Definition and meaning of the conductor of an elliptic curve

1 vote

Questions about ordering of reals and irrationals

1 vote

de Rham Cohomology of surfaces