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KP Hart
  • Member for 14 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

A question about uniformities generated by pseudometrics

1 vote

A question about filterbasis

1 vote

Mysior plane is not realcompact

1 vote

Partial orders on downward closed sets

1 vote

Condition for set of the type $\{(a,b)|a \in A, \ b = f(a)\}$ to have empty interior if $A$ has empty interior

1 vote

$\min$-compactness vs metacompactness

1 vote

Property ${\bf B}$ for families of large sets with small intersection

1 vote

Property stronger than $T_1$ and weaker than regularity

1 vote

Modification of Lemma 0 in Hajnal's paper "Embedding finite graphs into graphs colored with infinitely many colors"

1 vote

Is there anything against this function j being injective?

1 vote

Understanding equivalent condition for covering dimension

1 vote

Is a plane set still metrizable if two new subsets are declared open?

1 vote

If a topological space (X,T) is completely normal, and if we double the point of X, is the resulting space also completely normal?

1 vote

Disjoint union of clopen sets such that the fibers has constant cardinality

1 vote

Properties of the category of compact Hausdorff spaces

1 vote

Reference request: large generalized probability measures

1 vote

Sufficient conditions for the covering dimension and large inductive dimension of compact Hausdorff spaces to coincide

1 vote

Embedding Thomas's plank à la Steen & Seebach into a space that is not completely regular

1 vote

Topology on the set of linear subspaces

1 vote

A question about local connectedness in metric spaces

1 vote

union of Stone-Cech remainders

1 vote

Locally compact, 0-dimensional, pseudocompact space

1 vote

About the existence of a particular kind of "splitting" function on atomless complete Boolean algebras

1 vote

What are the components of the Stone-Cech Remainder?

1 vote

Example of a completely regular spaces

1 vote

Compactness of Hadwiger number

1 vote

Direct proof a property of hyperstonean spaces

0 votes

countably complete filters

0 votes

Ring isomorphism $\Phi \colon C(X) \to C(Y)$ and zero dimensionality of $X$

0 votes

F-spaces and points whose complements are C*-embedded

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