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JCM's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • UK
7 votes

What are examples of (collections of) papers which "close" a field?

2 votes

Examples of systems with stable equilibria at the boundary of the phase space

1 vote

Integral representation of the Cauchy problem solution for the heat equation

1 vote

Heuristics for boundary Harnack inequality

1 vote

maximum principle for a non-uniformly parabolic operator

1 vote

LINEAR Parabolic equations. Smooth dependence from initial data

1 vote

Does this ODE system have solution?

1 vote

Does this ODE system have solution?

1 vote

Elliptic Harnack inequality for 1D Schrodinger operator?

1 vote

Monotonicity preserving parabolic operators

0 votes

Is there a reference for compact imbedding theory of Hölder space?

0 votes

Function approximation via an orthonormal basis (with singular weight)