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Stefan Kohl's user avatar
Stefan Kohl
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

When is 2 qualitatively different from 3?

10 votes

Is it true that every f.g. infinite simple group has exponential growth?

10 votes

Finite groups with elements of the same order

9 votes

Transitive permutation groups which all of their proper subgroups are intransitive

9 votes

How do most people write permutations?

9 votes

Bounding from below the cardinality of a set of generators of the $n$-fold cartesian product of a finite group

9 votes

Probability that randomly chosen integers from a restricted set of natural numbers are coprime

8 votes

Notation of Wilson's book "The finite simple groups"

8 votes

Any other definition for algebraic number than the root of algebraic equation?

8 votes

Counting conjugacy classes in simple groups of Lie type

8 votes

Is it true that $p^2+1$ is square free if $p>7$ is a Mersenne prime

8 votes

A question about (unicity of certain cycles in a Cayley graph of a) symmetric group

8 votes

The exponential Diophantine equation $a^n-b^m=x^3+y^3$ for arbitrary large $n,m$

8 votes

Explicit free subgroup in Thompson's group $V$

8 votes

Faithful projective representations of symmetric groups

7 votes

Structure of the group generated by two specific symplectic matrices

7 votes

A finitely presented group with two simple relations

7 votes

Cayley graphs of $A_n.$

7 votes

Finite groups of order $n$ having exactly $n$ subgroups

7 votes

Order of products of elements in symmetric groups

7 votes

Examples of eventual counterexamples

7 votes

Examples of eventual counterexamples

7 votes

Is the $n$-th prime $p_n$ expressible as the difference of coprime $A, B$ such that the set of prime divisors of $AB$ is $\{p_1, \dots, p_{n-1}\}$?

7 votes

My output of a group and inverse-closed subset in MAGMA is no longer inverse-closed when entered as input to GAP.

7 votes

Maximal order of finite subgroups of $GL(n,Z)$

6 votes

How large can abelian subgroups of class 2 nilpotent groups or simple groups be?

6 votes

Another quotient of Hurwitz group

6 votes

About the number of their conjugacy classes in some classes of finite simple groups

6 votes

Algorithm for solving systems of linear Diophantine inequalities

6 votes

Classification of generously transitive groups