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Simon Lentner's user avatar
Simon Lentner's user avatar
Simon Lentner
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
21 votes

Why are the sporadic simple groups HUGE?

12 votes

Tensor product of linear mappings versus chain complexes

11 votes

Examples of finite groups with "good" bijection(s) between conjugacy classes and irreducible representations?

10 votes

2-cocycle twists of braided Hopf algebras

8 votes

Quantum group as (relative) Drinfeld double?

5 votes

Inseparable Galois Cohomology

4 votes

commutator subgroups and isomorphic

3 votes

(weak?) BN-Pair / Tits System for Sporadic Groups

3 votes

Restricting the Steinberg representation of $SL_{2n}$ over a finite field to the symplectic group

3 votes

What is $\left[ \begin{array}{c} K_i;0\\ \ell\\ \end{array} \right] _{\varepsilon _i}$ in the restricted specialization in QUE algebras?

3 votes

Non-Drinfeld–Jimbo deformations and finite quantum groups

2 votes

Dimension formula for Cartan-type Nichols algebra?

2 votes

Analysis and finitely generated groups

1 vote

Commutator table for Chevalley group G_2

1 vote

Finite, abelian, yet "fugitive" orthogonal subgroups

1 vote

Geometric interpretation of integrals of coordinate rings

1 vote

Involution of $E_{8}$ lattice

0 votes

$q$-Deforming Woronowicz's Leibniz Rule

0 votes

Finding the Universal Ideal of a (Covariant) Differential Calculus