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Simon Henry's user avatar
Simon Henry
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

What is the status of Jordan's theorem in constructive mathematics in the language of locales?

4 votes

Does left-exactness imply semi-additivity?

4 votes

Localic maps given by series

4 votes

Can Reedy cofibrations be monomorphisms?

4 votes

Dissolution of a topos

4 votes

Does $\infty$-categorical localization commute with taking directed fibered products?

4 votes

Are $\infty$-categories functorially colimits of their simplices?

3 votes

Preimage of a sublocale by a morphism of locales: description by nucleus?

3 votes

It's there a way to take a composite monad and a monad map to create a map of the composite?

3 votes

Categories admitting singleton-classifiers and characterization of the category $\mathbf{Set}$

3 votes

Pushout of quasi-categories with finite coproducts

3 votes

Universal model category as a $\text{sSet}$-enriched co-completion

3 votes

Euclidean model structure on multipointed $d$-spaces

3 votes

Abelianization of monoids in arbitrary (symmetric) monoidal categories

3 votes

Is there a way to adjoin a counit to a non counital coalgebra?

3 votes

Is there an example of two strict monoidal categories which are (monoidally) equivalent, but not strictly?

3 votes

Is the inclusion functor from gaunt strict $n$-categories to weak $(\infty,n)$-categories fully faithful?

3 votes

Spectrum of a Banach algebra homeomorphic to the spectrum of one of its elements

3 votes

Continuous surjection $S^n\to S^m$, $n<m$

3 votes

Simplification in Semi-continuous real ?

3 votes

Kernel of the natural map between group $C^*$-algebras

3 votes

Do coherent toposes descend along open surjection?

3 votes

Classification of commutative ring ideal closure operators?

3 votes

What is a spectrum object in $\infty$-topoi?

3 votes

Is there a version of the "infinitary" disjunctive normal form theorem for topoi and slice categories?

3 votes

$C^*$-algebra which is not von Neumann, but satisfies the property that ever self-adjoint element is

3 votes

A model structure on semi-simplicial algebraic Kan complexes?

3 votes

Matrix diagonalization and eigenvector computation constructively

3 votes

Is an objectwise subframe a sub-inf-lattice in a topos?

3 votes

Products of double-negation sublocales (and probability distributions on them)