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Hailong Dao
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

Locally square implies square

2 votes

Sum of radical ideals

2 votes

Class groups of normal domains over finite fields

2 votes

Projective dimension of a sub-ideal

2 votes

Euler characteristic and rational Poincaré series

2 votes

Intersecting a ideal generated in degree $\leq a$ with one generated in degree $\leq b$ in a polynomial ring

2 votes

Why is $M$ torsion-free?

2 votes

Lci local rings with isolated singularity are irreducible?

2 votes

Almost clean module

2 votes

Presentation of finite modules with null annihilator

2 votes

Quotient of flat module is flat - a property in Mumford's Red book

2 votes

0-1 matrix corresponding to an abstract simplicial complex

1 vote

On locally 3-syzygy sheaves

1 vote

On a condition on ideals viwed as a Zariski open condition on co-tangent space

1 vote

On the map $\Phi_M: M\otimes_RM^*\xrightarrow{x\otimes y\mapsto \left\{f\mapsto f(x)y\right\}}\text{Hom}_R(M^*,M^*) $

1 vote

F-splitting and F-purity from commutative algebra viewpoint

1 vote

Indecomposable modules such that the radical is a submodule of the socle

1 vote

When does a faithful module have an element with zero annihilator?

1 vote

Trace map attached to a finite homomorphism of noetherian rings

1 vote

Necessary and sufficient criteria for non-trivial derivations to exist?

1 vote

Can we characterise affine open subschemes of ${\rm Spec}(A)$?

1 vote

Comparing homomorphisms over different base rings

1 vote

Tame ramification of (mild) curve singularities.

1 vote

Prime avoidance in adjacent degrees

1 vote

Webpages for specialized communities

1 vote

Freeness of modules along ring homomorphisms

0 votes

Annihilator of an element in a ring

0 votes

on the relative conductor of curve singularity and quotient of ideals

0 votes

Torsion pairs and projective dimension

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