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Hailong Dao
  • Member for 15 years
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

Square of primary ideals

8 votes

Degrees of generators of radical ideals

8 votes

Pulling Back Cohen-Macaulay Sheaves

8 votes

Definition of packing property

8 votes

Ext of cyclic module

8 votes

Grothendieck group $K(\mathbb A_k^n)$ (Hartshorne Exercise III.5.4)

8 votes

The half-life of a theorem, or Arnold's principle at work

8 votes

Depth of modules and regular sequences of endomorphisms

8 votes

Alternating sum over collections closed under containment

8 votes

Equivalence of definitions of Cohen-Macaulay type

8 votes

Is $\dim_k M/xM$ a multiple of $\dim_k R/xR$ for $M$ finitely generated, torsion-free $R$-module?

8 votes

What Stanley-Reisner rings are $\mathbb{Q}$-Gorenstein?

8 votes

Betti sequence of finite dimensional commutative algebras

7 votes

Height of associated primes in regular rings

7 votes

For every prime ideal $P$ of any Cohen-Macaulay ring $R$, is the sequence $\operatorname{depth}(R/P^n)$ eventually constant?

7 votes

Is $[Im:(x)][Im:(y,z)]\subseteq Im$ in $k[x,y,z]$?

7 votes

In a commutative Koszul algebra, does every ideal generated by a subset of variables have linear resolution?

7 votes

Is Koszul homology of a monomial ideal always generated by the "obvious" things?

7 votes

on chern classes and Riemann Roch theorem for torsion-free sheaves on singular (possibly multiple) curve

7 votes

Algebraic equivalence VS Numerical Equivalence - An Example.

7 votes

finite surjective l.c.i morphism is flat

7 votes

A plausible inequality

7 votes

Standard reduction to the artinian local case?

7 votes

If a polynomial f is irreducible then (f) is radical, without unique factorization?

7 votes

Geometric meaning of Cohen-Macaulay schemes

7 votes

Most intricate and most beautiful structures in mathematics

7 votes

prime ideals in regular local rings

7 votes

Homologically nice commutative rings

6 votes

Projective resolution of modules over rings which are regular in codimension n

6 votes

What formal properties should resolution of singularities have?

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