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Anton Fetisov's user avatar
Anton Fetisov's user avatar
Anton Fetisov
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Moscow
62 votes

Intuition for coends

47 votes

No matter how many algebraic invariants we attach to topological spaces, there will always be nonhomeomorphic spaces agreeing on all their invariants

24 votes

Nonequivalent definitions in Mathematics

19 votes

Semi group of polynomials which all roots lie on the unit circle

12 votes

What's a good introduction to category theory for someone doing analysis?

12 votes

Delooping in homotopy type theory

11 votes

Topology of categories, very basic facts surrounding Quillen's Higher Algebraic K-Theory I

11 votes

Connective spectra and infinite loop spaces

10 votes

An abstract nonsense proof of the Hurewicz theorem

10 votes

Automorphisms of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces and semidirect products (and the odd line)

10 votes

What is the significance of the Spec of non-affine structure sheaf sections?

8 votes

Is lim R_i = O(colim Spec R_i) true for finite (co)limits?

8 votes

What is Yoneda's Lemma a generalization of?

8 votes

Is there an algebraic approach to metric spaces?

8 votes

What is the relationship between $BU$ and $\textrm{Fred}_0(H)$?

8 votes

Can one make a category concrete by "enlarging the universe"?

8 votes

"Monoid objects" without points

7 votes

The main theorems of category theory and their applications

7 votes

What is the homotopy fiber of a fold map?

6 votes

What is the canonical isomorphism between the tensor products of the top exterior powers associated to exact sequences of vector spaces?

6 votes

Can Homotopy Type Theory or algebraic geometry deal with homotopy fibers in terms of families?

5 votes

Is there an analog of adjoint functor theorem for adjunctions of two variables?

5 votes

Examples of toposes for analysts

5 votes

Isomorphism class of locally trivial object classified by some $H^1$ ?

4 votes

Interesting Calculus Questions/Exercises

4 votes

The groupoid of algebraic expressions and proofs

4 votes

How to proceed with a type-theoretic proof that $\Sigma \mathbb{S}^1 \simeq \mathbb{S}^2$?

4 votes

If a $\otimes$-idempotent object has a dual, must it be self-dual?

4 votes

A groupoid which is homotopy equivalent to $BG$

3 votes

Special $\Gamma$-categories and symmetric monoidal categories