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Asymptotic behavior of functions, asymptotic series and related topics

0 votes

Asymptotic approximation of a convolution of binomial coefficients

As $k\to\infty$, $\binom{2k-2}{k-1}\sim 2^{2k-2}/\sqrt{\pi k}$. As $N-k\to\infty$, $\binom{2N-2k}{N-1}\sim 2^{2N-2k}/\sqrt{\pi (N-k)}$. Now approximate the sum by an integral: $$\int_0^N \frac{\ln k} …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
2 votes

Lower bound on the number of balanced graphs

The bound of Ruciński and Vince is for strongly balanced, which is a more strict condition. If only balanced is required, the example of connected regular graphs provides a bound much greater than $n^ …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
3 votes

Asymptotics for $\int\exp( -x t / \log t)dt$

THIS ANSWER IS INCORRECT, SEE THE COMMENTS. According to Maple, $$ f(x) = -\frac{\gamma+\log x}{x} +\tfrac14 e^2 x - \tfrac19 e^3x^2 + \tfrac{1}{32}e^4x^3 - \tfrac{1}{150}e^5x^4 + O(x^5).$$ A converge …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
0 votes

How to check if you have the asymptotic solution of some equation?

Let $\bar x_0$ be your approximation of $x_0$. Find a small $\delta$ such that $f(\bar x_0)$ and $f(\bar x_0+\delta)$ have opposite sign. Then you know $x_0$ to an accuracy of $|\delta|$ (assuming $f$ …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
0 votes

The exact constant in a bound on ratios of Gamma functions

Taking $f(a,b)=\frac{a+b}{a}$ as in the other question, I conjecture that the optimal $C$ is $e$. One bit of evidence is that the limit of the ratio for $a=cb$ and $b\to\infty$ is $(c+1)^{1/c}$ which …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
2 votes

Estimating the number of functions which are at most $c$-to-$1$ for some constant $c \ge 2$

This is closely related to Lucia's answer. For parameter $t$, let $X_t$ be the random variable with probability generating function $$ p_t(x) = \sum_{i=0}^c \mathrm{P}(X_t=i)\, x^i = \sum_{i=0}^c \fr …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
0 votes

Lower bound of q pochhammer symbol

This function has an interesting asymptotic expansion. $$\prod_{k\ge1}(1-n^{-k}) = 1 - n^{-1} - n^{-2} + n^{-5} + n^{-7} - n^{-12} - n^{-15} + \cdots\,\,. $$ The coefficients are all $\pm 1$ and the e …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
2 votes

Asymptotics for the sums from the inclusion-exclusion principle

Many unsolved asymptotics problems can be written as inclusion-exclusion sums. There is no general method for solving them. …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
5 votes

Limit of a Combinatorial Function

The limit is at least $2/\sqrt 3\approx 1.1547$. Write $\alpha=1/\sqrt 3$. If any strip length $\alpha n$ or more is used more than once, then obviously area $2\alpha$ can be chosen. On the other han …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
4 votes

What is the expected number of missing random integers?

The expected number of values hit is asymptotic to $\sqrt{n\log n}$. Start with Stirling's formula: $$ P(n,k) := 2^{-n}\binom{n}{n/2+k} = \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi n}} e^{-2k^2/n} (1 + O(1/n)), $$ provided …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Asymptotic value of a multivariate integral

The following question is a simple case of a type of problem that occurs in combinatorial enumeration problems. Define $$F(x_1,\ldots,x_n) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{n/2}}\exp\biggl( -\frac12\sum_{j=1}^n x_ …
3 votes

Finding the asymptotic bound of a summation

(Edited after Christian's comments.) For $0\le i\le n^{4/7}$, $$n!/(n-i)! = n^i \exp(-i(i-1)/(2n)+O(i^3/n^2)).$$ Approximate the sum for that range by the corresponding integral (a gaussian with the …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
7 votes

The probability that two graphs have same number of edges

Since the vast majority graphs has trivial groups, and this is even more true (to exponential precision) for graphs with likely numbers of edges, the answer will be the same if you consider labelled g …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
4 votes

Recurrence relation asymptotics

OP didn't say where the problem came from, so maybe I am just reverse-engineering it here. If $P$ is a partition of a finite set $X$, define $\kappa(P)$ to be the number of pairs $x,y\in X$ such that …
Brendan McKay's user avatar
8 votes

What is the probability that two random permutations have the same order?

For two random permutations of $n$ letters, let $p_1(n)$ be the probability they are conjugate and $p_2(n)$ be the probability they have the same order. I computed these exactly up to $n=70$. In the …
Brendan McKay's user avatar

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