Notation: $[m] := \{1, 2, \dots, m \}$.
How many functions are there $f: [a] \to [b]$? The answer is easily seen to be $b^a$.
How many $1$-to-$1$ functions are there $f: [a] \to [b]$? Again the answer is well known, and it is sometimes called the falling factorial: $$b(b-1) \dots (b-a+1).$$
How many functions are there $f: [a] \to [b]$ that are no more than $c$-to-$1$?
I don't expect that there is an exact formula, and I am more interested in the asymptotics. For example, can we give "reasonable" upper and lower bounds, in the case that $c \ge 2$ and $|A| / |B|$ are fixed, and $|A| \to \infty$?
For a concrete example, roughly how many functions are there $[5n] \to [n]$ that are at most $8$-to-$1$? Call this function $g(n)$.
Clearly we have $$\frac{(5n)!}{5!^n} \le g(n) \le n^{5n}.$$ The function ${(5n)!}/{5!^n}$ counts functions that are exactly 5-to-1 (which all satisfy the criterion that they are at most 8-to-1), and the function $n^{5n}$ counts all functions.
Applying Stirling's approximation to the first function gives something like $$ \alpha^n n^{5n} \le g(n) \le n^{5n},$$ for some small constant $\alpha > 0$.
It seems like there is room for improvement. Is it true, for example, that $$\log g(n) = 5n \log n + C n + o(n) $$ for some constant $C > 0$?