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Questions designed to generate a "big list" of certain results, examples, conjectures, etc. via many individual answers, each contributing one or a few instances. Such a question should typically be in Community Wiki mode (CW); after asking, please, flag for moderators attention requesting the question to be made CW.

57 votes

Every mathematician has only a few tricks

Integration by parts has allegedly earned some people big medals.
34 votes

Publishing conjectures

Depending upon the content of the paper, you may look at the new Arnold Mathematical Journal ( From their site, "Problems, objectives, work in progr …
20 votes

Mathematical conjectures on which applications depend

Navier Stokes equations are believed to be well-posed.
16 votes

A search for theorems which appear to have very few, if any hypotheses

Any linear bounded operator on a Hilbert space can be written as linear combination of four unitary operators.
10 votes

What are some deep theorems, and why are they considered deep?

Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) theorem in the study of perturbed Hamiltonian systems. This landmark theorem clarified a major point in the field, and answered in positive the question of existence of s …
9 votes

Open problems in PDEs, dynamical systems, mathematical physics

Dynamical systems is a huge field, with at least 3 (or more) subdisciplines which often interact with each other, but also have self-contained advances. Ergodic theory, topological dynamical systems, …
8 votes

Proofs where higher dimension or cardinality actually enabled much simpler proof?

Not a single theorem per se, but in dynamical systems, it is often very useful to translate questions about properties of a continuous system $\dot{x}=f(x)$ or discrete-time system $x_{k+1}=f(x_k)$, w …
6 votes

Open problems in mathematical physics

The following contains several open problems (as of 2001, but most are still open I believe) in topological fluid dynamics by Moffatt : Some Remarks on Topological Fluid Mechanics
4 votes

Practical applications of Sobolev spaces

Formulating optimization/control problems in Sobolev spaces often lead to better numerically conditioned problems, and more practically implementable solutions. E.g: Consider the problem of devising …
Piyush Grover's user avatar
4 votes

Most helpful math resources on the web It is a Wikipedia, for proofs.
3 votes

Where can square roots come from when they are not distances?

Polar decomposition of square matrix $A$ involves square-root of $A^*A$
3 votes

Mathematicians with both “very abstract” and “very applied” achievements

Jerrold Marsden made major contribution to symplectic geometry but also was a key contributor to problems in celestial mechanics and numerical methods.
2 votes

Online high quality colloquium talks

If applied math is allowed, here's one about invariant manifolds and interplanetary superhighway (Restricted three body problem)