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9 votes
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Topos notions coming from topology and uniqueness of generalizations

Let's note that the bifunctor $Sh \circ Op : Top \rightarrow Topos$, taking Topos as Grothendieck topoi + geometric morphisms, does not have any adjoints as discussed here on MO before. Yet we call ...
Ilk's user avatar
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G-topological spaces and locales

Consider the following generalization of topological spaces: Definition: Let $X$ be a set. A G-topology on $X$ is given by certain distinguished subsets $U \subset X$, called admissible open subsets, ...
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Do Grothendieck topoi with enough points satisfy the fan theorem internally?

Fourman and Hylland proved in the 80s that all spatial topoi satisfy the full fan theorem internally, while there are examples of localic topoi that do not satisfy it. This leads one to conjecture a ...
saolof's user avatar
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Concrete topological objects and notions in the category of locales

I have read Peter Johnstone's “The Point of Pointless Topology” and the idea that topological spaces are not quite the right abstraction for topology seems, at least philosophically, rather appealing. ...
user1892304's user avatar
7 votes
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When is a basis of a topological space a Grothendieck pretopology?

Bases of a topological space in point set topology will in general form a coverage on its category of inclusion on open subsets and on its category of inclusion on basic opens, but it takes a bit more ...
saolof's user avatar
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What's the point of a point-free locale?

In [1, example C.1.2.8], a locale $Y$ (dense in another locale $X$) without any point is given. I fail to understand the point of such point-less locale - Why can't we identify those as the trivial ...
Student's user avatar
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Does the functor $\mathrm{Sh}\colon\mathbf{Top}\to\mathbf{Topos}$ have an adjoint?

Consider the category $\mathbf{Top}$ of topological spaces, the category $\mathbf{Topos}$ of toposes and geometric morphisms, and the category $\mathbf{Loc}$ of locales. Let $$\mathrm{Sh}\colon\mathbf{...
user333306's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

In the internal language of the topos of sheaves on a topological space, can we define locally constant real-valued functions?

For the purposes of this question, in a Grothendieck topos, we will call “definable” the objects and relations obtained from the terminal object, the natural numbers object and the subobject ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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4 votes
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What does the Grothendieck topos tell us about the homotopy type of a space?

Let $M_1$, $M_2$ be two closed connected topological manifolds. We can consider the small sites of open coverings of them, and the categories of sheaves on these sites. what can we say about $M_1$ ...
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13 votes
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Configuration spaces, Ran spaces, free semilattices, Vietoris spaces and power objects

These are five important constructions and I would like to know how they are related. The $n$th unordered configuration space of a space $X$ is $$ \operatorname{UConf}_n(X):=\{\text{embeddings of $\{...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
17 votes
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Foundations of topology

I recently went to a talk of Oleg Viro where he expressed his dissatisfaction with current foundations of differential topology parallel to what has been discussed here. Also some time ago I read ...
Bananeen's user avatar
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17 votes
7 answers

Examples of toposes for analysts

I've read that toposes are extremely important in modern mathematics, but I find the definitions and examples given on the nLab page a little too abstract to understand. Can you provide some examples ...
3 votes
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Bohr topos and quantization

Bohrification is a natural way to construct a quantum "phase space" (with some nice insights on foundational problems like non-contextuality through Kochen-Specker etc). I was wondering, since we get ...
Issam Ibnouhsein's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Embedding Theorem for topological spaces, and in general

There are many examples throughout mathematics of abstracting the formal properties of a "familiar" structure, but then having a theorem stating that all models of the abstract axioms embed into one ...
Yuri Sulyma's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is there a category of topological-like spaces that forms a topos?

The category of convergence spaces generalise topological spaces and form a quasi-topos, as topoi are allegedly nicer is there a nicer kind of topological-like space, the category of which forms a ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
3 votes
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Counterexemple to Urysohn's lemma in a topos without denombrable choice ?

Hello ! The Urysohn's Lemma assert that in every topological spaces which is normal two closed subset may be separated by a real valued function. It's proof use axiom of countable choice (but not the ...
Simon Henry's user avatar
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53 votes
3 answers

Grothendieck's manuscript on topology

Edit: Infos on the current state by Lieven Le Bruyn: Edit: Just in case anyone still thinks that Grothendieck's unpublished manuscripts are (...
2 votes
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Induced pretopologies on sSet

Recall that the geometric realisation functor $| - |: sSet \to Top$ preserves products (choosing $Top = k Space$ or similar). Thus any given singleton Grothendieck pretopology on $Top$ gives rise to a ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Are finite colimits of topological spaces stable under pull-back?

The category of topological spaces has a forgetful functor to set which commutes with both small limits and colimits (it has both a left and a right adjoint). Moreover Set is a Grothendieck topos and ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
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Defining a topology by means of closed subsets in a topos

In the following we fix a topos. I'll speak of sets instead of objects and of subsets instead of subobjects. Let $X$ be a set and assume $F$ is a set of subsets of $X$ that contains $\emptyset, X$, ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar