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Questions tagged [spectral-sequences]

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Strong convergence of whole-plane spectral sequences

I am trying to understand strong convergence for whole-plane spectral sequences in the paper by J.Boardman:
Steve's user avatar
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Cohomology of double complex with exact rows

Let $(C^{p,q},d_h,d_v)$ be an unbounded double complex of modules of some algebra $A$ in an abelien category. Let $d_h,d_v$ be the horizontal and vertical differential respectively. Suppose that (1) ...
Steve's user avatar
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Strong Convergence vs Conditional Convergence for Spectral Sequences (Is there a simple explanation?)

I am curious if there is a relatively simple explanation of what is the difference between strong convergence and conditional convergence for Spectral Sequences? (Hopefully a simpler explanation than ...
yoyostein's user avatar
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non-simple local coefficient system on a fibration of classifying spaces

Long story short; I posted in MSE It is well known that if $G$ is a lie group ...
C. Zhihao's user avatar
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Can Bockstein Spectral Sequence detect multiple summands of the same power, in homology?

I understand that the differential $d^k$ of the Bockstein S.S. (mod p) is nonzero iff the homology $H_*(X;\mathbb{Z})$ has summand of the form $\mathbb{Z}/p^k$. How about for multiple summands in the ...
yoyostein's user avatar
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15 votes
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Pullback and homology

Suppose I have two maps of topological spaces, $f:X\rightarrow B$ and $g:Y\rightarrow B$, such that $f$ induces a homology isomorphism and $g$ is a fibration and $B$ is connected. Is it true that the ...
mathphys's user avatar
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Oriented Bordism Group and Un-Oriented Bordism Group of points $pt$

Do we know, or are there any References that list down complete oriented and unoriented Bordism Group $Ω_{n,O}(pt)$ and $Ω_{n,SO}(pt)$ of points $pt$ for dimensions $n=1,2,...,10$? Here are some ...
wonderich's user avatar
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15 votes
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Why is it difficult to obtain the next differential in a spectral sequence?

I am following Hatcher's notes on spectral sequences. On page 522 an exact couple $(A, E, i, j, k)$ is defined. You can construct a derived exact couple easily from this to get your desired $E'$ ...
John Smith's user avatar
10 votes
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Leray-Hirsch theorem for Dolbeault cohomology

In Bott and Tu's Differential forms in algebraic topology there is a proof of Leray-Hirsch for the De Rham cohomology. The theorem is this: Theorem (Leray-Hirsch): Let $E$ be a fiber bundle over $M$...
Max Reinhold Jahnke's user avatar
7 votes
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Adams spectral sequence for loop spaces

Let $X = \Omega_0^3S^3$ a connected component of $\Omega^3S^3$. I am interested in explicit construction of spectral sequence converging to odd prime torsion in homotopy groups of $X$. There is a ...
Samarkand's user avatar
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Functorial construction of ("pre"-)spectral sequences? (Or - what is the "higher structure" underlying spectral sequences?)

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a stable $\infty$-category. Let $Fun(\mathbb{Z},\mathcal{C})$ be the category of sequences of objects in $\mathcal{C}$. Where the category $\mathbb{Z}$ stands for the nerve of the ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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For which exact couples do associated spectral sequences degenerate at $E_1$?

It is well known that a bigraded exact couple of objects of an abelian category yields a spectral sequence (cf. My ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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How can I find the differential in the Serre spectral sequence for this sphere fibration?

Consider the assocaited sphere bundle $$S(E) \to \mathbb{P}^n$$ for the vector bundle $\mathcal{O}(k)\oplus \mathcal{O}(l) \to \mathbb{P}^n$. Is there a way to determine the differentials $$ d_4^{p,m}:...
54321user's user avatar
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hirzebruch spectral sequence for a cohomology theory on a subcategory of TOP

The answer to my question is probably going to be 'yes, sometimes'. So I'll give my motivation first. I am trying to give a short argument that for a fibration $F \hookrightarrow E \to B$ and a $\...
user062295's user avatar
6 votes
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Leray-Serre spectral sequence for algebraic groups

Let $G$ be a semisimple, simply-connected, complex algebraic group. Fix a Borel subgroup $B$ and let $P$ be a parabolic subgroup properly containing $B$. If $M$ is a $B$-module, then we have the Leray-...
Evan Wilson's user avatar
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Monodromy and simple system of local coefficients

I was interested in the following question: if one has a fibration $F\to E\to B$ there is associated a monodromy map, that is basically an action of the fundamental group $\pi_1(B)$ on the ...
Jaime's user avatar
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Adams spectral sequence and short exact sequences. Some clarifications

as the title suggests I'm looking for some clarifications in the computations of the ext charts of some $A(1)$-modules arising as extensions of other modules. In particular, I've the following example ...
Luigi M's user avatar
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Does hypercohomology of the Koszul complex compute sheaf cohomology?

Let $i:X \to \mathbb{P}^n$ be a smooth projective variety defined by the vanishing locus of polynomials $(\underline{f}) = (f_1,\ldots,f_k)$ which have degrees $>0$ and are pairwise coprime, ...
54321user's user avatar
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A spectral sequence problem in Alejandro Adem's Paper

I am reading Adem's paper Periodic Complexes and Group actions. But I can't give an argument about a statement on spectral sequences. Suppose you have an orientable fibration of CW-complexes like ...
Zhipeng Duan's user avatar
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Question about the precise statement of Leray spectral sequences and a simple example

On Bott's paper "Homogeneous vector bundles" there is the following statement of Leray spectral sequence: Let $X$ and $Y$ be paracompact and locally compact spaces and $f : Y \to X$ be a proper map....
Max Reinhold Jahnke's user avatar
7 votes
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Cohomology of Lie group $E_8$, e.g. $H^d(E_8,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})$

What is the $d$-th cohomology of a Lie group $E_8$, say $H^d(E_8,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})$ with $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient? I suppose that there are many nontrivial groups of $H^d(E_8,\mathbb{...
wonderich's user avatar
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20 votes
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Torsion in the Atiyah–Hirzebruch spectral sequence of a classifying space

Let $G$ be a compact, connected Lie group. There is an Atiyah–Hirzebruch spectral sequence $$H^*(BG;K^*) \implies K^*(BG)$$ connecting $H^*BG$, which generally contains torsion, with $K^*BG \cong \...
jdc's user avatar
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Connected topological/Lie group $H$ and $Q$, inflate $Q$-cocycle to coboundary in $H$

I am interested in finding mathematical examples and criteria of inflating $Q$-cocycle to coboundary in $H$, under the requirement: (1) Both $H$ and $Q$ are connected topological groups or Lie groups (...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
5 votes
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Spectral sequences coming from filtrations (Postnikov systems) in triangulated categories: references and convergence

Let $c^i: M^{\ge i+1}\to M^{\ge i}$ for $i\in \mathbb{Z}$ be an sequence of morphisms in a triangulated category $C$ and assume that $M^{\ge i}$ are equipped with compatible morphisms into an object $...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Functoriality of Leray homology spectral sequences of fibrations

Let $p\colon E\to B$ and $p'\colon E'\to B'$ be two fibrations. Assume for simplicity that $B,B'$ are simply connected. Let we have morphism of these fibrations, i.e. two continuous maps $$f\colon E\...
asv's user avatar
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Spectral sequence of Galois cohomology over local fields

On page 530 in his paper, Notes on etale cohomology of number fields, Ann. Scient. ENS (1973), Mazur insisted that $$ \text{Ext}^q_{G_K} (M,~\bar{K}^*) \...
user1225's user avatar
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Relating inflation maps from spectral sequences in lower and higher dimensions

The spectral sequence has some nice property. Consider $ N \to G \overset{R}{\to} Q $ and $G/N=Q$. There is a spectral sequence $\{E^{p,q}_n, d_n\}$ with: (i) The differential is defined as a map $...
wonderich's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is this sequence of Lie algebra cohomology a part of spectral sequence?

There is an exact sequence $$0 \to H^2(\mathfrak{g}, k) \to H^1(\mathfrak{g}, \mathfrak{g}^*) \to H^0(\mathfrak{g}, S^2\mathfrak{g}) \xrightarrow{d} H^3(\mathfrak{g}, k) \to H^2(\mathfrak{g}, \...
evgeny's user avatar
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Empty regions on the second list of unstable Adams spectral sequence

Define $\phi(n) = 4n - 2$. Is there a proof that on the second list of unstable Adams spectral sequence (for all spheres) there are no elements in squares $(n, m)$ such that $m < \phi(n)$. The ...
Samarkand's user avatar
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Adams Spectral sequence for computing some $B$-bordism groups

As the title suggests, I'm trying to apply the Adams Spectral sequence to get some insights of the bordism group $$ \Omega_4(\xi)= \pi_4(M\xi)$$ where $\xi \colon BSpin \times K(D_{2n},1) \to BSO$ is ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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7 votes
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Mayer Vietoris Spectral sequence for topological K theory

In Sheaf theory one can obtain the Mayer Vietoris spectral sequence for cohomology. For $\mathcal{U}$ an open cover of $X$ we get the convergence $E_2^{pq} = \check H^p(\mathcal{U},H^q(-,F)) \...
InfiniteLooper's user avatar
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Arbitrarily non-degenerate Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence

It is true that for any $n$ there exists a compact complex manifold which Frolicher spectral sequence does not degenerate at the $n$-th page( Does the analogous ...
SashaP's user avatar
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Building examples of elements of $\Omega_4(\xi)$ via surgery theory: how to do it?

When computing special bordism groups, I often need to determine existence of (singular) smooth $4$-manifolds with fixed fundamental group and certain properties like the spin behaviour (i.e. being ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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Computation of $\Omega^{Pin-}_{d}(B\mathbb{Z}_2)$ and Smith isomorphism

question: I am looking for the literature with the result or the computation of Pin- bordism group: $\Omega^{Pin-}_{d}(B\mathbb{Z}_2)$. Can someone point out some useful ways to do this or any helpful ...
wonderich's user avatar
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The inability to continue a fibration sequence even when a delooping exists

$\newcommand{\i}{\iota}$ The general notion that I am trying to disprove is that if we are given a fibration $X \to Y$ with fiber $F$ such that the delooping $BF$ exists, that there is a map $Y \to BF$...
Hari Rau-Murthy's user avatar
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Spin bordism group of classifying space $BG$ with a finite Abelian $G$

The spin bordism group for the classifying space $BG$ of group $G$ can be denoted as $\Omega^{Spin}_d(BG)$. For example, $\Omega^{Spin}_d(pt)$ are computed by Anderson-Brown-Peterson (D. W. Anderson, ...
miss-tery's user avatar
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Inflate a finite-group cocycle into coboundary in non-Abelian groups

Edit: In case that there is no solution for the original question, I modify to enrich the question. We like to ask a possible specific inflation a $H^3(Q, \mathbb{R} /\mathbb{Z})$ cocycle with a ...
miss-tery's user avatar
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Trivialize a cup-product 2-cocycle of $G$ in a larger group $J$

I like to ask a simple question: how to trivialize a cup-product 2-cocycle of $G$ into a 2-coboundary of $J$ in a larger group $J$. Let us take a nontrivial 2-cocycle $\omega_3^G(g_a, g_b) \in H^2(G,\...
miss-tery's user avatar
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Trivialize a cocycle of a continuous Lie group-cohomology to a coboundary

Someone recently asks a question $SO(3)$ 2-cocycle trivialized to a 2-coboundary in $SU(2)$? now inspires me to revisit an earlier general question to ask an example of 3-cocycle $\omega_3^G$ of a ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Trivialize a cup-product 3-cocycle of $G$ in a larger group $J$

Inspired by this question, let us take a nontrivial 3-cocycle $\omega_3^G(g_a, g_b, g_c) \in H^3(G,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})$ in the cohomology group of $G$ with $U(1)=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient. ...
miss-tery's user avatar
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$SO(3)$ 2-cocycle trivialized to a 2-coboundary in $SU(2)$?

I was trying to understand this interesting question by example. Let me follow their previous discussion and ask: Let a generic nontrivial 2-cocycle $\omega_2^G(g_1,g_2) \in H^2(G,\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{...
miss-tery's user avatar
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6 votes
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References for properties of Atiyah-Hirzebruch Spectral Sequence for a spectrum $X$ and generalised homology theory $MSpin_*$

Currently I'm working on the following version of the AHSS $$ E^2_{pq}\cong H_p(M\eta; MSpin_q(\ast))\Rightarrow MSpin_{p+q}(M\eta)$$ where $\eta \colon B \to BSO$ is a stable vector bundle, and $M\...
Luigi M's user avatar
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Cohomology of fiber bundles with non constant coefficients

Let $E \to B$ be a topological fiber bundle. We know that the Serre spectral sequence allows you to compute the cohomology of $E$ with constant coefficient in terms of the cohomology of $F$ and the ...
cannonball's user avatar
7 votes
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$G$ cocycle split to a coboundary in $J$, via a group extension

Consider a generic nontrivial $d$-cocycle $\omega_d^G \in H^d(G,U(1))$ in the cohomology group of a group $G$ with $U(1)=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient. In otherwords, here the $d$-cocycle $\...
wonderich's user avatar
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11 votes
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Identification of a Serre Spectral Seq. via Thom Isomorphism with the Atiyah-Hirzebruch Spectral Seq

Let $\xi_n$ be an orientable $n$-dimensional vector bundle over a pointed space $B_n$. We can consider the relative Serre Spectral Sequence $$ H_p(B_n; h_q(D(\xi_n|\ast),S(\xi_n|\ast))\Rightarrow h_{p+...
Riccardo's user avatar
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$G$ cocycle split and trivialized to a coboundary in $J$, given a group homomorphism $J \overset{r}{\rightarrow} G$

Consider a generic nontrivial 3-cocycle $\omega_3^G(g_1,g_2,g_3) \in H^3(G,U(1))$ in the cohomology group of $G$ with $U(1)=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient. In otherwords, here the 3-cocycle $\...
wonderich's user avatar
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Explicit 2-cocycle from a 2nd cohomology group $H^2[Q_8 \times \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}, U(1)]$

I would like to know the explicit expression of 2-cocycle from a 2nd cohomology group $H^2[Q_8 \times \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}, U(1)]$ with $U(1)\equiv \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ coefficient, or namely $H^2[...
wonderich's user avatar
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Is there a spectral sequence for borel-moore homology associated to a whitney filtration?

Consider a Whitney stratified space $$ \varnothing = X_{-1} \subseteq X_0 \subseteq X_1 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq X_n $$ is there a spectral sequence for borel-moore homology which depends on the ...
54321user's user avatar
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A version of Leray Hirsch better for local coefficients

Let $F \hookrightarrow E \to B$ be a fibration, and let everything be over a field $k$. The leray hirsch theorem in its usual form says that the (homology) cohomology spectral sequence degenerates at (...
Hari Rau-Murthy's user avatar
5 votes
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Reference request: a Künneth spectral sequence map from equivariant K-theory to cohomology

The analogue of the Künneth formula for Borel $G$-equivariant cohomology can be obtained as the Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence of a pullback $\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} (X \times Y)_G @...
jdc's user avatar
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