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Tangle hypothesis and ribbon category

The tangle hypothesis, when specialized to ordinary framed tangles, says that the framed tangles form the free braided category with all duals (i.e. considered as a 3-category, all the 1- and 2-...
Trebor's user avatar
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A question about q-binomials at roots of unity

I have a question about a lemma $9.3.6$ in the book A Guide to Quantum Groups written by Vyjayanthi Chari and Andrew Pressley. This question comes from page 301, "The restricted specialization&...
fusheng's user avatar
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Braidings on Temperley-Lieb Category

Let $k$ be a field, and let $q\in k^{\times}$. We can then consider the Temperley-Lieb category $TL(q)$. The objects of $TL(q)$ are the non-negative integers, and morphisms are roughly isotopy classes ...
JeCl's user avatar
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Simple highest weight modules of quantum affine algebras

Let $U_q(\hat{\mathfrak g})$ be a quantum affine algebra, and let $L$ be an integrable simple highest weight module of $U_q(\hat{\mathfrak g})$. In [Lu], Lusztig proved that the limit of $L$ when $q\...
qweqwe's user avatar
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Is algebra: ac=ca, bd = db , ad - da = cb - bc ("Manin matrix algebra") - a Koszul algebra?

Question: Consider quadratic algebra with four generators $a,b,c,d,d$ and three relations $ac=ca,bd = db, ad-da = cb - bc$ . Is it a Koszul algebra ? (i.e. Koszul complex is resolution of ground field ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
21 votes
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Examples when quantum $q$ equals to arithmetic $q$

First, as a disclaimer, I should say that this post is not about any specific propositions, but is more of some philosophical flavor. In the world of quantum mathematics, the letter $q$ is a standard ...
Estwald's user avatar
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Reasons about the difference between twisted affine algebras of $A_{2l}$ and other types

I am reading about Kac–Moody algebras. I have a question about the construction of twisted affine algebras. Let $\sigma$ be a graph automorphism of the simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. When $\...
fusheng's user avatar
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When does Morita equivalence between two Hopf-von Neumann algebras imply also equivalence of their categories of comodules?

Let $A$ and $B$ be two Hopf-von Neumann (bi)algebras. Furthermore, let us assume that we know that they are Morita equivalent as von Neumann algebras (i.e. their categories of appropriate ...
szantag's user avatar
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Fusion categories with $\mathrm{PSU}(2)_k$ fusion rules

Let $R_k$ be a fusion ring with $\mathrm{SU}(2)_k$ fusion rules (or equivalently $A_{k+1}$ fusion rules). All fusion categories with such fusion rules have been classified by Frohlich and Kerler in ...
Gert's user avatar
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Generalized Wigner 3-j symbol and Legendre functions

Let $P_{n}(x)$ the $n-th$ Legendre polynomial. It is well-knonw that $$\int_{-1}^1 P_n(x) P_m(x) P_h(x) \, dx=2\left(\begin{array}{ccc} n & m & h\\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array}\right)^{2}\tag{...
User's user avatar
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Quantum group associated to a reductive group

In most of the classical references about quantum groups, these objects are defined as a one-parameter deformation of the universal enveloping algebra. However, I have read in several papers that it ...
jeykey's user avatar
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What is the ring structure on Lusztig's integral form of quantum $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$?

Consider the quantum group $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$, with generators $E,F,K$ such that $[E,F]=\frac{K-K^{-1}}{q-q^{-1}}$. Write $[n]=\frac{q^n-q^{-n}}{q-q^{-1}}$, and $[n]!=[n][n-1]\dotsm[1]$. In ...
Alvaro Martinez's user avatar
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parameter of a quantum group

I am currently learning about quantum groups, and I got a question about how two different ways of thinking the $q$-parameter of quantum groups are related to each other. Here by a quantum group, I ...
Ji Woong Park's user avatar
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Is there a classical version of Yetter-Drinfeld modules?

One motivation for the notion of the Drinfeld double $D(H)$ of an Hopf algebra $H$ is that it is defined exactly so that modules over $D(H)$ correspond to Yetter-Drinfeld modules over $H$. If we think ...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
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Reference request: decomposability of $\mathbb{G}$-Hilbert modules

Let $\mathbb{G}$ be a compact quantum group, $B$ be a $C^*$-algebra together with a right action $$\beta: B \to B\otimes C(\mathbb{G})$$ which is a non-degenerate $*$-homomorphism satisfying $(\beta \...
J. De Ro's user avatar
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Finite-dimensional representations of quantum $SU(2)$

The most famous of all the quantum groups is $SU_q(2)$ - the Quantum special unitary group. The irreducible comodules of this quantum group are very well understood - they are labelled by integers (or ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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On the definition of the Cherednik algebra of a variety with a finite group action

Let $X$ be a connected complex smooth affine variety, acted on by a finite group $G$. We define a reflection hypersurface $(Y,g)$ as a smooth codimension one subvariety $Y\subset X$ which is fixed by $...
FPV's user avatar
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PBW basis for the quantized enveloping Lie algebra of $\mathfrak{g}_2$

I would like to know if you have any reference where I can find the canonical PBW basis for $U_q(\mathfrak{g}_2),$ computed using the action of the braid group as defined by Luzstig. Alternatively I ...
Ambrogio Brambilla's user avatar
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Dimensions of centralizers in quantum Lie algebras associated to $\mathfrak{sl}_n$

Following ideas of Woronowicz, Lyubaschenko and Sudbery defined in Quantum Lie algebras of type $A_n$ the notion of a quantum Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}_n$. Let me focus on the case where $q$ is not a ...
Libli's user avatar
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Calculating fusion rules for $\operatorname{Rep}(G)$ and $G_{k}$ [reference request]

Could somebody please direct me to textbooks / literature that (perhaps lay the foundations for and) detail the method for determining the fusion rules for categories such as $\operatorname{Rep}(G)$ ...
Meths's user avatar
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How to understand a definition in KLR algebra in the setting of quantum affine algebras?

I am trying to figure out what should the following definition correspond to in the setting of quantum affine algebra: $$ X \circ Y = Ind_{\beta, \gamma}^{\beta+\gamma} X \boxtimes Y \quad (1) $$ This ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Quantum groups at small roots of 1

I wonder if there is any literature about representations of quantum groups at a root of 1 of small order. For example, I would like to understand the case of $\mathrm{SL}(2)$ and $q=-1$ (in the ...
Alexander Braverman's user avatar
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Drinfel'd polynomials for evaluation representations of $\mathbf{U}_q(\mathbf{L}\mathfrak{g})$?

We know for type $A$, there is an evaluation homomorphism from quantum affine algebra to quantum algebra, $$\operatorname{ev}_a:\mathbf{U}_q(\mathbf{L}\mathfrak{g})\to \mathbf{U}_q(\mathfrak{g})$$ for ...
Cubic Bear's user avatar
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Subrepresentations of C*-algebraic compact quantum groups

Let $\mathbb{G}$ be a compact quantum group with function algebra $(C(\mathbb{G}), \Delta)$ (in the sense of Woronowicz). Let $X \in M(B_0(H) \otimes C(\mathbb{G}))$ be a (possibly infinite-...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Relative strength of Jones and colored Jones polynomials

this is my first post here. I've been studying some Knot Theory and I came to a question concerning invariants. We know that the Jones polynomial is related to the RT-invariant associated to the two-...
Igor Blatt's user avatar
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The adjoint representation of $U_q({\frak sl}_2)$ on itself

Let $U_q(\frak{sl}_2)$ denote the quantum universal enveloping algebra of $\frak{sl}_2$, and consider the adjoint action $$ \mathrm{ad}_X: U_q({\frak sl}_2) \to U_q({\frak sl}_2), ~~ Y \mapsto S(X_{(...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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On the order of the head of product of two simple modules over Quiver Hecke Algebras

My question is: We assume the underlying quiver is a Dynkin quiver. Let $L(\lambda)$ and $L(\mu)$ be two simple modules over Quiver Hecke algebra $R$ where $\lambda$ and $\mu$ are two Konstant ...
Yingjin Bi's user avatar
13 votes
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Representations of $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}(2))$ as differential / difference operators

$\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ (over $\mathbb{C}$) with basis $E_\pm, H$ with commutation relations $$ [H,E_{\pm}]=\pm 2 E_\pm,\quad [E_+,E_-]=H $$ admits the well-known representation on $\mathbb{C}[x]$ with $$ ...
Yamero's user avatar
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Tensor representations of the quantum algebra $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}(2))$ at the roots of unity

I'm trying to understand how the representation theory of $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}(2))$ works and I had a look to some books and lecture notes available on the internet. The case of $q^m\neq1$ is discussed ...
pomello gaudente's user avatar
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Name for a Hopf algebra admitting no non-trivial 1-dimensional comodule

A Hopf algebra is called pointed if all its simple left (or right) comodules are one-dimensional. See for example this question for a discussion. Now every Hopf algebra $H$ admits a one-dimensional ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Matrix coefficients of a compact quantum group

Let $(A, \Delta)$ be a $C^*$-algebraic compact quantum group (in the sense of Woronowicz). Definition: A corepresentation matrix of $(A, \Delta)$ is a matrix $a=(a_{i,j}) \in M_n(A)$ such that $$\...
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Positivity of Schur elements in Iwahori-Hecke algebras

I'm interested in finite Iwahori-Hecke algebras. If $\mathcal{H}$ is such a Hecke algebra, defined over $\mathbb{Z}[q^{\pm 1/2}]$, and $\Lambda$ an irreductible representation, there is the notion of ...
AThomas's user avatar
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Non-cosemisimple duals of pointed Hopf algebras

I take the following quote from an answer to this question A Hopf algebra is called pointed if all its simple left (or right) comodules are one-dimensional. The quantized enveloping algebras and ...
Piet Bongers's user avatar
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Hopf algebra antipodes and right left comodule equivalences

Given a Hopf algebra $H$, denote by ${}^H\mathrm{mod}$ the category of left $H$-comodules, and by $\mathrm{mod}^H$ the category of right $H$-comodules. If the antipode $S$ of $H$ is invertible then we ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Conceptual proof of braid group actions on quantum groups

Roughly 1990, Lusztig wrote a series of papers on quantum groups. Perhaps the result that the braid groups acts on $U_q(\mathfrak{g})$ is the proof which is least conceptual. The original paper ...
Cubic Bear's user avatar
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Interpolated simple integral fusion categories of Lie type

$\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL} \DeclareMathOperator\Rep{Rep}$The idea motivating this post is that there should exist a global understanding of the unitary fusion categories $\Rep(G(q))$, with $G(q)$ ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Coinvariants of tensor products of Hopf algebras

Let $G$ be a Hopf algebra, considered as a right $G$-comodule in the obvious way. The axioms of Hopf algebras imply that $$ G^{\operatorname{coinv}(G)} == \{g \in G : \Delta(g) = g \otimes 1\} = \...
Todd Claymore's user avatar
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Irreducibility of product bicomodules

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra, and $V$ and $W$ a left, and a right, $H$-comodule respectively. The tensor product $$ V \otimes W $$ has an obvious $H$-$H$-bicomodule structure. If $V$ and $W$ are ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Classification of $\operatorname{Rep}D(H)$

Question Let $H$ be a finite dimensional complex Hopf algebra and $D(H)$ its quantum double. Can we classify the simple objects in $\operatorname{Rep}D(H)$ if the representations of $H$ are well-...
Student's user avatar
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Quantum Hamiltonian reduction and tensor products

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero, $\mathfrak{g}$ a finite-dimensional Lie algebra over $k$, and let $A,B$ associative $k$-algebras. Suppose that $\mathfrak{g}$ acts on $A$ and $B$, and ...
freeRmodule's user avatar
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Characters on Hopf algebras

For any algebra $A$, a character for $A$ is a non-zero algebra map $c:A \to \mathbb{C}$. For $H$ be a Hopf algebra, a character is given by $\epsilon:H \to \mathbb{C}$ the counit of $H$. I am looking ...
Fofi Konstantopoulou's user avatar
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Drinfeld center of a braided category

Suppose I have a braided monoidal category $\mathcal{C}$. I specifically am interested in the case where $\mathcal{C}$ is the category of finite-dimensional modules of a quantum group, say $\mathcal{U}...
Calvin McPhail-Snyder's user avatar
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Classification of $\operatorname{Rep} D(G)$

Let $G$ be a finite group and $D(G)$ its quantum double. Its finite dimensional complex representations are classified in this Dijkgraaf et al. Quasi-Quantum Groups Related To Orbifold Models. However,...
Student's user avatar
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A submodule of a tensor product of $U_q^{\prime}(\mathfrak{g})$-modules

Does anyone have a proof for the following Lemma? Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra over $\mathbb{C}$ and $U_q^{\prime}(\mathfrak{g})$ be the quantum affine algebra over $\...
cl4y70n____'s user avatar
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Drinfeld Polynomial for Yangian $Y(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$

I am looking for a direct proof that a highest weight representation of $Y(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ is finite-dimensional if its highest weight is determined by a Drinfeld polynomial. The results was ...
Zhihua Chang's user avatar
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Why are the quantum Fock spaces in FLOTW the same as Uglov's?

Theorem 2.5 in the well-known FLOTW paper [1] and Theorem 2.1 in Uglov's paper [2] both refer to the original JMMO paper [3] to define quantum Fock spaces, i.e. Fock spaces for $U_q(\widehat{\...
Chris Schoennenbeck's user avatar
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Indecomposable, non-simple, modules of quantum groups at roots of unity

Let us consider the quantum group $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ (as defined in Kassel's book on quantum groups), for $q$ being a root of unity of order $d$ (i.e., $d$ is the smallest positive integer for ...
Konstantinos Kanakoglou's user avatar
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Highest-$\ell$-weight tensor products and diagram subalgebras

Let $U_q(\mathcal{L}({\mathfrak{g}}))$ be a quantum loop algebra and $I$ the set of indexes of Dynking diagram of $\mathfrak{g}$. Consider $J\subset I$ a connected subdiagram, so that $U_q(\mathcal{L}(...
cl4y70n____'s user avatar
11 votes
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Quantum groups and deformations of the monoidal category of $U(\frak{g})$-modules

In the first answer for this question is writen, about the braided category of representation of the enveloping algebra $U(\frak{g})$, for $\frak{g}$ a semisimple Lie algebra: The space of ...
Bas Winkelman's user avatar
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Quantum groups at $q=-1$

For a Drinfeld--Jimbo quantized enveloping algebra $U_q(\frak{g})$, it is standard knowledge that the categories of modules are very different in the $q$ a root of unity, and $q$ not a root of unity ...
Bas Winkelman's user avatar